
With a harsh sound, Tang Ke's tricycle ran into Long Yunqiang's luxury car straight up!

At this moment...the surroundings immediately became quiet!

All passersby looked at the scene in front of them in amazement!

After a long time, there was a lot of discussion! It's almost boiling.

"It's over! This kid is going to be over!"

"I know this kind of car, it's a super luxury car with a starting price of 5 million yuan!"

"Look at the place where you hit, at least hundreds of thousands of repair costs, right?"

Wu Dong peeked from the side, and couldn't help but feel a little worried at this time.

Damn it! This kid is going to lose money!

Soon, the driver in the car got off.

The expression on the driver's face is terrible! Looking at Tang Ke angrily.

Angrily shouted: "What the hell is going on with you? Just like this?"

"I don't have eyes! Even if I don't have eyes, don't you see that this car is expensive? You can't just bump into it!"

Wu Dong was even more worried when he saw this scene.

It's not easy to see each other!

The drivers of the car are so cruel, isn't the owner even more troublesome?

The door behind the car slowly opened...

Long Yunqiang got out of the car and was stunned when he saw Tang Ke.

As soon as he was about to say hello, he found that Tang Ke was winking at himself.

Long Yunqiang had told Tang Ke before that he wanted to act, but there was no word on how to do it.

Now Tang Ke bumped into it so suddenly, and winked at himself.

This must be something!

Long Yunqiang understood immediately.

At this time, Long Yunqiang's driver was still angry at Tang Ke.

Angrily said: "Do you know? At this point, it is not good to repair without 500,000!"

"This is not something you can lose!"

"I tell you……"


Before he finished, the driver was slapped by Long Yunqiang and slapped him!

"go away!"

Long Yunqiang yelled at the driver and said, "I said what's the matter with you?"

"Isn't it just a bump? Is it necessary to yell like this?"

"Zhang Yue Zhang Yue, I always thought you were a very honest person!"

"Every time I bow to my knees, and very respectful."

"Unexpectedly, you are so arrogant in front of others! Unreasonable!"

"I, Long Yunqiang, have always been kind to people, and don't like people who are fighting for power and making trouble!"

"What is the most important thing to do in business? It is to make money with harmony! I announce that you have been fired!"

Long Yunqiang's series of words did not give the driver a chance to speak.

The driver was also dumbfounded at this time...

Because of this? Dismissed?

It hasn't been long since he just became a driver! The job with an annual salary of one million is gone!

After Long Yunqiang scolded the driver, he turned to look at Tang Ke.

A big smile.

"Tang...oh, sir, I'm so sorry!"

"The driver of my company has no quality, so you are frightened. My car is insured and no compensation is required!"

"really sorry!"

People watching the excitement around, one by one at this time...

All dumbfounded!

If you don't make compensation, you won't be compensated?

And what is this? Tang Ke was simply said, and he directly asked the big boss sitting in the luxury car to personally apologize!

This is too ridiculous, right?

Even Wu Dong was dumbfounded.

What's happening here?

After mixing in Yangcheng for so long, I haven't seen such a thing!

Tang Ke also said apologetically at this time: "I'm really sorry, I had a cramp in my leg just now, and I accidentally stepped on the accelerator..."

Long Yunqiang waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay, it's okay, I understand! There must be a special reason!"

"By the way, brother, what do you do?"

"Send express."

"Oh, it really is to deliver express! It's amazing! I have always been envious of delivering express!"

"The little brother who delivers the express is diligent and practical, and when going out, he must work hard to deliver the express regardless of wind or rain!"

"I admire you who work like this the most! Come and meet, I am Long Yunqiang!"

Tang Ke also stretched out his hand and shook hands with Long Yunqiang.

"Tang Ke."

"Good name! Good name!"

Long Yunqiang continued.

Tang Ke... is almost speechless!

Anything can become such a sacred thing in Long Yunqiang's mouth.


Long Yunqiang and Tang Ke directly hooked up their backs.

"Brother Tang Ke, you and I hit it off at first sight! I'm going to make your friend today!"

"This is my business card. I, Long Yunqiang, are in financial business, and I also have financial companies! We are worth tens of billions. As long as you have something to help, man, just come to me!"

"I will definitely provide you with unlimited help in the future!"


Damn it!

"What the hell!"

"Depend on!"

The people around were dumbfounded.

What's going on!

A courier boy scraped his luxury car and didn't need to lose money. He even became a brother with him!

Whatever the other party says, he will help!

What kind of person is this? What fairy brother?

A big boss of tens of billions, it's almost enough to kneel down directly to others!

Courier brother, make it to the sky in one step!

"I'm so jealous!"

The passers-by around each beat their chests and feet.

Just step on the accelerator here, and then hit Long Yunqiang!

Why didn't he who collided with Long Yunqiang?

As for Wu Dong, he was completely confused!

Long Yunqiang?

Isn't this the boss of that super financial company!

As a director of the marketing department, Wu Dong is naturally very familiar with people in the financial industry.

This is not the first time he has heard the name Long Yunqiang.

This is a famous super boss in Yangcheng!

It's just that people at his level can only hear about Long Yunqiang, and there is no chance to get in touch with Long Yunqiang!

Wu Dong pinched his face.

Confirm if you are dreaming!

Muttered constantly in his mouth.

"This Tang Ke... is too lucky, right?"

Now he finally understood why Tang Ke said he was lucky!

This damn thing, who would have thought that sending a courier would recognize such a super financial boss!

Tang Ke said to Long Yunqiang.

"Big brother, in fact, apart from delivering express delivery, I also have a job in a company that just needs to raise 200 million yuan."

"Big Brother, since you are also in this business..."

People around heard Tang Ke say this...

Sneered suddenly.

Ha ha ha ha……

This time Tang Ke is really going to roll over!

People say that they are in finance, and they are also called brothers to you, but are you so serious?

Maybe the rich are just here to talk casually!

And what two jobs? There are still two jobs in these years. Is one of them a courier?

Tang Ke made it clear that he was talking nonsense here!

This time, the lion spoke loudly! Two hundred million!

Do you really treat you like a brother?

Not to mention these onlookers, even Wu Dong had no expectation about it when he heard about it!

Two billion, impossible!


Long Yunqiang directly waved his hand: "Two hundred million, right? Okay! Come to my company tomorrow to sign the contract!"

"These are all small problems. The little money between you and my brother is not money at all!"

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