"You'd better fight quickly, I want to see, what can you do to me!"

Tang Ke said indifferently.

Zhang Fan is even more angry!

"Customer service? I want to complain to someone! It's my order just now! Yes!"

"What? Provide evidence?"

"Three more working days to wait? What the hell did you do!"

"What? There are more than 30 people complaining about him? So it takes a long time? Why don't you suspend such a person?"

"Does your company want to do it? Hello? Hello?"

The beep sounded... the other party has hung up the phone...

Zhang Fan was completely dumbfounded!

He really didn't expect that he would encounter so many things when he made a complaint call!

And I actually know that Tang Ke still has more than 30 complaints! This is already the case, Tang Ke is good to deliver the courier here!

There must be a problem in this world!

Zhang Fan simply wants to cry without tears!

Are you bullying me?

Tang Ke said leisurely beside him, "How about it? More than 30 people lined up. Have you ever counted how old you are?"

"Continue to complain? I want to see, what can you do to me!"

Zhang Fan...

Completely speechless! Tang Ke, what is this, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water! The complaint can't help him at all! Why on earth!

Zhang Fan looked dumbfounded.

"You wait! There must be a problem with the customer service just now!"

With that said, Zhang Fan complained again!

But the answer... is surprisingly consistent!

Even the sound is very similar!

That's natural. They are all the young ladies who are responsible for Tang Ke's complaints!

Just at this time……

Tang Ke's phone rang.

"Mr. Tang Ke, hello, I am Hans from the Angel Investment Company. I would take the liberty to interrupt!"

Tang Ke said indifferently, "Just say something."

Don't like to waste time, Tang Ke has always been straightforward.

"It's actually like this...our company..."

"It's actually like this...our company..."

? ? ?

Tang Ke looked dumbfounded, what's the matter? How do you feel a sound inside the phone, and a sound outside the phone?

At this moment, Tang Ke looked up!

Hans is talking on the phone!

Tang Ke simply said loudly, "Are you Hans? Stop calling! I'm here!"

Hans was also dumbfounded...

Why are there two voices the same inside the phone and outside?

Looking up, he really saw Tang Ke!

Hans walked over immediately and said respectfully: "Mr. Tang Ke! You... why are you here?"

"Send express."

Because of the investigation of Tang Ke, Hans can predict this answer somewhat...

However, after seeing it with my own eyes, I still feel really shocked!

The biggest shareholder of his company actually delivers express delivery here!

Looked down by a small character!

Thinking about it, Hans' eyes had fallen on Zhang Fan's body.

Hans was just talking on the phone, so he didn't talk about it.

But now that I contacted Mr. Tang Ke, it was natural to educate this Zhang Fan!

Zhang Fan saw that Hans and Tang Ke actually knew each other! I was frightened and slumped in place!

There are expressions of horror and puzzlement all over his face! Who is this Tang Ke?

Why do you know the boss of your company! And Hans still respects Tang Ke so much!

Now he is completely finished! He had offended Tang Ke severely just now!

Hans beckoned, and said to the assistant next to him: "Let this person disappear in our company!"


Zhang Fan saw this scene...completely desperate! The most desperate thing is not that I have been driven out, but that I have no room for resistance at all!

Don't even dare to ask Hans to intercede! Because he fully understands Hans's identity and status! It's not the object of people like him that can be harassed at this time!

"Mr. Tang Ke! Can you enjoy a cup of tea with you?"

"Okay, it's all here. It's the first time I know that the Yinxia Kingdom branch where your angel invested is actually here."

If you can meet Hans here, it must mean that Hans' company is here.

Tang Ke was also quite surprised.

When I came in, I didn't pay attention to these brands or anything. I just delivered the express delivery. If you look at the brands, you can see a series of English letters of angel investment.

"President, the next meeting..."

The assistant reminded that Hans said indifferently: "Isn't the waiting meeting a return of the company's situation? It just so happens that Mr. Tang Ke is our shareholder, you can follow along!"

"In addition, after the report, the largest shareholder of the company is here, and they cheer me up one by one!"


Under Hans' arrangement, Tang Ke glanced at the company casually.

When the meeting came, everyone was dumbfounded! Damn it!

No one thought that the largest shareholder of this company would come in wearing a courier outfit!

And he's just a courier! Because at the front desk, someone had already seen Tang Ke!

"Is this the pattern? So rich, still delivering express delivery!"

"It's terrible! We really can't see through the ideas of the rich!"

"This is actually a big man worth hundreds of billions of dollars! Do you dare to believe it?"

Everyone talked...very shocked!

A few hours later, Tang Ke left the company under the watchful eye of these people.

As soon as he got out of the building, Tang Ke was stopped by an unusually luxurious sports car.

Roadster, in the driver's seat of the car, a very cool man is driving the car with a nose ring on his nose.

He also has various tattoos on his body, and he still has hot red hair on his head.

If you put it on other people, this is a properly non-mainstream, low-than-explosive thing.

But this person is sitting in a luxury car, this is not non-mainstream, but cool!

Pulling cool and dazzling Domination's coolness!

This cool little brother recognized Tang Ke at a glance!

"Isn't this Tang Ke?"

"You are……"

Tang Ke searched in his mind for a long time, and finally found out that this person was indeed familiar!

This turned out to be a little boy I met in the orphanage when I was young! Liu Jian!

This little boy has money in his family. His mother often takes him to the orphanage to visit other children and participate in some activities.

So if you come and go, you know each other.

Counting now, I haven't seen it for ten years.

After seeing this express costume on Tang Ke, Liu Jian was immediately overjoyed!

Tang Ke, Tang Ke, my mother always tells me that Tang Ke is in the orphanage, he is handsome and he studies hard!

He must be a talent in the future! The results of it?

Isn't this still an express delivery? What is the use of studying well? Now that Tang Ke has had such a bad life, Liu Jian's heart is instantly happy!

Whatever you say, you should also have a good communication with Tang Ke, and tell your mother about Tang Ke's tragic situation at that time!

Ha ha ha ha……

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