Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 282 The Crazy World

On the barrage.

"Stars deliver express! Interesting!"

"Huang Jiao, such a big beauty, has gone to deliver the courier? This courier costume looks beautiful on her!"

"Huh? Why is one of the courier brothers' tricycles different?"

Everyone quickly noticed Tang Ke's thunder and lightning tricycle in the camera.

After all, the masters are among the people, and many people are well-informed.

Someone immediately stepped forward to popularize science.

"Damn! This is a thunder and lightning tricycle, a tricycle worth more than three million!"



Shocked inside the barrage!

Is a tricycle so expensive?

"Is this car prepared by the courier himself? Isn't this too rich?"

"The show crew certainly doesn't prepare such expensive things! If you really prepare, it will definitely be for the stars!"


"Isn't it just a tricycle? People Xie Feng said to buy one, just buy one!"


After all, everyone in this show is still rushing to these stars.

Soon, everyone's attention shifted away from Tang Ke.

Six couriers were put in the hands of six people and set off!

Several people ran out to deliver the courier with a serious face. The scene was extremely happy.

There was a lot of hahahahaha emotion immediately on the barrage.


Soon, a few celebrities arrived at the district where the express delivery was to be delivered.

Just going in...

The security immediately stopped them.

"Wait, no courier can come in!"

These people are all riding motorcycles, only Tang Ke is a tricycle.

Wearing motorcycle helmets, the stars are naturally not recognized.

This is also the arrangement of the program group.

Huang Jiao coughed slightly, and then said coquettishly: "Let me in, Brother Security!"

I thought that what this voice said would definitely be recognized by the security...

did not expect……

The security didn't recognize it at all!

In other words, the security guards do not believe that these celebrities can come to deliver the express!

Originally, when these stars are filming, they rarely use their original voices.

Even if it is used, it is the sound produced by the microphone and audio.

Such a voice is different from the original voice.

In addition, the security guards did not expect that these people would come to deliver the courier, and no one recognized it.

A bunch of stars...

Just dumbfounded!

This is not the same as the script I thought!

Yang Kie couldn't help but said angrily, "Are there any mistakes, you don't know me?"

Dick is also selling cute: "Brother, let me in!"



These security guards don't give this face at all!

Just kidding, the show team carefully selected, how could it be so simple to let you in?

Huang Jiao saw that there was really no other way!


"Well, I won't pretend, I'm going to showdown! Originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but in exchange for alienation, I am the superstar Huang Jiao!"

I thought the security would ask for a signature immediately.

did not expect……

The security snorted.

"You said you were you? Can Huang Jiao come to deliver the courier?"

"Don't say anything else, if you can take off your helmet!"

Huang Jiao suddenly lost her temper... the show crew wouldn't let it be picked!

The security continued to speak.

"Huang Jiao's voice is so much better than yours! Don't pretend it!"

Huang Jiao...

Look speechless!

Some people in the live broadcast room are still watching jokes, and Huang Jiao's fans have quit.

Angrily lay down his mood.

"The security guard has no eyes to know Taishan!"

"I'm going to the security guard, Human Flesh, dare to say that to our Huang Jiao!"


In fact, not only Huang Jiao, but other celebrities all overturned at this time!

After the tossing, they found that what they encountered was completely different from the script!

"Hahaha... Pretend to be overturned!"

"Are they security guards really not watching entertainment?"

"They are all wearing helmets, so I definitely can't recognize them..."

"Maybe you are going over the wall and get in?"

Just at this time……

A barrage came over suddenly.

"Look at the courier No. 5! There is a surprise!"

The courier that Tang Ke delivered here was actually Zhong Ling's community!

It was the one that had tens of billions of property, and once wanted to give Tang Ke money to let Tang Ke join the family!

When Tang Ke arrived here, he was indeed stopped by security.

But Zhong Ling happened to be passing by!

Although Tang Ke is wearing a mask, he is the one who has seen Tang Ke after all.

This kind of temperament on the body and the figure, as well as this dreamlike voice.

Zhong Ling shouted happily.

"It's you!"

Tang Ke...hearing this voice, he looked back.

A chill in my heart...

It's over...I have met too many beauties, and now you can meet the beauties who like you when you just walk around!

Like a rabbit, Zhong Ling immediately hopped to Tang Ke's side.

Tang Ke was held in one hand.

"This is really fate! We met again!"

"I won't let you go this time! I must take you home!"

I saw this guest No. 5, a courier guy.

I was actually stopped by a super beauty of the goddess level, and even made something like a confession!

The audience was completely dumbfounded!

"Damn! This girl is so beautiful!"

"This girl is more beautiful than a star, right?"

"I like her!"

"Is this beauty arranged by the director team?"

"Impossible, this fifth brother is a courier, if it is really arranged, it is also for the star!"

"I think they are lying to me to deliver the courier..."


This barrage has been messed up.

Zhong Ling didn't care about these at all, and continued to talk.

"Do you still not accept my dad's conditions? If you become my boyfriend, this community will belong to you!"

"I can still give you several villas!"

Listen to the barrage...

Even more dumbfounded!

"Damn! This is too awesome, right?"

"A courier guy, was forced to marry by Bai Fumei when he was delivering the courier?"

"I don't believe you that this is not a script!"

"I want to cry..."

"How can the script be written like this? It's too outrageous, okay?"


At this time, it is not only these audiences who are stunned.

Even the show crew is dumbfounded!

Neither the director nor the director did not expect this to happen!

The director took a long time before he finally opened his mouth.

"Where did you find someone? Who did you find over here?"

"Do you know he is so awesome?"

The choreographer spreads his hands...

"Don't ask me... I don't know anything..."

I don't know how to describe this magical operation in front of me.

Everyone didn't know at this time, the most magical thing was about to happen now!

Tang Ke looked serious and spoke righteously.

"Sorry! I refuse!"


After a while of silence, heated discussions broke out!


"It's awesome!"

"Is there really no problem with this courier brother?"

"Refused to post? This world is crazy..."

"What do you want to see from the celebrity? I want to see it, or look here!"

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