Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 316: Meeting the International Chief Designer Again

Lu Hang's conversation turned.

"But, it's not that I can't understand..."

"Everyone comes out to work! I always want to have some face in front of my family."

Zhou Fangfang became even more panicked: "Vice President, I'm sorry! I haven't said it, and I don't know what's going on!"

Lu Hang didn't care about this matter with her at all.

Instead, he smiled indifferently: "It's okay, I don't mind."

"Your brother is outside now, he has come to you, he is a courier, it is not easy."

"He's a rare visit, you take this!"

With that, Lu Hang handed Zhou Fangfang the key of his BMW car.

"The manager must look like a manager! Take it! Don't embarrass the company!"

"Please have a good meal with your brother!"

Zhou Lingling looked astonished, she didn't expect her vice president to be such a good person!

In addition to being moved... Zhou Fangfang was also stunned.

Where did this brother come from?

When he walked out, Zhou Fangfang was dumbfounded.

It turned out to be Tang Ke!

But the expression of surprise immediately turned into a surprise!

Zhou Fangfang ran up to Tang Ke at once, and said happily and excitedly: "You are here!"

Tang Ke smiled: "Let me see how you are doing."

At this time, Lu Hang also came out of the company and took a look.

I accidentally saw that Zhou Fangfang was complimenting himself and said about borrowing a BMW.

Tang Ke was also a little surprised, yes, this person is good!

At this time, Lu Hang felt quite good in my heart! Of course I feel good after doing good things!

And as an executive, this is what he should do!

After all, Zhou Fangfang and Tang Ke had a hard time getting along!

Do good things without leaving a name!

Lu Hang is very happy in his heart!

Just when Lu Hang was about to leave...

Tang Ke suddenly said, "This person is so good, so he wants to give something to him!"

"Well, let's reduce the rent of Huarong Consulting Company here in the future!"




When Lu Hang heard this, he almost fell directly on the ground!

Who is this courier guy!

Can you have this ability?

But seeing Tang Ke's appearance is definitely not a joke!

At this time, Lu Hang suddenly remembered.

When I came to the company, their chairman did tell him.

The owner of this financial building is a very low-key rich man! And very young and handsome.

This feature looks exactly the same as Tang Ke.

Moreover, it was said before that they were delivering food, and they opened Didi, but now they are delivering couriers, which is very reasonable!

In this way...

The person in front of you is the owner of the Yangcheng Financial Building, Tang Ke!

Lu Hang suddenly felt that he was licking blood on the tip of a knife!

Fortunately, I did a good thing, if I did a bad thing... Isn't this just letting the family out?


Soon afterwards, the chairman of the company came back and heard about it immediately.

Knowing that Lu Hang had done nothing wrong, he immediately called others to his side.

"This time, you did a good job!"

"Mr. Tang Ke reduced our rent by 20%. Although it is a lot, I don't care about the money!"

"What I care more about is the relationship between Mr. Tang Ke and us!"

"You do me such a big favor! I really appreciate you! Your bonus this month is increased by 30,000!"

The chairman said with a smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Lu Hang was stunned!

Just because he didn't embarrass Tang Ke, can he get so many rewards?

This is too ridiculous, right?

And this Tang Ke... Maybe his status and status are so high that he can't even imagine it!

Let his boss treat him so much!


At this time, Tang Ke had already left the company with Zhou Fangfang in his car, and had fun shopping and eating.

The chairman of the company greeted Zhou Fangfang in advance and gave her a day off today!


After wandering outside for a day, the people at Han Ru's company were already anxious.

The supervisor Wu Dong called Tang Ke directly.

"Tang Ke, when can this be done?"

Tang Ke was lying on his big bed at this time.

"Don't worry, this kind of thing depends on fate! Just wait."

Wu Dong... his face was speechless!

"Tang Ke, aren't you going to deliver the courier again today?"


Wu Dong... even more speechless!

He felt that he must follow Tang Ke tomorrow!

Otherwise this matter cannot be solved at all!


the next day.

Wu Dong immediately turned into a dog skin plaster! Followed behind Tang Ke.

Tang Ke delivered the courier, he followed it, and Tang Ke went shopping, and he ran along.

Tang Ke is helpless...

"Supervisor, you are a supervisor! Playing with a deputy supervisor with me here... is it really good?"

Wu Dong chuckled twice.

"You are the husband and wife of the company. When Miss Han Ru retires, you will be the new chairman!"

"No matter how I will work with you in the future, it doesn't matter if I follow in advance now!"

Tang Ke... speechless!

At this moment... an old foreign man walked over.

This old man knew at a glance that he was not a waiter, he could tell from his clothes that he was a very artistic person!

Commonly known as...artist!

Holding the map, the old man looked around with a dazed expression.

Until... he saw Tang Ke!

Suddenly surprised!

"Brother! This... is pulling force!"

Speaking bad Chinese, the old man asked.

Tang Ke was shocked...Andri's Chinese! Something!

That's right.

This person is an internationally renowned fashion designer, Andry!

The encounter with Tang Ke this time was actually just acting, and it was all arranged by Tang Ke!

Tang Ke asked calmly: "Old gentleman, if you want to ask for directions? Where do you want to go?"

"I'm going……"

Following Tang Ke's words, the two chatted.

One said that he just came and wanted to travel, and the other said that he was free and could take him with him!

Andri showed a very surprised look.

"There are still so many good people! Thank you so much! Then let's talk while walking!"

"It is my honor to meet you! From now on we will be friends! Brothers!"

"What can you find me!"

Wu Dong heard...

This Tang Ke, can't help being a tour guide for others, but also to be brothers with them?

Quickly remind Tang Ke.

"Tang Ke, you have other things to do! This costume design matter has not been finalized yet..."

"You have to arrange your time reasonably!"

Tang Ke hasn't spoken yet.

Andri immediately interjected: "Costume design? I can do it!"

"We are all friends, I can still help with this little thing!"

Heard this...

Wu Dong burst into blood!

What's happening here?

Wu Dong's eyes are now bigger than bull's eyes!

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