Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 289 See You Tomorrow

Han Ru was shocked.

This girlfriend... is Shangguan Wan'er?

If so, what are these two people doing? Will the relationship go further?

Never allow this to happen!

"No! It must be delivered! Now! Otherwise I complain!"

Han Ru said firmly.

Da Hulu was a little curious when he heard Han Ru's nice voice.

"Why? I can send it too! I'll be quick!"

"You are so ugly, it affects my mood!"

Han Ru said without hesitation.

Big gourd... his face is depressed!

Depend on!

What a handsome guy?


There is no other way but to discuss with Tang Ke.

After all, Da Hulu doesn't want to receive complaints about wage deductions this month.

Tang Ke was indeed dating Shangguan Wan'er, and the two were still sweet at this time.

"Big Gourd, what's wrong?"

"Is such that……"

Da Hulu told the story of the incident and sold it miserably.

"As long as this list is completed, I will give you an afternoon holiday!"

"You play whatever you want!"

Before Tang Ke spoke, Shangguan Wan'er spoke first.

"You have been with me for a long time these days..."

"I'm very happy to be able to do this, you can go to your business...I don't want to delay your career."

Such a caring girlfriend!

Tang Ke is so touched!

Touched Shangguan Wan'er's little head.

Tang Ke said confidently: "Wait! I'll be back in half an hour!"

Jumping on the tricycle, Tang Ke rushed to the courier point, took things to the villa!

Tang Ke sighed when he entered the villa area.

This villa area is tall and elegant!


"Your express has arrived!"

Tang Ke reminded him with a walkie-talkie at the door of the villa.

"come in."

Click... the door opened...

Tang Ke looked dumbfounded...

How is this going?

The courier of this kind of villa is usually delivered directly at the door!

Or the servant came to get it!

After all, the courier is an outsider, and rich people are not willing to let the courier in!

After this came in, what happened was unpredictable!


Why can't a servant see this?

With suspicion, Tang Ke slowly entered the villa.

did not expect……

A benevolent wife appeared in front of Tang Ke!

This is a beautiful woman with absolutely mature temperament!

Han Ru, at this moment, was looking at Tang Ke with a smile on his face.

Tang Ke felt that this matter was a little strange in his heart.

Didn’t it mean that this female client was bothersome and arrogant?

I had a bad temper when I was on the phone, and it turned out...

It doesn't look like this now!

Could it be that there is a problem with the news given by Da Hulu?

This beautiful woman looks very kind!

Han Ru pulled Tang Ke over and said enthusiastically, "Brother, can you chat with me for a while?"

Tang Ke...

When did I become a chat partner?

"Sorry, I can't!"

Tang Ke thought that Shangguan Wan'er was still waiting for him, and immediately spoke righteously.

Although the woman in front of him is very beautiful, Tang Ke still has his own bottom line!


Han Ru didn't write with Tang Ke at all, but called Shunlei's customer service!

"There is a courier named Tang Ke! I want him to chat with me!"

"money is not a problem!

customer service……

Look confused!

"This...this is not our scope of service!"

Han Ru sneered: "I recharge 300,000! Is this possible?"

Hearing this, the customer service manager grabbed the phone at once.

"Okay! Arrange it for you now!"

Tang Ke...

Depend on! My complaint will be settled, and this will be ignored?

Will it work? People from this company!

Han Ru smiled at this moment.

Just recharge and become stronger! Ha ha ha ha……

Han Ru looked at Tang Ke with a smile.

Tang Ke's cell phone rang at this time.

Da Hulu said helplessly to Tang Ke: "Brother Tang, there is no way, the headquarters has come to order."

"Let you chat with this rich woman first..."

Tang Ke...

Look speechless!

Your bottom line! Your morals!

Your dignity!

It's just being trampled on by the family!

Tang Ke was about to refuse, but Da Hulu said bitterly, "It's up to you to see whether our express delivery point can survive!"

"If you don't agree this time, we might lose our jobs!"


Bow to the evil forces!


Tang Ke is actually not ignorant.

At least the beautiful woman in front of him is the one who has been following her for the past few days, he still knows.

After all, the people from Youyu Aegis Company are protecting Tang Ke.

Therefore, they have investigated the people who threatened Tang Ke.

But Tang Ke didn't know that this beautiful woman was Shangguan Wan'er's mother.

Anyway, I know that this person will not be a big threat to myself.

Tang Ke simply sat down.

See what else this beautiful woman can do.

Seeing Tang Ke's compromise, Han Ru couldn't be too proud.

Did you see it?

Just charge up some money, and you can do something you would never want to do!

Don't want to lose your job, just be obedient!

Han Ru now feels like he can influence Tang Ke's entire life!

This time Han Ru wants to let Tang Ke know that marrying Bai Fumei and reaching the sky in one step is not something he can do!

Tang Ke said calmly: "Are you going to chat? How do you want to chat?"

"Just chat!"

Han Ru sat beside him and said with a smile.

Looking at Han Ru like this, Tang Ke was really scared.

Isn't this rich lady planning to support herself? "

Han Ru asked Tang Ke curiously.

"How much money can you make in a day by delivering express delivery?"

Tang Ke said calmly: "Twenty yuan?"

"Twenty dollars? Isn't it enough money for a girlfriend to order takeout?"

Han Ru said in surprise.

"Why do you have to order takeaway? Isn't it good to buy vegetables and cook by yourself?"

Tang Ke followed this, although he didn't cook...

Han Ru became anxious when he heard cooking.

"Of course I want to take out! How can I cook for myself? If my daughter cooks..."


When Tang Ke heard it, he was a little confused.

Han Ru also realized that he had said something wrong, and said quickly: "I didn't mean that..."

"I mean... if it were my daughter, I would definitely not let her cook!"

"Since I have married a wife, let the family live the best life!"

"Even if she can't do her best, she can't be allowed to do dirty work!"

"It's the same with meals, and you have to eat well! A takeaway for twenty yuan, is that something that people can eat?"

Tang Ke...

It's almost a laugh.

What is this concept?

Why can't I eat the 20 yuan takeaway?

Tang Ke is so rich and has never been so delicate before!

"Auntie, time is almost up, I won't talk anymore..."

Tang Ke got up and was about to leave.

Han Ru was not anxious to stop, instead he smiled and said, "Then we will see you tomorrow!"


Tang Ke was stunned at once.

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