"Send a bird's express!"

Wu Dong also collapsed at this time.

He clutched his heart, gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't I let you talk about financing!"

Tang Ke said indifferently: "These companies are too unhuman, too arrogant!"

"I hang them out to spoil their spirit!"


Wu Dong is going to be dumbfounded.

Almost cursed directly.

"Our company is short of money, so we need someone to help you! Are you still hanging out?"

"Are you afraid that they will give money?"

On the other side of the phone, Tang Ke didn't mean to admit his mistake.

"Supervisor, your idea is wrong!"

"Although we are borrowing money, we are paying interest! They also rely on this thing to make money!"

"In other words, we are the customers and we are the gods!"

"As Gods, we should have backbone! We should be hard-hearted! Otherwise we will be looked down upon!"

"It's a big deal that you won't ask them to borrow money, right?"

"Isn't it the previous partner? We also borrowed the money. If you don't pay it back, let's see what they do!"

Han Ru...

Wu Dong...

Look speechless!


Why does it really make sense to it?

Wu Dong said helplessly: "But we are short of money now!"

Tang Ke said calmly: "It doesn't matter, there are more financial companies! Not bad for them!"

"I have other ways! And, I'm lucky!"

Good luck?

Han Ru Wu Dong looked dumbfounded.

What's the matter? Luck is also part of strength?

Wu Dong weighed it up, and immediately said, "I give you three days, this matter must be done!"


Tang Ke's answer was simply full of confidence.

After Tang Ke delivered the express, he returned to the Zongquan apartment to rest.

Check in to work the next day.

Here comes a new female colleague from the marketing department.

When the female colleague saw Tang Ke, her eyes flashed!

"Wow! There is such a handsome guy in our department!"

"Such a handsome guy, you must catch it!"

This girl's name is Zhang Lin, and she is a beauty of eighth or more. She is also a popular lover.

Changing boyfriends is as easy as drinking water. I have already changed more than a dozen boyfriends.

Absolutely rich experience!

Seeing Tang Ke at this time, Tang Ke was a little greedy.

At the same time, there are some doubts, why other female colleagues are so stupid!

With such a handsome guy, he doesn't hook up!

Today she has to hook up with Tang Ke for whatever she said!

The first trick to slap brother!


Zhang Lin stared directly at Tang Ke.

According to Zhang Lin's experience, this kind of move is quite powerful.

As long as a man looks at himself for more than ten seconds, he will have feelings for himself!

Then I couldn't help being close to myself!

Wearing sexy female staff costumes, she swayed her body.

Zhang Lin came to Tang Ke's side.

"Handsome guy, how are you!"

Tang Ke was drinking water at this time, and when he saw someone saying hello to himself, he took a look.

Tang Ke...

Somewhat dumbfounded.

Waiting for this beauty to say the following things, after all, they are all in the company.

How come this is because I have to find myself for work matters, right?


After looking at each other for ten seconds, this beauty didn't do anything!

Tang Ke looked dumbfounded.

What does this beauty want to do? Do you want to soak me?

Take a sip and watch the play first.

Zhang Lin...At this time, she was also dumbfounded.

what happened? This handsome guy didn't respond to his sultry first move?

Is it so immobile?

Zhang Lin really didn't understand, so she asked immediately.

"Don't you want to fall in love with me?"


The water Tang Ke just drank spurted out all of a sudden!

It just hit Zhang Lin's face.

The makeup on her face was spent all of a sudden...

Tang Ke quickly apologized.

"Sorry, sorry..."

Zhang Lin clutched her face and ran away quickly!

It's too shocking!

Obviously it is a trick that I will never fail...the result...


After half an hour, Zhang Lin, who had re-applied makeup, came to the office.

Looking at Tang Ke angrily, he returned to his desk and became angry.

"What a straight man of steel! I'm so beautiful, he has no idea at all!"

When the female colleague next to her heard this, she chuckled.

"Just you? Tang Ke is our company's husband and wife! Our company boss's daughter Shangguan Wan'er is a super goddess!"

"As for you, you can't compare with others at all!"

Ye Ma Ye?

Zhang Lin was dumbfounded.

Seeing Shangguan Wan'er's photo, I suddenly became even more...depressed!

It turned out to be a big man!


At this moment, supervisor Wu Dong came over.

"Tang Ke, come here."

Following Wu Dong, Tang Ke went to Wu Dong's office.

Wu Dong was on his seat and said solemnly, "How about the two hundred million thing?"

Tang Ke looked confident.

"Manager, don't worry, there will definitely be a way within three days!"

"Oh? You mean, do you already have a plan?"

Wu Dong asked curiously.

Tang Ke nodded.

"Yes! My plan is! Unchanging to change! Wait!"



What is the difference between this and reliance?

Do you have to wait for the matter to be resolved by yourself!

Wu Dong's face was suddenly covered with black lines.

So you are fishing here!

But... after all, Tang Ke is a consort, he didn't dare to embarrass Tang Ke casually.

"Okay! I'll give you three days, but you must solve this funding problem!"

"no problem!"

Wu Dong thought for a while, still not at ease!

"Well, it just happens that I have nothing to do in the past few days. I will take a look with you!"


Tang Ke doesn't object either...


Tang Ke continues to fish in the company!

After a while, Tang Ke was going out for a walk again!


Wu Dong looked at Tang Ke, the more he looked at it, the more it was absolutely wrong!

There's a problem with this consort!

So followed Tang Ke out to see what Tang Ke was doing!


Actually saw Tang Ke visiting the mall!

Wu Dong stunned...

Tang Ke went shopping first, and then eating and drinking...


Delivered the courier!


Wu Dong was dumbfounded.

Wu Dong knew about this, but he didn't expect it to be so upright!


As long as Tang Ke passes Han Ru's assessment, he will immediately become the boss of the Ten Billion Group!

Now... Tang Ke left to do business and went to deliver the courier!

I can't figure it out!

Wu Dong immediately drove to keep up.

Watching Tang Ke deliver the entire courier.

I just feel boring!

I don't know why Tang Ke gave up the company's things to do these things!


When Tang Ke left the community, he immediately saw Wu Dong who was behind him.

Smile softly.

When he was about to leave, Tang Ke noticed another very cool sports car!

Take a look at the license plate.

Isn't this Long Yunqiang's car?

What a coincidence!

I just met here.

This Long Yunqiang's car has just started and is about to leave.

Tang Ke could still see Long Yunqiang in the car.

After pondering...

Tang Ke rides on his tricycle and accelerates!

Directly hit Long Yunqiang's car!

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