"Walking! It's walking! People also need to go out and take a walk!"

After seeing Zhou Qian's almost murderous eyes, Da Dafu immediately reacted.

Quickly start to round up the conversation.

"A few days ago, a Teddy came to my clinic!"

? ? ?

Qin Changqing looked dumbfounded: "What Teddy?"

Qin Yuyan... completely speechless.

Zhou Qian also held her forehead in despair at this time.

I'm a god! What should I do!

Qin Changqing stopped the big husband and asked curiously, "Why do I hear this name so familiarly?"


Daofu was also embarrassed, and he accidentally became proud and told the truth.

Exposed his own veterinarian's true colors...

However, Daofu still had two brushes, and he quickly reacted.

"Haha... it's a foreign kid called Teddy!"

The huge man who tells lies does not change his face and his heart beats, and he looks like a serious nonsense.

"So it's like this..."

Qin Changqing and aunt nodded.

"This kid has brown skin! He stands up so tall!"

One gesture... directly to the knee.

Qin Yuyan is speechless, damn it! This is obviously the height of a teddy dog!

You veterinarian, can you converge a little bit!

"His parents were like this at the time. They felt that their children were too dangerous to go out, so they stayed at home all the time!"

"It's been closed for half a year! It's good now! I can't say a word!"

Tang Ke laughed out loud...If it could speak human words, it would be amazing.

But Qin Changqing and Auntie were shocked!

"What about this?"

"This is too serious!"

The two looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

"This is simple, as long as you come to me, I can solve it for you!"

"At that time, their parents also found me and asked me to show them to their children!"

"I just waved my hand directly! Tell them!"

"Walk! Go for a walk!"

"As a result, guess what?"

At this time, the big husband was completely mobilized, as if he was talking about cross talk, dancing like crazy.

Where is there a doctor who looks like a liar.

However, he himself is triumphant and feels that his feelings are in place!

What is the most important thing about performance?

It just feels!

As long as this is felt, your acting must be acting like something!

All you need is this kind of self-confidence!

Qin Changqing, Auntie, and even Zhou Qian, were somewhat mobilized at this time.

Asked curiously.

"What happened?"

"As soon as I went out, I met a lot of puppies! I immediately started playing!"

"It's fun to play!"

"and many more!"

Qin Changqing suddenly said suspiciously, "Playing with a bunch of dogs?"

"Uh... Ah... yes! Isn't it normal for children to like dogs?"

"After playing! You can scream!"


"Call... call... call people! Call mom and dad!"


Zhou Qian couldn't help holding out her thumbs, yes, this big man, awesome!

This can be rounded back!

If this is the case, then things must be fine this time!

This big man and Zhou Qian thought exactly the same!

That's all, Laozi can actually come back! It's really awesome!

Things must be stable this time!

Daanfu also relaxed his vigilance at this time because of his overconfidence.

Speaking directly.

Afterwards, they will be arrogant! Now this teddy dog ​​is more obedient than humans! "

Qin Changqing heard...

Furiously: "Dog? It really is a dog! You are not a doctor at all, are you?"

"You can make it clear, who on earth do you see a doctor? Is it a psychologist?"

Facing Qin Changqing's sudden anger, Da Dafu's face was full of horror...

It's over, it's really...exposed!

"Sorry! I'm not a psychologist, I'm just a veterinarian!"

"I... I'm leaving now!"

"Wait, you bastard!"

"Dare to go to my house and pretend here, I..."

Qin Changqing was trembling with anger, and immediately chased after him!

Zhou Qian and Qin Yuyan are all desperate now!


It's completely out of play now!

Qin Changqing was half-dead, and said angrily: "Zhou Qian, where did you invite the doctor from! That's it?"

Zhou Qian whispered: "Uncle...I don't know! When I asked him, he said he was a psychologist!"


Zhou Qian was kicked out of Qin's house directly!


Qin Yuyan pretended to fail the escape plan for depression!

It is because of these two pig teammates!

When Zhou Qian returned to Tang Ke, her head was downcast.

Said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry...I messed up..."

"As expected."

Tang Ke didn't care at all, Zhou Qian looked dazed.

What do you mean, I am a pendant right?

Tang Ke smiled and said, "It seems that the prince is still going to get involved!"

Qin Changqing also discovered this time that any doctor's depression is all a lie!

He drove out and sent Qin Yuyan back to the room.

Angrily said: "You stay honestly for me! Don't think anyone can come to rescue you!"

Suddenly... Qin Changqing's cell phone rang.

The vice president of the company called.

"Chairman, it's not good! Just now Ning Lie of Linkang Medical Group called! He said that he would cancel our supplier qualification!"


Qin Changqing was dumbfounded!

How can this be?

His medical device company was just selected as a supplier of Linkang Medical Group some time ago!

Why are you canceling so soon?

It's a bolt from the blue!

Qin Changqing was so scared that her voice trembled...

"Wait, I will call Mr. Ning Lie right away to see what's going on!"

Qin Changqing called Ning Lie.

"Mr. Ning Lie, is there any misunderstanding?"

Qin Changqing's trembling voice kept smiling.

"Why did we suddenly cancel our supplier qualifications?

Ning Lie's face was indifferent.

"Actually... I just had a dream."


Qin Changqing looked dumbfounded!

What does dreaming mean? What's happening here?

Ning Lie said solemnly: "This dream is not so good! Not good, especially bad!"

"I dreamt of your goods, there is a quality problem! It caused us to lose a lot!"

"I didn't feel right, so I asked Mr. Fortune telling, he said, I can't cooperate with you!"


Qin Changqing was completely speechless at this time!

My business is so yellow because of a dream?

And what the hell is fortune-telling!

He hurriedly explained: "Mr. Ning Lie, this is not appropriate!"

"And this dream is reversed... It's better to be like this, let's meet and talk!"

Qin Changqing said in a hurry, now only have a chance to meet!

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