Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 328: Another Super Reward

A lot of people in the van directly carried Tang Ke into the van!

Howled and ran out!

When the car left... Only the assistant was left alone, looking at the van that had gone away.

"I...I haven't gotten into the car yet!"

The assistant looked into the distance with a bitter expression.

Depend on!

In the van at this time, Tang Ke originally planned to struggle, but after seeing the identity of the other party, he stopped.

Isn't this the manager I saw yesterday?

Manager Yu Wei said triumphantly: "Hahaha, boy, do you remember me?"

"It's you! Can't you be more careful? I almost knocked you over with a fist!"

Tang Ke said helplessly.

Yu Wei chuckled twice: "Yes, it's me! I'm telling you a good news, you are going to be a big model now!"

Tang Ke has a black line on his face...

Laozi is already a big model, alright!

As long as this photo is posted on the Internet, tens of millions of fans will naturally gather here.

Otherwise, why do you need a helmet and mask for express delivery?

Yu Wei pinched his fingers and said proudly: "I've done it! You will definitely be the most popular model in our country in the future!"

Tang Ke said helplessly: "I'm not interested, I want to deliver express!"

Send courier...

Express delivery……

The people in the car are silent. What is the wrong thing in your mind?

Yu Wei has a face that I can hardly see through your expression.

"Send delivery, brother, are you afraid that you have a misunderstanding about the model?"

"As long as you become a model, how many levels can your net worth rise directly?"

"Any ad is worth tens of millions!"

"Is he bad with this money? Is he unhappy to be a model?"

"I tell you, brother, as long as you become our guest, the champion will definitely be yours! By then, it will definitely be a big hit!"

Other people continued to persuade them at this time.

"Tang Ke, you have no future for express delivery!"

"Yes, how much money can you make in a month? In the future, commercial performance will definitely start with several million!"

"Luxury car beauty, villa, what do you want!"

These people Barabara said...

At this moment, the car brakes!

"It's a place!"

A group of people took Tang Ke and got out of the car directly!

At this moment, a luxurious Cullinan drove into the parking lot.

A somewhat wealthy middle-aged man in the back seat saw Tang Ke and was immediately shocked!

Hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

The car stopped and the middle-aged man got out of the car and said with a shocked expression on his face.

"Mr. Tang Ke?"

"Li Wei?"

Tang Ke looked at it, and immediately recognized this person. This person was the man who had cooperated with that Li Junji before, and then suddenly didn't cooperate.

Tang Ke was not particularly disgusted with this person.

After all, he immediately cleaned up Li Junji after he knew that Li Junji's suggestion had provoke him.

Li Wei was quite pleasantly surprised.

"Mr. Tang Ke, it's really you! You are..."

Seeing a large group of people here was like watching Tang Ke, he was also dumbfounded.

Tang Ke said helplessly.

"These people have to let me join some fashion organization. If I don't go, they have to come hard."

At this time, Yu Wei and other staff also recognized Li Wei.

Damn it! Isn't this the boss of their fashion organization?

The company behind this fashion organization, Meihe Group.

The boss is Li Wei!

"Good dad! Ah no, good boss!"


A bunch of people say hello quickly! But... they soon discovered something wrong!

Why does the boss call the courier brother Mr. Tang Ke?


And the attitude is very respectful!

Everyone looked at each other.

A subtle idea of ​​feeling that they were in trouble began to rise in their hearts...

Isn't this kidnapping a super boss?


Li Wei was shocked himself!

"They... kidnapped you?"

Damn it! Li Wei was so stupid at the time. They were too courageous!

He Li Wei didn't dare to do this, but Tang Ke was a guest of Shao Yang!

Tang Ke nodded: "Yeah, they still say this makes money."

Li Wei immediately covered his face...make money! Did you talk to Tang Ke about making money?

Isn't this a joke?

Yu Wei swallowed his own saliva, feeling very guilty.

"The boss... mainly because this little brother is so handsome... I couldn't hold back..."

"I can't hold back you Ma Bi!"

Li Wei kicked Yu Wei immediately!

"Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Tang Ke!"

Yu Wei is also a sensible person, and quickly lowered his head: "Mr. Tang Ke, I'm sorry!"

The others followed: "I'm sorry!"

Tang Ke smiled calmly: "It's okay, anyway, you are not malicious, it doesn't matter, I'll go to deliver the courier first."

Ah? Express delivery?

Li Wei almost sat down...


Twenty minutes later, Tang Ke finally returned to his express delivery point.

Just at this time……

[Dip, the system detects that the host has completed the special order and received 23% of the angel investment! The largest shareholder]

Tang Ke was dumbfounded for an instant, what the hell is this!

Angel investment, Tang Ke is very familiar with it, and it is a very luxurious brand!

The chairman of this brand relied on this brand to become the world's richest man!


On the other side, the angel investment group headquarters, chairman's office.

Chairman Elno is celebrating here! Because part of his company's shares have been sold! And it was sold to a mysterious rich man in China!

With this money, he bought an oil field directly!

Although it is not happy to lose the shares of the group, this oil field is even more important! In his eyes, this oil field is likely to become the most important position in the future resource strategy!


He did not notice that the location of the oil field is very good, but the price of oil is now...not so stable.


At this time, Tang Ke was also calculating the value of his reward.

Calculated according to the market value of angel investment, 200 billion U.S. dollars, 23% of the shares, 460 billion, U.S. dollars!

Tang Ke... felt a little speechless!

This is just a string of numbers! Just a bunch of numbers! What big scene hasn't been seen?

How could this little money make oneself upset?


Tang Ke decided to calm down!


On the other side, Qin Changqing's heart went through a whole night of struggle! Finally recognized one thing!

His tens of billions group still has a daughter, so he can only choose one!

Even so, he has to make the last struggle! Talk to Qin Yuyan!

"Yu Yan!"

Qin Changqing said with a depressed look: "Can you listen to me? I really don't worry about you, I'm afraid you will be deceived!"

"Will not!"

Qin Yuyan looked confident.

"The man I like is definitely the right person!"


Qin Changqing felt helpless.

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