Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 322: All Pig Teammates

The police officer saw... there is a problem!

"Take a look at all of your ID card accounts!"

Qin Changqing... can only cooperate with the investigation!

After investigating for a long time, it was finally confirmed that this Qin Changqing was indeed Qin Yuyan's father.

"You as a father, educate your children well, don't always play with these things and waste our resources! You know?"

Qin Changqing was reprimanded with a sullen face.


The courier brother took out his cell phone after walking a long way.

"Brother Tang, I have completed the task!"

Tang Ke smiled: "Not bad!"

The next step is the second step!

Let Zhou Qian go!


This time Zhou Qian sent a courier to Qin Yuyan.

But this delivery... was immediately targeted by Qin Changqing.

"What is this express?"

"Sent from Zhou Qian, I don't know, what are you going to do?"

Qin Yuyan looked very angry when Qin Changqing was about to open her express delivery!

"This is my personal privacy, you can't open it!"

" still have privacy? I'm your father!"

Qin Changqing, domineering president! No one can stop it!

Qin Yuyan immediately opened the window!

"Do you dare to open it, I will jump down!"

Qin Changqing... helpless.

"Okay! I won't open it, you come!"

With that said, Qin Changqing left, Qin Yuyan looked suspicious, what exactly Qin Changqing wanted to do.

Opening the express, Qin Yuyan was stunned, all of them were books!

A big pile!

Qin Changqing, who was peeking in secret, was also confused...

In the courier that Zhou Qian sent to her daughter this week, there were all books? what does this mean?

But in this way... there shouldn't be any problems...

Qin Changqing relaxed his guard.

After Qin Changqing left, Qin Yuyan finally took out a mobile phone among these books!

In fact, it is hidden in the express! With so many books, most people can't find this phone at all!

Through mobile phones, Qin Yuyan and Tang Ke began to consider ways to run away! It will be discussed soon!

after awhile……

"Miss, it's time to eat!"

A maid came over and asked Qin Yuyan to eat, and then... dumbfounded!

I saw Qin Yuyan wearing colorful clothes and holding a broom in her hand!

It's like an exorcist Taoist!

"Who are you!" Qin Yuyan asked loudly.

The maid looked dumbfounded...what happened to this young lady?

There is a problem with your head!

Before the maid could respond... Qin Yuyan took the broom and started to fight!

"Hey! Kill you!"

The maid runs quickly!

After that, it was almost like a riot in the Heavenly Palace, Qin Yuyan directly turned the whole family up!

Qin Changqing was beaten twice by her!

Finally... Qin Yuyan fainted!

It feels like something is wrong!

Qin Changqing had no choice but to call her aunt.

Now her aunt is still seeing a doctor in Yangcheng. Hearing that Qin Yuyan had a problem, she hurried over.

Seeing Qin Yuyan like this, my aunt is also very distressed.

Yelling at Qin Changqing: "You did it again! Look at what Yu Yan is like!"

Qin Changqing looked aggrieved: "I'm just afraid he was cheated!"

"It's fine now, you don't have to cheat anymore! It's a lunatic!"

"What should I do?"

Qin Changqing was taken aback.

"Look at it? Go to the doctor, it's all you! I'll settle accounts with you later!"

The aunt said angrily.

At this time... Zhou Qian visited Qin Yuyan as a girlfriend!

Seeing Qin Yuyan doing this, she was shocked.

"Yu Yan is like this, you have to see a psychiatrist!"


Qin Changqing nodded and said.

Zhou Qian ran out and found a fat doctor casually: "Come here! See someone a doctor!"

The fat doctor looked dumbfounded.

"Miss, I am a veterinarian!"

"It's just pretending to be a psychiatrist. I will definitely give you a lot of money at that time! Come here!"

Zhou Qian took this person directly to Qin Yuyan's house.

"This is a big man! A famous psychiatrist and expert in Yangcheng, he can definitely cure Qin Yuyan's illness!"

Da Dafu looked at everyone with a guilty conscience... he could only smile awkwardly.

Qin Changqing and her aunt looked at the father-in-law with concern: "Doctor, how is Yuyan in our family? Is this disease okay?"

"Depression...just seeing some fantasies!"


Hearing this, Qin Changqing was dumbfounded!

My aunt is also anxious and angry!

"It's all you!" As he said, he kicked Qin Changqing!

"What should I do then?"

Qin Changqing was also dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, doing this would cause depression to my daughter! What to do!

"This is just the beginning, but it can be saved!"

"But don't take it lightly! If this disease develops...but it's very serious!"

Da Dafu's face was solemn.

Qin Changqing and Auntie are also very nervous.

"The consequences... what will happen?"

Mentally ill?

who knows……

The big man said firmly: "It will shed hair!"


Qin Changqing was dumbfounded, and my aunt was dumbfounded!

Zhou Qian, who was very proud of listening to the side, spit out a mouthful of water!

Qin Yuyan, who pretended to be sick, also opened his eyes in fright!

Tang Ke, who listened to these movements with his mobile phone, laughed directly out of the pig cry.

This Zhou Qian is looking for a pig teammate to come over!

This veterinarian treated people, but still had his original occupational disease, which directly exposed his identity.

The scene was very embarrassing.

Zhou Qian glared at her pig teammate fiercely.


Only then did Da Dafu reacted, and said quickly: "I'm talking loss! To the hair!"

"A little bit more serious, it will become anorexia and stop eating! It will fall off the scale!"

The more anxious Daofu became, the more he kept his line, all of which were pig ears.


Qin Changqing was even more dazed.

Qin Yuyan also widened her eyes, Zhou Qian's face was full of embarrassment.

The corners of the mouth twitch...

He kicked the big man hard!

Only then did Daanhu react...

"I'm talking about anorexia! People are like pigs! They will fall off the scale!"

"You will bite your tongue and commit suicide and jump off the building!"


As soon as they heard that they would commit suicide, Qin Changqing and her aunt were stunned as if they had encountered a thunderbolt in the sky!

Is this depression so serious?

"Doctor, then what do you say should be done!"

Qin Changqing hurriedly grabbed the hand of the great husband and asked with concern.

"There is only one way!"

Da Dafu looked triumphant.

He also felt that his acting skills were very good, and he did a perfect job this time!

"Just walk!"

Qin Changqing and Auntie: "???"

"This domestic animal, if you stay at home for too long, you will be unhappy! You need to take a walk!"

Daofu exposed his true colors and began to talk about these things frantically.

Talked endlessly.

Qin Yuyan fainted directly!

Zhou Qian!

What kind of actor are you looking for? Three words are not far from the pig!

Who are these people!

Tang Ke...cold sweat!

This huge husband is a pig teammate, and Zhou Qian is also a pig teammate!

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