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Chapter 290 Don't Call My Mom

Han Ru said with a smile.

"I think you are a good little handsome guy, and I want you to come and chat with me tomorrow!"


Tang Ke is completely speechless, is the happiness of the rich woman so simple?

How many words did you talk about just now?

Just for these few words, waste time every day?

The next day, Tang Ke received another call from Da Hulu.

"Continue to deliver express delivery to this rich woman!"

Helpless, Tang Ke took the things and went to the rich woman's house.

This express delivery... also exaggerated!

It turned out to be a thing as tall as a person!

Tang Ke was struggling to hold it!

The rich woman took the things apart directly in front of Tang Ke.

It's a TV.

The curved, ultra-luxury LCD TV is huge, but very light.

Han Ru said with a smile, "This TV cost me hundreds of thousands!"

"This is the latest TV, and it can be folded! Look!"

With that said, gave Tang Ke a try...

Tang Ke looked at Han Ru like a mentally retarded eye.

What if it can be folded?

Is it easy to carry?

But who is going to move their own TV around?

Han Ru was extremely proud at this time.

Haughtily said: "This is the advantage of being rich!"

"No matter what new technology or product, you can get it firsthand!"

"This is the value of money!"


On the third day, Han Ru continued to ask Tang Ke to deliver the express.

This time it's a little different.

This time the express delivery was delivered to Han Ru's company!

They were still in a meeting at this time, and Han Ru did not ask Tang Ke to put the courier at the front desk.

Instead, he sent Tang Ke directly to the company conference room!

As soon as Tang Ke entered, a dozen pairs of eyes looked straight at Tang Ke.

Tang Ke is a bit unclear, so!

"The express is here, I'm leaving now!"

When Tang Ke was about to leave, Han Ru stopped Tang Ke again.

"Wait! Now that you are here, let me introduce you to some outstanding employees of our company!"

"This is our company's logistics supervisor, with an annual salary of 3 million!"

"This is our executive with an annual salary of 5 million!"


Rather than introducing the people from her company, it is better to say that she is here to put pressure on Tang Ke.

Tell Tang Ke, the gap between these people and Tang Ke!

Tang Ke... his face was indifferent!

It has nothing to do with yourself!


On the fourth day, the scene was even bigger!

This time Han Ru must let Tang Ke know the difference between the rich and the poor!

She directly found celebrities she knew and went to the villa!

They are all savvy people in Yangcheng!

As soon as Tang Ke entered the villa, he faced the eyes of many rich people.

Several rich people talked a lot.

"This person?"

"Handsome is a bit handsome, but being handsome is useless. After all, the courier is the bottom of the society."

"Miss Han Ru, your methods are so gentle!"

"If it is me, I will directly give him a million to let him leave my daughter!"

"Oh, Boss Zhang, your method is too old-fashioned!"

"What you want now is to be a little bit euphemistic. You have to let this person know the gap between himself and the rich without knowing it! Make him feel that he is not worthy of it, this is the best!"

"Yes, let him know that he is a toad!"

"We rich people, can't do such dishonest things!"

When these people talked, it could be said that they didn't care about Tang Ke at all.

Don't shy away Tang Ke at all.

So basically all the discussions were heard by Tang Ke.

Tang Ke was still a little dazed after hearing these words.

After pondering for a long time...

These people, don't they think that Laozi is in love with this rich woman?

if so……

Then I was too despised by others!

Tang Ke immediately said firmly: "Sorry! I won't betray my body!"

"Auntie, although you are very beautiful, sorry, there is no possibility between us!"

Han Ru...

Look confused!

Tang Ke also put on an angry expression at this time.

"No wonder you always change the law these days and let me come over!"

"And also give me the money to show off you, let me know the people around you!"

"You just want me to like you and meet these people you know, right?"




As soon as Tang Ke finished speaking, several people laughed directly.

Han Ru, a strong woman with a wealth of tens of billions! Was rejected! Still a courier!


Han Ru also squirted out a sip of tea!

Talking to Tang Ke with trembling fingers.

"Who...who...who likes you!"

Han Ru felt that he was going to be pissed to death.

Originally, this was a gathering of celebrities, but these were all big guys I knew!

If they knew they were looking for a courier...

This face is directly lost!


Tang Ke sneered: "You still said? They said I was a toad, didn't they mean that you were the swan meat?"

Han Ru was already furious, and said angrily: "It's my daughter! My daughter!"

Tang Ke was stunned for a moment, then even more disdainful.

"Your daughter, your daughter takes care of my bird business! I don't even know it!"

Tang Ke knew only then that there was a hidden secret in it.

But Tang Ke didn't even know who her daughter was!

Moreover, the people Han Ru knew were really not so good.

After all, no one recognized Tang Ke.

It stands to reason that Tang Ke is so active in Yangcheng and knows so many people.

After all, there are a few people who have heard of themselves.

As a result, none of these people knew, and at first glance, they weren't really big shots at all.

Tang Ke is not an ordinary person either.

Not to mention Han Ru's daughter, even Zhong Ling and Zhou Qian, who have tens of billions of wealth, pursue Tang Ke.

Tang Ke didn't accept it, okay!

Tang Ke is not proud either!

"Auntie, I don't know you, let alone your daughter! Please stop doing such boring things!"

Han Ru asked curiously: "Don't you know?"

"Of course not!"

Han Ru smiled.

"You better remember what you said today! See my daughter detour in the future!"

Tang Ke looked disdainful.

"Your daughter is still not a god? My Tang Ke is born arrogant! Never eat your soft rice!"

Han Ru saw that Tang Ke was so domineering.

The corners of the mouth rose slightly.

Calmly said: "My daughter, my name is Shangguan Wan'er!"



"Shangguan Wan'er?"

"Yes! Shangguan Wan'er!"

Suddenly Tang Ke rushed to Han Ru's front!

"Hi Mom!"

After that, he hugged Han Ru suddenly!

Han Ru suddenly felt a strong and powerful hand, and hugged his waist like this.

Angrily said: "Let go!"

"Mom! Don't say so!"

"Let go! And don't call my mother!"

Tang Ke still said firmly.

"Auntie, I know I was wrong! I can't live without Shangguan Wan'er!"

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