This year, the anchor is not too good to cheat. This time when Jin Mengmeng used the filter... he didn't pay attention to what was behind it, and he showed up all of a sudden.

Most of the fans also ran directly.

Mengmeng...he looked speechless.

How could this be?

It stands to reason that as long as you betray your hue a little bit, a bunch of people will give you crazy gifts!

Is this script wrong?

But since Jin Mengmeng can broadcast live here, he is naturally prepared!

With a glance, it's time to come up with a killer!

"I haven't opened the filter!"

"My figure is very good! Look!"

Scheming bitch Jin Mengmeng immediately revealed the environment behind him, the women's clothing store!

In this clothing store, all kinds of beauties are buying clothes here. It's pretty awesome!

If you want to say where the power is, there is naturally an inner clothing area!

Jin Mengmeng herself is also wearing hot clothes, and her figure is quite hot!

A large number of otaku licked the dog and knelt down again!


"This figure is really awesome!"

"Forgive me, goddess! I shouldn't doubt the goddess!"

"Welfare! This is the real welfare!"

Another wave of gifts was immediately brushed up!

"Thank you, thank you all for your gifts!"

Jin Mengmeng smiled again, very sweet! Very green tea bitch temperament!

But at this time she was sneer in her heart.

"These idiots are such a lie! I just showed these things a little bit, and they flew together like silly birds!"

"This money is really cheating! Hahaha..."

Jin Mengmeng scheming bitch, filter plus prettiest, plus fitness gimmicks, immediately attracted a wave of remnant fans!

The popularity of the live broadcast room has also begun to skyrocket!

"By the way, this time I will take you to the women's clothing store! Let everyone see my figure and their figure! Whose is better!"

"I can still feast my eyes with everyone!"

Jin Mengmeng continued her performance, took the camera, and started wandering around in the clothing store.

"Everyone who wants to buy clothes, if you think my suggestion is good, you can turn it off. Make a note and brush the gift!"

A group of brain-dead fans immediately yelled.

"Wow! The live broadcast takes us to watch beautiful women shopping for clothes?"

"I just like to watch Miss Sister try on clothes!"

"This figure is really great! Great! Hahaha..."

"I'm just here to learn how to dress and match, you don't want to harm me!"

One by one gentlemen were madly posting barrage here.

at this time……

A handsome guy rode out to the door.

Tang Ke, send express!

Tang Ke is still on the way to the clothing store to deliver the express, while Jin Mengmeng has entered the women's clothing store.

The various things in the women's clothing store are super tall.

Jin Mengmeng whispered.

"Look at everyone, this is the women's clothing store where I usually buy clothes!"

While walking, I made a suggestion to the clerk next to me.

The live broadcast room was amazed.


"The clerk knows them all, they must be people who come here often!"

"Goddess! Goddess!"

"I've heard of this clothing store! It's very high-end!"

Jin Mengmeng was proud of watching the fans in the live broadcast room continue to rise.

These stupid birds are so good to deceive hahahaha!

It's good to be able to cheat money!

"Let me introduce to you why I can dress and match so well!"

Jin Mengmeng pointed to an area and said happily.

The whole audience was blown up...

"The goddess is taking us to see the inner clothes?"

"This is not a place where men can go in, right?"

"The first time I saw a girl like this! Hahaha..."

"If you can live in this place, I will give you a rocket!"

Jin Mengmeng smiled.

But immediately turned around!

Went to another area!

"This is the domestic brand area, let me introduce you to everyone!"

"But it's domestically produced after all, it's really not so good!"

"I usually don't buy things here, the clothes here are so low!"

The barrage exploded instantly.

"It's a goddess! Indeed, domestic products are not so good!"

"It's okay to go to the inner clothing area! What's going on!"

"Goddess, turn around and take us in!"

In this place, as long as a man approaches, there are countless girls stealing contemptuous eyes.

So ordinary men have no chance to come in at all.

But I am very curious about what is going on here.

So all of them are quite excited!

As a result, I saw Jin Mengmeng suddenly turning around and exploded one by one instantly!

Jin Mengmeng smiled.

"It's always going to be gradual!"

Then led everyone to another area!

"This is an area for foreign goods, I like to buy clothes here!"

"The clothes here are tall! Look at it!"

As a result, a bunch of people...

"It feels almost the same, right?"

"The things here are too expensive to fit at all."

"As expected to be a goddess, I can consume the things here!"

"Change zones! Hurry up! Otherwise, I'll take the customs off!"

Jin Mengmeng had no choice but to go to another area!

Now everyone is excited!

At this moment... Tang Ke just came in with the courier.

When I saw Jin Mengmeng set up the phone, I showed it to everyone.

Sure enough, I saw a lot of girls choosing clothes!

Occasionally I can see those who have changed their clothes!

It can be said to be quite popular!

"Damn! This beauty is really changing clothes!"

"Yes, this kind of thing can be photographed!"

"Niu than!"

One big wave's gift was swiped up immediately.

Jin Mengmeng sneered, silly! Getting cheated by a camera!

But Jin Mengmeng is still trying hard to get gifts!

"Have you seen it? I have such a good figure, and I rely on choosing fashionable clothes to match here every day!"

"Give me a gift, it looks like I have worked so hard!"

"This is an adventure to shoot these things for you!"

Seeing this scene, Tang Ke almost laughed.

Is this also OK? Isn't this illegal? You still know how to play as expected!

It hurts the person being photographed.

Tang Ke turned his eyes and immediately found a way!


"What are you doing! Is this a place where you can shoot casually?"

Originally, Jin Mengmeng knew that what she was doing was not appropriate, so she deliberately blocked it, but Tang Ke shouted so...

Everyone around saw it!

All the female compatriots were immediately filled with indignation!

"There is actually such a thing!"

"I want to call the police!"

"This is illegal! You immediately turn off your phone!"

The live broadcast was quiet in an instant.

The coach was dumbfounded.

I only saw Jin Mengmeng here alone with a dazed expression!

"Pay attention to fread-com"

"The goddess was caught!"

"It's over! This goddess is too courageous at first sight! I thought she was just playing around! Didn't expect you to be real?"

"I just knew that this woman is so courageous! It is estimated that she will be blocked soon, hahaha..."

A lot of fans ran away in an instant!

When Jin Mengmeng finally found the problem.

There are already a bunch of people filled with righteous indignation, and a bunch of people who are not too big to watch the excitement!

It's overturned!


Take a look at the live room...

The fans are gone!

Jin Mengmeng exploded directly on the spot!

Looking back, I saw Tang Ke wearing a helmet and mask.

Didn't recognize Tang Ke!

But it must be just a courier!

"It's all caused by you! I want to give you a bad review!"

Tang Ke said helplessly: "Your express has arrived."

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