Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 34-Brother Tang Is Amazing

Yangcheng, Dongyun Law Firm, board meeting.

"Starting from today, I will remove the position of chairman, and this position will be replaced by Mr. Tang Ke!"

"Chairman, our firm is operating well, why do you abdicate?"

"Yeah, how many firms in Yangcheng are our opponents? Our reputation is booming, and the future is unlimited!"

"This is all led by you, the chairman! Why do you want to leave us at this time?"

The old man waved his hand: "I have worked so hard all my life, so let me rest and rest? I have sold the Zhengzheng Firm to Mr. Tang Ke! You will report the situation after Mr. Tang Ke contacts you!"

"If you don't contact you, you just wait!"

With that said, the old man turned and left without hesitation.

Everyone was left looking at each other.

"Vice Chairman, what do you think about this time?"

A man stood up. This man was the best-performing elite lawyer in the firm, Zhang Ke.

The vice chairman pondered.

"Our Dongyun Law Firm is not a small firm, and the scale is very large in the entire Yangcheng."

"The person who can acquire our firm must not be a general generation."

"I think this person named Tang Ke is very likely to be a very powerful character!"

"It's also possible that our previous lawsuit provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, so this person directly sent someone to buy us!"

"Huh? This..."

After hearing this, a group of people suddenly became scared.

You know the chairman of this firm, but a very impressive existence! The person who can make this person abdicate is certainly not a simple role.

If they are really targeted, it will be troublesome!

"Forget it! Soldiers are here to cover the water and earth, Zhang Ke, first think of a way to get in touch with this person who is Tang Ke!"

The vice chairman said quickly.


Takeaway, as soon as Tang Ke went to work, Xiao Li ran over.

Today's little plum is quite different from the past, even wearing a suit!

Without the takeaway clothes from before, Xiao Lizi, a dark boy now looks so handsome and handsome!

But naturally it is no better than Tang Ke.

"Little plum, are you going to make a new look? Delivering food in a suit?"

I've heard of people wearing suits to play groups, but I haven't heard of people wearing suits for delivery.

Little Lizi scratched his head: "I'm sorry Brother Tang, I'm actually here to resign..."

"Brother Tang, I know you have been taking care of me...I don't want to go..."

"Stop talking! I understand Brother Tang, you are going to fly on a branch and become a phoenix, right? Good thing! This is a good thing!"

"People go high and the water flows low! I am happy for you!"

Tang Ke immediately comforted Xiao Li.

Xiao Lizi was moved for a while.

"Brother Tang! Thank you so much! I told you! In fact, it was the lady from last time..."

"I communicated with that lady for a few days, she is so enthusiastic! We are already together now!"

"She is still a rich woman, and she has opened a company now! I'm going to help in the company!"

"What position?"

Tang Ke was a little curious.

"I am the general manager, she is the chairman..."

"Yes! Great!"

From the takeaway to the general manager, you are only one lady!

"This wife really likes you too, you are kinder to others!" Tang Ke said.

"Brother Tang, don't worry! Don't you know who I am? Heheheh..."

Little Lizi suddenly laughed.

At this point, this kid is the thief of happiness. It is estimated that the lady is passionate at this time, and the young man is physically strong.

What happened in this combination, tsk tsk, okay!

"Brother Tang, I prepared this for you too!"

With that, Xiao Lizi handed Tang Ke a cup of soy milk.

This cup of soy milk is really nothing, it can even be said to be very shabby, but this is the heart of the brothers!

Tang Ke doesn't care about money or not at this time!

"We have another dinner in the evening. If you don't dislike Tang Brother, come and join us."

"no problem!"

Brother's business is Tang Ke's business!


Send away Xiao Li.

Just about to deliver takeaway.

A takeaway ran to Tang Ke.

"Brother Tang! This is you! That's awesome!"

Tang Ke saw that a report was displayed on this person's mobile phone.

"The most handsome takeaway boy became popular!"

There are tens of millions of page views under this news!

The photos I put up are the photos taken by my sister who took the goods when I was shopping that day.

Various comments below.

"You deserve to be the takeaway guy from Yangcheng! That's amazing!"

"A food delivery guy is so handsome, I have lived for nothing in my life!"

"So I might as well be a food delivery guy! How can I live this day!"

"I want to marry him!"

The most praised comment was: "When will the takeaway boy debut!"

The comments below are also about men crying and howling wolves, women screaming frantically, yes! This looks pretty!

It seems that there are still a lot of fans of the previous sisters with the goods.

I can actually make myself like this on these platforms.

"Brother Tang, you are on fire now! Don't deliver the food, right?"

"Send! Of course! Who will treat you to dinner if you don't deliver the takeout?!"


"Brother Tang is awesome!"


"Takeaway! Brother Tang, the area that Xiao Lizi was in charge of is handed over to you!"

"What area was Xiaoli in charge of before?"

"The female stream is a street!"


! ! !

Isn’t that the famous street in Yangcheng with only girls?

To talk about this street, that's too awesome.

Most of the famous and unknown men in Yangcheng have been to this place.

As long as this man is brought!

Chic, wave, is simply the representative here!

Xiao Lizi was actually in charge of this kind of place before, which is simply too powerful.

It turned out that the little plum who seemed to be honest and friendly had such an unknown side.

No wonder a noble lady has made him unbearable.

I really can't bear it!

No one can stand it!

But now that it’s assigned to this position, it’s better to deliver the food!

Send it off!

Tang Ke mounted his motorcycle and ran in.

You can't run a supercar. If you run a supercar in this kind of place, Tang Ke will definitely make progress!

Maybe this group of young ladies encircled Tang Ke directly, and Tang Ke would never want to come out!

Riding a motorcycle all the way around, finally came to this street.

As soon as I entered the street, I saw a bunch of young ladies and girls out there.

It's almost like entering the daughter country!

"Little handsome guy! Come and talk!"

"Don't deliver any takeaways, there is no beautiful sister in takeaways!"

"Yeah! Look! This little guy is so handsome!"

Although Tang Ke only slowly passed by this place, it directly caused the sisters around him to scream continuously.

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