Who dares to really be like this! No one can guarantee what Long Yunqiang's temper is.

What if someone treats Tang Ke like this just because Tang Ke is handsome?

And this driver has already been fired, and there is one less necessary person!


Only Jiang Wei thinks this kind of thing can be tried!

Bell Bell Bell...

Jiang Wei's girlfriend called him.

"My dear, when I will get home, I will have cooked food."

"Go home? Hahaha... Xiaojuan, let me tell you, I am going to develop! Your home, I won't go back!"

"Forever, do you know? Forever! Let's break up! Hahaha..."

Jiang Wei suddenly laughed arrogantly.

"Break up? You... how did you break up with me?"

"I have been with you for seven years! I have never despised you for being poor. Now that you are developed, you will abandon me?"

"You...you are not human!"

The girl on the other end of the phone broke down all at once.

"Bah! Seven years? With me? Isn't it because you can't find a boyfriend?"

"I tell you, from now on, the two of us will be strangers! Don't contact us anymore!"

Cool! hang up the phone!

Jiang Wei sneered.

This yellow-faced woman actually wants to cling to herself! I am about to develop right now, so I definitely can't be with this woman!

Looking at the direction Tang Ke and Long Yunqiang were leaving, he had already figured out everything.

License plate EU987, go to Lin Kee Restaurant!

Excited, he drove directly on his motorcycle and ran away!

I want to be as successful as Tang Ke!

"Money, brother, here I am!"

My heart is full of excitement!


Lin Kee Restaurant.

This is the first time Tang Ke has been here.

Every time I feel that this restaurant is quite high-end.

This restaurant is not comparable to an ordinary restaurant.

Long Yunqiang said proudly next to him: "Mr. Tang Ke, my acting skills are not bad? Hahaha..."

"No, it's definitely top-notch acting!"

Tang Ke immediately gave a thumbs up.

"Come on, have a drink first, and toast to our acting!"


The two clinked glasses immediately.

Long Yunqiang clinked glasses while saying, "I tell you, those three financial companies are not such good birds!"

"I've heard of some things. Some of them feel that they are a little bit awesome, so they embarrass others in various ways."

"Many promising companies are spitting out bitterness with me!"

"In the end, if I hadn't helped these companies and everyone made money together, these companies would have fallen!"

"Oh right... my company is exposed, maybe your mother-in-law will come to me!"

Long Yunqiang suddenly remembered what he said in general.

Tang Ke also nodded.

"Yes, I think so too. Han Ru is a very sensitive person in business."

"When you meet a big guy like you, they will definitely contact you, maybe they will be here now."

"Stop talking about it, thank you for your help!"

Tang Ke toasted.

"You're welcome, they are all friends. Instead, Mr. Tang Ke I want to thank you! The friends you contacted made me a lot of money!"

The two drank a few glasses of wine and started chatting indiscriminately.

Tang Ke: "Last time I was at Han Ru's house, she found a lot of rich people, she looked very domineering, guess what..."

"There is no one-tenth of the cow!"

"I understand that sentence, the less able people are, the more they like to look down on others!"

Long Yunqiang nodded: "That's the truth!"


After half an hour.

Han Ru and Wu Dong brought their secretaries to Lin Ji's restaurant.

Go directly to the waiter.

"Hello, where is Mr. Long Yunqiang, I am his friend."

The waiter looked at Han Ru's clothes, and he was not an ordinary person. After checking the location, he told them directly.

Han Ru told the secretary to open a room next door.

Wu Dong is still a little curious.

"What about the dismissal of this secretary?"

Han Ru gave a light cough, "No hurry!"

Wu Dong scratched his head...inexplicably!

Han Ru and the others ordered normally, listening to Tang Ke's private room next door, but this high-end restaurant.

As long as it's not drinking and shouting, you can't hear the sound of the next door at all!

Han Ru was embarrassed. She was going to meet by chance, so it was impossible to break in and say that she was Tang Ke's boss...

After hesitating, the food is already served.

On the contrary, Tang Kelong Yunqiang them, they have all eaten.

I just checked out and went to the parking lot.


Not far away, Jiang Wei, the food delivery man, had already been waiting here long ago.

I found Long Yunqiang's car, now hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to move!

When Tang Ke and Long Yunqiang came out, his eyes lit up!

"Come out! Hahaha..."

"Money! This is money for walking!"

Green light was already showing through Jiang Wei's greedy eyes!

Watching the two get in the car, they are driving outside.

Quickly step on the accelerator! Directly hit Long Yunqiang's luxury car!


Long Yunqiang and Tang Ke... dumbfounded...

"Have you hit someone?"

"Isn't it? I look like I'm touching porcelain? Aren't you driving normally?"


The two hurriedly got out of the car and saw Jiang Wei who was panicking at this time!

There was already an additional scratch on the car at this time, just on the side of the place where Tang Ke hit.

He saw Long Yunqiang getting off the car and quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was in a hurry to deliver food, and accidentally bumped into you!"

Long Yunqiang heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that he was not hitting someone.

Jiang Wei said sincerely: "I lose money! Although I am just a food delivery person, I assume the responsibility that I should bear!"

Long Yunqiang was rather atmospheric.

"There is insurance, no need, you go!"

Anyway, there is a video, and the insurance company will be able to resolve it after checking it.

Jiang Wei was stunned...

Let me go?

Something is wrong!

At this time, it shouldn’t be a sigh that I am a food delivery company, and the quality is noble!

And can you take the initiative to take the responsibility and become a brother with me?

How did it start to be different from the previous routine?

Look confused!

Long Yunqiang naturally didn't know what Jiang Wei was thinking at this time.

Just prepared to return to the car indifferently.

As soon as he saw that Long Yunqiang was about to leave, Jiang Wei was anxious!

"Boss! Boss Long! I'm delivering food!"

Long Yun was stunned.

"What does your takeaway have to do with me?"

Jiang Wei pointed to Tang Ke: "Then he..."

Tang Ke? ? ?

Also dumbfounded!

What does this have to do with Laozi?

Jiang Wei was half talking, dumbfounded, he certainly wouldn't say that he wanted to be Long Yunqiang's brother just like Tang Ke.


However, the shrewd person, such as Long Yunqiang, soon discovered the problem!

"Wait! How do you know my last name is Dragon?"

"Also know his situation...Did you see what happened to us just now?"


Jiang Wei hesitated and began to sweat frantically on his head.

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