The man who was surrounded by the crowd was the ambassador of AAL Jewelry in Yinxia Country!

Famous movie star Cheng Rui!

When it comes to image ambassadors, most people may think that it is just like that, after all, it is just a star.

But in fact, there is a huge difference between an image ambassador and an image ambassador!

The difference depends on the brand behind the scenes! Some brands are very ordinary companies!

So even if you can become an ambassador for this brand, that's a weak one!

But Cheng Rui is different! The gold content of Cheng Rui, an ambassador, is quite impressive!

What brand is this AAL jewelry? That is a world-class brand! To be an ambassador for this brand must be an international superstar!

So now a dozen bodyguards are around him to protect his safety, it is also very normal!

After all, if other people discovered his existence, and hundreds of people surrounded him like this, he would definitely be unable to move an inch!

Every time I come out, I have to be so powerful! What a sin!

Cheng Rui thought, but at this moment he was extremely proud of it! Being onlookers is of course something worth showing off and being proud of!

Ha ha ha ha……

This is Niubi! This is the international movie star!


In fact, Cheng Rui is not an international movie star at all. It is just a star who competes with him for the brand ambassador, and some bad things have been detected.

These still directly led to the star's loss. Cheng Rui is just a spare tire.

His ability is not enough, and his reputation is not enough.

Instead, he became famous after becoming an ambassador!

In the past, celebrities led the brand to become famous, but the brand led the celebrities to become famous. He was the only one.

But he himself has no such self-knowledge.

On the contrary, I feel that this is a recognition of my ability!

proud! presumptuous!

When I walk, I feel the same as overlooking all beings!

Today he was invited to participate in an event at the AAL store!

It’s a great feeling to enter the brand store that you endorsed to do activities!

Cheng Rui entered the shop proudly!

"Welcome to Mr. Cheng!"

Because it was ready from the beginning, the manager immediately came over to meet Cheng Rui.

The attitude is also very respectful.

No process Rui...At this time, an embarrassing thing was discovered.

That is, there are obviously a lot of people in this shop, but after I came in... these people are actually not off. Pay attention to yourself!

Looking in the direction these people were looking at, Cheng Rui immediately saw Tang Ke!

Damn it!

What a handsome boy! Much more handsome than me!


Bah baah baah!

What's more handsome than me? There is no one more handsome than me in this world!

Cheng Rui immediately refuted himself angrily.

After Cheng Rui saw Shangguan Wan'er, she was even more shocked!

Damn it! Isn't this girl too beautiful?

As a well-known celebrity, Cheng Rui has seen the world anyway, and the beautiful girls have seen thousands of them, but these people are not as beautiful as Shangguan Wan'er!

Standing with Tang Ke is a perfect match!

This scene... directly made Cheng Rui sour!

Depend on! This handsome guy who doesn't know his name can still know such a beautiful girl even if he steals the limelight from him!

No, we must grab everyone's attention from them!

Cheng Rui frowned.

Immediately said to the manager: "Manager, didn't you invite me to discuss the event? How do so many people discuss it? You go get them all out!"

Cheng Rui wants to let them know that he is here!

Now that the big guys have arrived, then their little characters should retreat!

"A bunch of street people... dare to steal the limelight with me?"

Cheng Rui thought confidently.

As a result... the agent was dumbfounded!

Brother, it would be inappropriate for you to do this! This is too arrogant, right?

"Mr. Cheng..."

As soon as the agent was about to speak to express his opinion, Cheng Rui immediately looked back at the agent!

Vicious! This look is like a cannibalism!

The agent immediately persuaded... obediently retreated to the back.

"Why, didn't you hear me? You have to make it clear that you invited me to the event!"

"You are a high-end store anyway, and the people who can come in should always be some amazing people!"

"But even so, my status is still different from them!"

The noise that Cheng Rui made was so great that many people watched it.

Tang Ke and Shangguan Wan'er also heard this.

Shangguan Wan'er was naturally unwilling to be troublesome, and immediately took Tang Ke to leave.

Of course the manager knew that Cheng Rui's request was really rude! But as for him, his status and status are indeed inferior to Cheng Rui.

After all, I am just a manager, not the president of the entire Yinxiaguo AAL brand. If the president comes, he can drive him away in a word.

It can even make the matter of this ambassador straightforward.

In desperation... the manager can only signal to the clerk to invite all these customers out.

The manager himself went to persuade the customers, and soon arrived in front of other customers.

"Sorry, gentlemen and ladies, this gentleman wants to discuss the event with us, so you need to go out first..."

Tang Ke frowned, and said indifferently: "Oh? Who is this person? There is such a privilege?"

"Sorry... this is our ambassador, Mr. Cheng Rui,"

Tang Ke knew that this person was Cheng Rui! After all, it is an ambassador, and the advertisement of this person can still be seen in the store.

But Tang Ke has always been ignorant of this, so he doesn't know it. This is considered to be an acquaintance.

Cheng Rui was also triumphant at this time.

"Yes! I am the ambassador of the AAL brand! You all know that this brand is rich, and you should understand that I can become the ambassador of this brand, how powerful is it?"

"I tell you, this is not an ordinary honor. There are definitely no more than three people who are qualified to endorse this thing in Yinxia State..."

As if showing off his achievements here, Cheng Rui licked his face and started talking.

Infinite Bibi Bibi.

Tang Ke's face was disdainful. If he was really as good as what he said, would he still know this person?

You know, if you really become an international superstar, you will almost be known to all over the country.

Tang Ke didn't know, it showed that this person was still a little worse.

Originally, Tang Ke didn't want to entangle this person here, but no matter what, this person is too capable!

Tang Ke felt a little sick when he looked at it! At this time, it is not good to suppress his arrogance, maybe what he will do in the future!


Some people, if they owe a fight, they have to fight!

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