Qin Changqing saw that this was not a solution!

Suddenly an idea!

"By the way, in this case, I won't stop your boyfriend, but this person must meet three criteria!"

"It must be mature and stable, and there must be a big company! It must be rich!"

"These three things must all be met!"

Qin Changqing said domineeringly to Qin Yuyan: "Otherwise, I will never let you find a boyfriend in private!"

Qin Yuyan was dumbfounded... I didn't expect her father to be so stubborn!

Tang Ke had already bullied his old man into this way when he made his move. As a result... this old man was still thinking about calculations!

Qin Yuyan turned around and called Tang Ke directly to tell the story.

When Zhou Qian heard the news, she couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Why is this old man so stubborn? Just this time, still thinking about this?"

"My dad is really so stubborn..."

Qin Yuyan also wanted to cry without tears.

"Husband, what do you think you should do this time?"

Tang Ke smiled slightly, let him be stubborn not stubborn!

Is Tang Ke still scared?

"Look at me!"

Tang Ke said confidently.


The next day, an unexpected guest came to Qin Yuyan's house immediately!

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a strange face! Zhou Guo!

An executive of the Universe Shield Company! At this time is exuding a sense of majesty without anger!

Just give Qin Yuyan a look, Qin Yuyan knows, this should be the actor invited by Tang Ke!

Qin Changqing also came out: "Yu Yan, who is here?"

"My boyfriend!"

The corners of Qin Yuyan's mouth curled up and said happily.

"Don't you want a boyfriend who meets the three conditions? Now I will let him come!"

Qin Yuyan's housekeeper also heard it, and followed out.

The family saw Tang Ke... with a dumb face! Isn't this a middle-aged person?

Damn it! Although the face looks good, but this age is really too big!

Zhou Guo shook Qin Changqing's hand with a look of enthusiasm: "Get to know, my name is Zhou Guo, you can call me Xiao Zhou!"

Zhou Guo looked at Qin Changqing with dignity, as if he was a son-in-law but also very stable.

"Zhou Guo? Xiao Zhou?"

Qin Yuyan almost laughed out of a pig cry. She looked like Qin Changqing at this age, so she was called Xiao Zhou!

"I'm Qin Yuyan's boyfriend. She said she was in a bad mood recently, so she asked me to take her on a drive to the movies!"

With that said, Zhou Guo gave up his position and a Lolic supercar appeared immediately!

Qin Changqing... dumbfounded!

Qin Yuyan also cooperated with Tang Ke: "This is my boyfriend Zhou Guo!"

Qin Changqing almost died on the spot with anger!

He grabbed Qin Yuyan and said, "You...you!"

I don’t know what to say for a long time...

Qin Yuyan's housekeeper was more reliable, and said indifferently: "Come in, come in and say."

The family sat in the living room.

Qin Changqing took a few pieces of medicinal materials to stabilize his mind.

Angrily said Qin Yuyan: "Why did you bring an old man? What do you want to do!"

When Zhou Guo heard that he was called an old man, he immediately said excitedly: "Although Yu Yan and I are a little bit different in age, our age is not important in this era!"


Qin Changqing's Qi orifices produce smoke.

"Using the people of your previous generation, we are the target!" Tang Feng said solemnly.

Qin Changqing: "Previous generation? How old are you?"


"I'm pooh! I'm just forty-five this year! You are one year older than me! Are you still pretending to be tender with me?"

Tang Ke said indifferently: "I heard about your qualifications. They are mature and stable. I think I meet these qualifications!"

Qin Changqing went crazy!

"Mature and stable, I'm talking about young people! How are you, still stable?"

"By the way, you also said that you need economic foundation, right? I have more than 100 million assets! I am an executive of the Universe Shield Company!"

Zhou Guo continued talking.

"I also have high-end villas and houses in prime locations!"

"I also meet this one!"

Qin Changqing really couldn't bear this violent temper, and immediately said angrily.

"Qin Yuyan, do you know what the marriage is for?"

Tang Feng said solemnly: "That is naturally good for Yu Yan for a lifetime!"

"I bother!"

Qin Changqing was almost dizzy with anger.

"A lifetime? How many days do you have? Just a lifetime? I tell you, you get out of me quickly! Otherwise, you can't take care of yourself because of me!"

"Mr. Qin, please pay attention to your words! I said, I am an executive of the Universe Shield Company!"

"Cosmic Shield Company?"

Qin Changqing realized that... he seemed to have missed a question from just now!

I forgot about the existence of the Cosmic Shield Company just now!

This is a company that wants to be a better player!

Whether this is to clean up others by oneself or others clean up oneself is not always certain!


I didn't expect Qin Yuyan to know such a person. Presumably Qin Yuyan is no longer someone she can control...

Thinking of this, Qin Changqing was completely discouraged.

"Forget it...how do you like it..."


Jin Mengmeng has been quite uncomfortable recently.

Since Tang Ke identified himself as a green tea bitch, the students around him knew his face.

Life began to be difficult.

Originally, his goal in life was to find a golden turtle son-in-law and marry a rich man!

But now this goal cannot be reached at all, on the contrary, it is getting farther and farther away.

Jin Mengmeng is so angry!

"This Tang Ke, he always disturbs me every time!"

"No, I want to rise!"

Jin Mengmeng had an idea.

You can be a female anchor! My appearance is not low! Female anchors are also a holy place for all kinds of scheming bitches!

As long as you dress up carefully every day, turn on the filters, pick up your phone and sell cute, you can get a lot of money!

Go straight to the pinnacle of life!

So... Jin Mengmeng started her journey as a female anchor!

In the morning, Jin Mengmeng began to think of ways to pretend to be compared!

After applying makeup for two hours, I turned the camera's filter to the maximum! Make a whining sound!

The clothes are also looking for a rather thin clothes!

After thinking about it, the name of the live broadcast room must have a gimmick! Just started a "white and rich fitness life!"

Sex. Feeling fitness!

"Morning everyone!"

"Today is another day full of vitality! My name is Jin Mengmeng. This is the first time it has been broadcast. I hope everyone will close it. Note!"

Jin Mengmeng's appearance immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The barrage suddenly became lively.

"The new female anchor? So pretty?"

"The appearance is good and the figure is good!"

"I'm greedy for this body!"

"The courtesy has been brushed up!"

The live broadcast website is the place where the brainless dog licks the most. Sometimes even if they know that the filters look beautiful, they still give gifts.

Soon there were a lot of people in his live room starting to give gifts!


Jin Mengmeng smiled quite sweetly: "Thank you, old iron! I was shocked!"

But at this time, a sharp-eyed person suddenly discovered something wrong.

"Hey! What's behind this anchor is distorted?"

A bunch of people...talking!

"Yeah, why are they distorted?"

"This must be the filter!"

"At first glance, it is the original ugly monster, I have overplayed myself!"

"Go away!"

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