
Wu Dong almost knelt down!


Damn it! This is all right?

Looking at Tang Ke, who was talking and laughing together with Long Yunqiang.

Wu Dong just wanted to shout out loud, what kind of gods are these!

The onlookers around are also... completely dumbfounded at this time!

Why can't I encounter such a good thing?

Why can't I meet such a good rich man, let alone become brothers with others?

Is this fate?

Wu Dong, who was in a daze, suddenly rang his cell phone.

The caller happened to be Han Ru.

Wu Dong quickly answered the phone.

"Hello, President!"

Han Ru's cold voice came from the other side: "Where have you been?"

"I'm in a community here in Yangcheng..."

"What are you doing here?"

Wu Dong helpless: "I'm not curious about how Tang Ke wants to solve this financing problem?"

"So I came with Tang Ke... I didn't expect him to just come out to deliver the express."


I didn’t know what was broken on the phone, I could see that Han Ru was quite angry!

Tang Ke didn't deal with a matter of financing 200 million yuan, and he even went to deliver express!

"President... what's wrong?"

Wu Dong was a little scared, feeling that Han Ru hadn't been so angry for a long time.

When Han Ru used to be, he was a kind person, who could not do things well, and people who did not do well.

Just expel it directly!


"Then what?"

It seemed that he was a little anxious, Han Ru asked quickly.

Wu Dong continued to explain: "After delivering the express, guess what? This Tang Ke actually hit a luxury car!"

"It's the car of a financial company boss! The boss's driver scolded Tang Ke, but he didn't expect that the boss liked Tang Ke very much."

"Not only to apologize to Tang Ke and fire the driver, but also to say that he will be his brother in the future!"

"This person... is Long Yunqiang!"

"It is said that the financing of 200 million yuan can be directly handed over to him to solve it!"


A strange voice came from the phone again.

Wu Dong was even more curious at this time: "Chairman, what is going on?"

Han Ru said calmly, "It's okay..."

In fact, at this time...Han Ru had already fallen off his stool!

I was so surprised that I didn't know what to do, and I was shocked.

Han Ru sneered.

"Tang Ke is too naive! This is absolutely impossible! The big guys in the financing industry are all innocent!"

"Financing 200 million yuan as soon as I met? I must have lied to him!"

"Be cautious about this time. Don't believe it easily unless you get money from others!"

Han Ru's tone was full of confidence!

Wu Dong...

At this time, he also hesitated.

Do you want to tell Han Ru that what happened this time is actually very reliable?

If you say it, it's simply the chairman who slapped the face on the spot!

He still didn't dare to do this kind of thing.

Wu Dong hesitated...

Han Ru continued: "Okay, come back, I can naturally handle the financing."

"At that time, as long as I go find someone."

When Wu Dong heard this, he was anxious!

"Chairman, don't need to find them! I think Long Yunqiang can definitely give these two hundred million!"

"No, how could this old fritters agree?"

Seeing how Han Ru didn't believe it, Wu Dong could only bite the bullet and tell the truth...

"In fact, Long Yunqiang has already said that he will sign the contract tomorrow..."


There was a loud noise on the phone again!

Wu Dong...


"Chairman, are you okay?"

After a while, Han Ru finally replied.

"This secretary, really can't use it! What has been going on since just now! I will fire her immediately!"


Look confused!

What sound did I make? I?

Obviously you keep making strange noises here!

Han Ru continued: "You did a good job. It is a good thing for our company to be able to recognize a big man like Long Yunqiang this time!"

"In the future, our company's expansion can become even smoother!"

"Making money is just around the corner!"

Wu Dong nodded: "I think so too."

"Long Yunqiang's company and our company are at two levels higher than ours. I must have contacted people like Long Yunqiang, which can make our company go further!"

"This Tang Ke said at the beginning that the financing would be completed within three days, I still don't believe it..."

"Said that express delivery can solve the problem... I didn't expect it to be solved!"

"He said he was lucky before, but he didn't expect this person to be so lucky!"

Listening to Wu Dong's emotion, Han Ru was speechless...

Lucky indeed.


When Han Ru and Wu Dong called, a familiar voice came in.

"Hey? Isn't this Director Wu? Why are you here?"

Tang Ke looked at Wu Dong with a look of surprise and walked over.

Wu Dong sweated violently on his face.

"Ahem... Uh, it's okay, I just take a walk! I'm here for a walk!"

Tang Ke chuckled twice.

"Since the supervisor is here, it's better that I just ask you for a leave."

"Long Yunqiang wants to invite me to the Lin Ji restaurant for a meal, so I won't go back to the company!"

Wu Dong felt that Tang Ke was about to kneel down!

Long Yunqiang, such an awesome boss, even invited Tang Ke to dinner!

Hand over!


Wu Dong said weakly: "Okay, you go, I approved your leave."

"Besides... You still ask for a bird's leave! Why didn't you ask for a leave before!"

Wu Dong said helplessly.

When Tang Ke delivered the courier before, he was doing his own way. He said that he would disappear immediately after he left the company!

Absenteeism can be considered!

He Wu Dong also had nothing to do with Tang Ke.

Tang Ke smiled: "Thank you!"

Then went to dinner with Long Yunqiang.

Wu Dong watched them leave, and then reported to Han Ru: "Chairman, did you hear that... They invited Tang Ke to dinner."

Han Ru nodded: "I heard, prepare yourself, let's go together and meet them by chance!"

Not far from Wu Dong, a takeaway boy Jiang Wei was looking at these people excitedly.

"Opportunity! My opportunity is here!"

The takeaway guy feels that he has found a way to make a fortune!

As long as you find Long Yunqiang yourself, pretend to meet Long Yunqiang by chance! Then crash!

If you break out that you are the takeaway brother, you must be able to be appreciated by Long Yunqiang just like Tang Ke!

By the time the two are going to be friends of the year-end? Give yourself a position of millions or even tens of millions of annual salary?

Ha ha ha ha……

Directly soaring into the sky, there is wood!

What? You said that the delivery of food is different from the delivery of express delivery?

What is different, in fact, they are all the same!


Jiang Wei had already formed a plan in his mind at this time.

He still doesn't know what passers-by said before that they envy Tang Ke and want to run into it. That was just a joke!

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