Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 281: Already Have A Script

Things like shows are all filmed for others to watch, and the audience doesn't know what is behind your screen.

So as long as there is a good person, you can get praise right away!

After receiving these stars, the director asked the choreographer next to him.

"What about those who deliver the express? The celebrities are here, they haven't arrived yet, why? The shelf is bigger than the celebrities?"

When the director heard it, the director's tone was not very good!

He quickly said in a whisper: "I have sent someone to pick it up!"

"It's a few courier brothers I found nearby..."

After that, he gave the list to the director.

The director took a look, Da Hulu and Tang Ke!

Of course, the director does not know him, but this arrangement is indeed a bit surprising.

I was too lazy to see them both here, the director said lazily: "Let them come quickly!"

The director also hurriedly urged the driver at this time.


On the other side, on a Wuling Hongguang, Da Hulu and Tang Ke were sitting here chatting.

That's right...

It is a luxury car that receives stars!

It was this kind of broken van that received Tang Ke and the others.

After all, there is still a gap between people. It’s not that anyone who wants to ride a luxury car can get a luxury car.

It also reflects the show's contempt for Tang Ke and the others.

Da Hulu was extremely excited at this time.

Since the last incident, Da Hulu has respected Tang Ke.

And the relationship with Tang Ke is even closer!

In front of Tang Ke, he no longer dared to show what he was like before.

There is still a little excitement at this time!

He said happily: "Unexpectedly, I can participate in this kind of star show!"

"After I go back, I must show off!"

"I've been pointing to this bragging all my life! Hahaha..."

Da Hulu was chosen by the choreographer, but it was actually completely recommended by Tang Ke.

At that time, he asked Tang Ke if he had a good candidate to recommend, and Tang Ke talked about the big gourd.

"That's Huang Jiao and Dick... Top female stars! Hahaha..."

With that said, the saliva of the big gourd is about to flow down!

beauty! beauty!

Tang Ke couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

Tang Ke was still thinking about this show at this time.

"This show may not be that simple..."

"I went to watch this show just now. Every time I shoot, it's very unfriendly to the people at the bottom."

Tang Ke only knew about this program and hadn't watched it. Because he participated in the program, he went to watch it specially.

It doesn't matter if I look at it, I found a lot of problems after reading it.

The ordinary people and poor people here are simply clowns, and they are madly abused.

Seeing this scene, Tang Ke felt that he didn't want to come, but he couldn't regret what he had promised.

Fortunately, Tang Ke almost guessed everything after watching this previous show.

How would these directors and choreographers treat themselves?

Tang Ke now wants to find a way to go back!

did not expect……

Hearing Tang Ke's reminder, Da Hulu's face was indifferent.

"I don't think it matters!"

"Anyway, I was an ordinary person, and I despised it when I was despised by their celebrities."

"The clown is just a clown, and I can still be on TV!"

"This is also an honor anyway, right? Hahaha..."

The corner of Tang Ke's mouth rose slightly.

Hey, this big gourd is still the one who bullies the soft and fears the hard.

But Tang Ke will not be like a big gourd, easily surrendering!

If the program team dares to pit Tang Ke, Tang Ke will definitely return it a hundred times!

Tang Keben was not a person who followed the script.

Soon, Tang Ke and Da Hulu arrived at the shooting scene.

The director had already waited impatiently, and said angrily: "What's the matter?"

"Why are you here so late?"

He looks aloof, as if he is the only one in charge here.

The choreographer quickly let Tang Ke and Da Hulu go up.

Before Tang Ke got off the car, he was wearing a mask and uniform, so few people noticed.

This was also made by Tang Ke deliberately, otherwise the audience would be sharp-eyed and would definitely recognize him as an actor in a TV series with the domineering president.

Soon I started preparing for shooting.

The director didn't pay attention to Tang Ke at all, and was all staring at these stars.

Haughtily said: "The recording of this show takes a special way!"

"In order to cater to the launch of our mobile software, the entire shooting process must be shot!"

"Moreover, we have to adopt a live broadcast method to broadcast!"

"So everyone does it hard for me!"

Before the director asked these people to pay 12 points of attention, it was necessary to pay attention to this.

The way they work now, but they will be seen by many viewers.

"You guys, hurry up!"

The director gave an order, and several photographers immediately followed up with several celebrities and Tang Ke.

Several stars greeted each other, although they seemed very calm.

But they are secretly fighting at this moment.

Both Dick and Huang Jiao wanted to prove that they were the most beautiful.

Xie Feng and Yang Kie also wanted to prove themselves!


At this moment, Da Hulu went straight up and asked a few people for autographs!


Tang Ke almost laughed, saying that this time it is the celebrity and the courier PK?

Is there any difference between you and surrendering first?

Although several celebrities signed him, the contempt in his eyes was almost visible.

Hey... a shame.

"Okay! Start recording!"

The director gave an order and started recording immediately.

The director is still happy to see Da Hulu like this, and what he wants is this kind of effect.

The host began to welcome everyone on the stage, welcome the audience, and walk in.

Barabara’s beginning introduces various things.

Say what stars come to experience life or something.

Tang Ke simply looked contemptuous.

They can also be regarded as experiencing life?

Tang Ke is dissatisfied with this system!

It took a long time for the ink to finally get to the point.

Start sending express!

"This time the express delivery will be delivered in a timed manner!"

"Six guests send things to six communities! If you don't deliver it within the time or if there is an error, you will fail and deduct points!"

It was a very simple project.


The director suddenly smiled badly.

"By the way, these six communities are carefully selected by us! Couriers are not allowed to enter the door!"


Several other stars pretended to be surprised.

Of course, they came to the show.

The script! Without pre-arrangement, how could it be called a script?

What high-end community, secret community, are they big stars afraid of?

Basically, few people in Yangcheng don't recognize themselves. Although they can't show their faces by then, they can be recognized by their voices! Just go in!

So this test is actually embarrassing Tang Ke and Da Hulu.

Because they are really couriers, it is difficult to enter these communities.

At this time, in the mobile phone live broadcast software, the audience of this program has been increasing.

Soon there were 300,000 people, and the number is still rising!

Barrage is also a variety of takeoffs.

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