"Hello, takeaway!"

Tang Ke entered a barber shop and said immediately.

There were no customers in the barber shop. It seemed that there were no customers because it was time for dinner.

A group of young and lively young ladies are playing with their mobile phones and chatting with each other before laughing and laughing.

As soon as the takeaway arrived, I immediately got up and looked over.

"Yo! The food delivery person has changed today!"

"Also changed to such a handsome boy!"

"Brother, take a leave of absence next time, let's play together for a while!"

These young ladies, as if they were going to eat Tang Ke, were all enthusiastic.

Tang Ke was ashamed for a while, as expected of you!

Enthusiasm or you are enthusiastic enough!

But I only have one question.

Is it okay for white prostitution!

At this moment, Tang Ke suddenly felt uncomfortable in his stomach.

There was a groaning sound.

Cover your belly quickly.

"Ouch... I'm sorry, I suddenly feel sick, can I borrow the bathroom?"

"You should accompany the sisters in the bathroom! Don't even want to run!"

"The toilet is upstairs, go!"

Several young ladies said with a smile on their faces.

Tang Ke quickly went up for convenience.

What's wrong, Tang Ke's recent foods are so stable. Where can I eat anything...

Soy milk!

Damn it!

This product, Xiao Lizi, must not look good, maybe I can get the soy milk from yesterday!

Pit! brother!

Tang Ke grumbled a few more times, and Tang Ke felt that he couldn't stand up anymore.


A sirens suddenly sounded.


Tang Ke immediately looked dumbfounded.

This voice must be no good!

The downstairs immediately turned into a pot of porridge, and a very sweet voice could be heard faintly shouting: "Hold your head and squat down! Hurry up! We are here to check! You guys go to the second floor!"




Can you meet this kind of thing even with the effort of delivering a takeaway to the bathroom?

I'm going to be arrested as a customer here now!

Get up and pack yourself quickly, go out and explain.

As soon as Tang Ke got up, he heard a noisy sound.


Tang Ke hadn't reacted yet, the bathroom door had been kicked open!

A majestic, black uniform police flower immediately appeared in front of Tang Ke!

Tang Ke just finished wiping, but he hasn't even lifted his pants yet!



Silence, embarrassment.

"You! You don't actually wear pants! I want to sue you for being a hooligan!"

The police flower gritted her teeth and said, she even wanted to tear Tang Ke into pieces. It was very powerful, but miss!

Why don't you close your eyes! Why are you still watching!

"Miss, this is the bathroom. You girl broke in. I haven't told you to break into the men's bathroom privately!"

"Yeah! Where is this charge?"

"No matter what, come with us!" The beauty police snorted, unwillingly speaking.

Tang Ke had indeed lifted the trousers at this time, but the beauty just refused to let this part go, she was still looking straight at it.

Miss! I can't see anything now, Miss!

"Auntie police officer, I delivered the food! The car is still downstairs, I have other orders, I just borrow the bathroom, it doesn't matter to me!"

"If I really leave with you, that day will be over."

It doesn't matter if you lose money. If you don't get the rewards of the system, it's not a loss!

"I don't care! Take it away! Who else do you call Auntie? I think you don't want to live anymore!"

This young lady didn't listen to Tang Ke's explanation at all, and said angrily.

Heaven, earth, no reason!

With that, the police officer's sister grabbed Tang Ke with a click and took Tang Ke out.

Tang Ke didn't struggle too much, but you know the floor of the bathroom.

The beautiful sister didn't know if she was mad or was really careless, she suddenly lost her footing! Slid forward!

It doesn't matter if you slide over, you are still pulling me!

Tang Ke felt miserable!

Plop, plop!

The two bodies fell to the ground, but Tang Ke was nothing, there were cushions.

Just pitiful sister beauty.

At this moment, the look in Tang Ke's eyes could kill Tang Ke!

"I'm not to blame! I said in advance!"

"Then you quickly get out of my elder mother!"


It's the game.

"I am the police officer who interrogated you this time, Julily, your words will be recorded. Lying is not good for you!"


"Tang Ke"



Eh! and many more!

"Look up and let me see!" Julie was suddenly surprised.

Wait until Tang Ke looked up.

! ! !

Isn't this the most handsome takeaway boy on the Internet?

As a fashionable girl, Julie has been paying attention to all kinds of news!

Especially news about handsome guys! After all, girls!

Knowing that the most handsome takeaway was in Yangcheng, Julie was even going to use her abilities to find someone!

But the final professional ethics made her give up.

Unexpectedly, I actually met here!

He is really a takeaway!

Then the police officer next to her handed her Tang Ke's information, and Julie's eyes widened suddenly.

"These are all his?"


Although the other police officer didn't want to admit it, how could he not admit it in black and white.

From palaces to sports cars, to law firms and restaurants!

I'm a good boy, so I don't care if I am handsome.

Still so rich!

Even if you have money, you are still delivering food!

She really has never seen this way of experiencing life, Julie!

At this time, Julie had a new understanding of Tang Ke.

How could this little handsome guy be a hooligan in that kind of place?

People are not short of money, and that kind of stuff is definitely not good!

This is really a chance, accidentally! I ran into it accidentally.

Women, when I want to explain, I lie to myself, and when I don't want to explain, she doesn't believe it even if the real thing is placed in front of her.

Now it is clear that the previous stage has been reached.

Julie has already begun to admire Tang Ke, and even feels a little sorry!

It's been a delay for people to deliver food!

"I'm sorry! My dear... ah no, this gentleman! There are so many people and too many situations, and the most basic trust between people is missing..."

"I didn't do it on purpose before... It's just not careful, don't take it to heart, wait for time to have a meal together?"

The police officer actually started to invite the suspect to eat!

It's a young birthday!

Julily was also a little sorry at this time, and even if she misunderstood others, she even peeked at them!

The most handsome takeaway boy is an important place, maybe only I have seen it!

This is simply a great honor!

At the thought of what happened in the bathroom before, Julie felt a little shy, but also a little unexpectedly sweet.


If there is a pillow next to it, Julie really wants to bury her head in it!

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