Thinking of this, Liu Jian immediately got out of the car! Standing next to Tang Ke.

Handed out a cigarette: "Come to a Chinese man?"

"Sorry, don't smoke."

Liu Jian had to turn on the lighter by himself and lit one, and then the clouds were lingering.

"Have you seen it in some years? We two."

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to have such a big change after so many years!"

Tang Ke looked at this red hair and couldn't help but admire.

Liu Jian sneered: "Your changes are even greater! No, I heard that you are not working in a foreign company? Why did you suddenly become an express delivery?"

Tang Ke waved his hand: "It's the past."

Looking at Tang Ke's appearance, although it was very calm, Liu Jian just felt it! Tang Ke must feel quite bitter!

This is life!

awful! It's so miserable! Ha ha ha ha……

When I saw that Tang Ke was so miserable, how could I be so happy in my heart?

Liu Jian was about to laugh out loud himself.

However, he has not noticed that the rich and beautiful friends in the car at this time are already a little unhappy.

He simply got out of the car: "Why are you still talking about it!"

"My dear, this is my old friend! Of course I have to have a good chat! Wait a minute!"

Liu Jian immediately prepared to pretend to be in front of Tang Ke!

In fact, Liu Jian's life was not particularly good. The people in their family were not particularly rich, otherwise they would not play in the orphanage.

Instead, they adopted a few children directly.

After graduating, he has been working hard, but because of his lack of talent, and his hard work, he was enthusiastic for three minutes.

Just worked, worked hard for a few days, then salted the fish for a few months, and then worked hard for a few days.

Such a character is naturally difficult to achieve, but he is lucky! Met this girlfriend this time!

This girlfriend is a pretty awesome person, so he just started to follow.

Although he was like this, he still felt that he was much better than Tang Ke when he saw Tang Ke's appearance!

The beauty is a little impatient at this time.

Simply put out your phone and chat with other people.

Looking impatient, suddenly became happy!

Tang Ke took a look... felt sorry for Liu Jian for a second! Do you still have time to pretend to be with me here? Your girlfriend is obviously a sister Hai!

Others are Haiwang, hang a bunch of girls, and they are Haijie, with a hundred thousand spare tires behind!

Liu Jian said to Tang Ke: "Actually, we will get married in two weeks!"

Tang Ke was shocked!

Damn it! So fast? But you didn't find your girl, is there a problem?

Tang Ke could only pat Liu Jian on the shoulder, and said indifferently: "Brother, come on!"

Liu Jian... was stunned for a long time.

But when I saw my girlfriend, I immediately understood that I was going to become a son-in-law and married directly to someone else's home. There would be a lot of things after that.

If only there is a good day...

At this moment, two big beauties, Gongsun Guo Gong Sun Ling suddenly came over!

"Mr. Tang Ke, how did you feel just now? The angel investment company is doing pretty well, right?"

The two of them came over to ask Tang Ke as if they were about to ask a questionnaire.

Tang Ke nodded calmly.

Liu Jian saw this scene... suddenly dumbfounded!

How is this going! How did Tang Ke know such two beautiful sisters?

And these two sisters seem to have considerable respect for Tang Ke!

Liu Jian suddenly became sour!

Depend on! I wanted to show off my white-rich and beautiful friends, but... in front of the other two sisters, Tang Ke, I couldn't lift my head at all!

"Aren't you leaving?"

The beauty also urged Liu Jian, who could only helplessly say: "Then let's go first!"

"Hmm! I'll have a chance to chat again in the future!"

After sending the two away, Tang Ke said calmly: "The company is good, and the atmosphere is good."


On the other side, Liu Jian and the beauty are in the car, and the beauty always feels something is wrong.

Suddenly something came to mind!

"Hey! What did those two women just say? Angel investment?"

"Right! What's the matter?"

Liu Jian doesn't know what angel investment is...but beautiful women do!

This beauty is also an upper-class person anyway, such a powerful group has naturally heard of it!

His eyes widened suddenly!

But soon, she returned to normal again, she should have misunderstood.

There must be something special. How could Tang Ke have something to do with such a large group?


Tang Ke quickly contacted Shangguan Wan'er and talked about George Bai's clothing exhibition.

Shangguan Wan'er was also very excited when he heard Tang Ke's invitation.

"I can go with you, I can go anywhere!"

"If it's an exhibition, I can take a good look at the materials and styles over there, maybe it will be very helpful for me to make clothes!"

"Thank you husband!"

Tang Ke smiled, "Why are we still talking about thank you? Tomorrow we can study the new posture together!"

"Oh! You are so bad!"

"By the way, if I participate in a clothing exhibition, I might need some jewellery...These are all national style jewellery...not suitable for this kind of international exhibition."

Shangguan Wan'er said immediately.

"This little thing, we just made an appointment to go to the commercial building together!"


An hour later, Tang Ke and Shangguan Wan'er had arrived at the well-known Hongye Commercial Building in Yangcheng.

Soon I got into the AAL jewelry store. This brand is also an internationally well-known brand. In terms of magnitude, it should be a brand of the 100 billion group.

In China, it ranks third.

In the international arena, it ranks second.

Buying jewellery here is perfect!

The two were making this selection, but the commotion around attracted Tang Ke's attention.

Looking back... a large group of people were pointing at him and Shangguan Wan'er at this time. The girl looked at herself like an idiot.

The man has an expression of envy, jealousy and hatred! Some people simply ignore themselves and stare at Shangguan Wan'er!

Depend on!


The two of them came out this time without wearing masks or making any preparations, so now they face everyone without makeup!

Shangguan Wan'er's face like a fairy and her own handsome face are now being watched by this group of people!

This caused a commotion!

However, these people still have a bit of ethics, and the discussion falls into the discussion, but none of them deliberately came together to hook up the two of them.

It may also be that the aura of Tang Ke and Shangguan Wan'er is too strong, and the other people have no chance to intervene between the two.

Tang Ke didn't care too much, and continued to help Shangguan Wan'er choose jewelry.

At this moment, a star walked to the AAL jewelry store, surrounded by a dozen bodyguards!

The scene is quite spectacular! Everyone who saw it was amazed!

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