"You... are you a costume designer?"

Andri looked confident.

"Yes! I am not only a designer, I am also a very famous designer!"

"My name is Andri, you can check it yourself!"

Hearing this, Wu Dong was immediately dumbfounded, and quickly began to investigate this incident.

Inquired on the Internet for a long time.

Finally found the name!

When I saw the name, I was scared to pee!

President of the European Fashion Designers Association, chief designer of the top luxury brand George White!

It's an explosion!

This is definitely a super designer!

what's going on?

Last time Tang Ke met the super boss Long Yunqiang, this time he met a chief designer!

Is this Tang Ke the pride of heaven? As long as it is what he wants to do, God will help him?

Andri continued: "I happen to be very free these days! Designing clothes is so simple!"

"Tang Ke, you are my friend, I have decided to help you!"

Wu Dong heard...

Happy is almost jumping up.

Andri patted his chest and said confidently, "What kind of clothes are you designing? Just tell me!"

Wu Dong is now...guilty!

They are design masters, and they design things that only the rich can wear!

I... I want someone to design what the courier wears...

This is a huge drop directly!

"Yes... It's the clothes of the courier company..."

Wu Dong said with a guilty conscience.

For fear of making Andri angry.

Andri heard: "The clothes of the courier? Interesting!"

"I will definitely help this! Just wait for my news!"

At this moment, Andri is almost like a brother of Yi Bo Yun Tian!

Wu Dong's eyes fell in surprise.

Damn it!

Andri really agreed! An internationally renowned fashion designer! That's it!

Design clothes for a low-level group!

Subsequently, Wu Dong looked at Tang Ke more admiringly.

Tang Ke...really big guy!

Son of Destiny!


Han Ru Company... Marketing Department.

Tang Ke had already taken over the task of attacking Shunlei Company at this time, and the news had spread throughout the marketing department.

The former director was quite unhappy.

"Last time he was able to meet Long Yunqiang, he was lucky! I don't believe he can have such good luck this time!"

Little brother Tang Ke immediately responded!

"Brother Tang is really amazing! This time, things won't be difficult for Brother Tang!"

The former director sneered: "If Tang Ke can succeed this time, Laozi will eat this desk directly!"

"Then you just wait! It's best to remember what you are saying now!"


At this time, Han Ru came to the marketing department to see the status of this mission.

"Hello, Chairman!"

Other employees greeted here one after another.

Han Ru nodded, and then asked curiously, "Where is Tang Ke?"

"Tang Ke went out, and Director Wu Dong went out with him."

Han Ru's expression remained unchanged.

This is all expected.

Tang Ke did so many things before, and now Han Ru is used to it.

Called Wu Dong directly.

"Xiao Wu, where are you guys?"

"Shopping outside..."

Wu Dong said with a guilty conscience...This is obviously fishing!

He didn't dare to do this before, let alone say it to Han Ru directly!

Han Ru is no surprise at this time!

An expression with everything in your control!

As the boss of a company, I just want to make the Taishan collapse in the same way!

"It was Tang Ke delivering the courier again, you followed to see it?"

Wu Dong nodded: "As expected of the chairman! Great! It's true!"

"But... this time there is good news!"

"good news?"

Han Ru was suddenly startled, this... won't it be?

No, no!


How can it be the same every time?

And I am already prepared this time! No more surprises!

"Say it! What news!"

Han Ru asked calmly.

Wu Donghan sighed...

"That's it... Tang Ke found the internationally renowned designer Andri to design clothes for us!"

"This Adrie can be ranked internationally!"


Han Ru almost vomited blood!

But hurry up and stabilize your mind, and don't be too surprised!

"okay, I get it!"

Han Ru continued to calm down! Pretend to be calm!

Wu Dong continued: "But it's strange this time. Andri arrived in Yangcheng without a tour guide."

"I just met Tang Ke, and they became brothers after a few words..."

Han Ru...

Look speechless!

"Okay...I see."

Han Ru was too surprised...At this time, he couldn't hold it anymore, so he had to hung up the phone this time!

Otherwise, I might jump up!

Wu Dong hurriedly stopped Han Ru and continued: "Boss, there is one more thing!"

"Tang Ke said he has made an appointment with the boss of Shunlei Company, Yu Wang, to have dinner in the restaurant in the evening!"

"By the way, let Andri and you both go there!"

Han Ru... directly shouted out loud!


Everyone in the office looked at Han Ru...

The expression is dumbfounded.

Han Ru was completely dumbfounded at this time.

This time, I was completely lost. As a company boss, he didn't look like he should be!

It took a long time to react, what should I do...

"That's it, I will go tonight!"

Han Ru hung up the phone quickly.

When she returned to her office alone, she went crazy.

"It turned out to be!"

"How can this be!"

"This is a top international designer!"

"And the boss of Shunlei Company is coming!"

"This Tang Ke...what kind of fairy is it!"


Han Ru was shocked at this time, and he had long since lost his usual appearance.


The marketing department almost heard Han Ru's words here.

It's already fried!

"Tang Ke Niubi!"

"The top international designer, I have never seen it before!"

Each employee exclaimed.

Tang Ke's little brother was also talking to the former director at this time.

"How is it? Director, shouldn't it be time to eat the desk?"


Look confused!

Who am i where am i doing?


West Lake No. 8 Restaurant.

This is one of the most beautiful restaurants in Yangcheng, a green wonderland above the lake.

The decoration of the restaurant is also exquisite and elegant, and it is an excellent place to relax during troubles.

This is also the place where Tang Ke and the others agreed to eat together.

An Audi stopped in front of the restaurant.

Tang Ke and Wu Dong walked out.

Wu Dong looked at his watch with anxious expression on his face: "It's over...I'm going to be one minute late this time!"

"This is an offense!"

Tang Ke looked carefree, not anxious at all.

On the contrary, Wu Dong was like an eventful aunt, constantly chattering.

"Tang Ke, you want to deliver the express!"

"I'm fine now, I'm late!"

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