Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

347 Solve the problem in one second

Zhang Zhendong's attitude is quite amiable!

Xiao Hu's wife was shocked when she saw this scene!

Where on earth is this colleague of Xiao Hu come from? Can you meet someone at the level of your boss?

Xiao Hu's wife Jiang Fang is also someone who used to work in this building. She knows how amazing the companies in this building are.

I also know that Zhang Zhendong is a very powerful person.

Jiang Fang, of course, doesn't care much about being awesome. After all, she is also the kind of person who is good and doesn't care what her boyfriend does.

Even if Xiao Hu is just a courier, but they are determined to do their best, so the two still established a romantic relationship.

But Xiao Hu's colleague was so good, it was still too much of her expectations.

Jiang Fang looked at Tang Ke and Zhang Zhendong chatting with a dazed expression.

"Brother Tang, what is going on?"

Tang Ke pointed to Jiang Fang behind him: "This should be a former employee of your company, but he was fired."

Zhang Zhendong is also a human being. Hearing this, he immediately understood what it meant and said quickly.

"Oh! This! Don't worry! I will reinstate her officer immediately! Come, follow me to the personnel department!"

As he said, he was about to take Jiang Fang away, and Tang Ke quickly stopped him.

"Hey! Wait, I haven't finished speaking yet! She was fired this time because she offended one of your executives."

"But as far as I know, it was actually because the executive stole the design of the lady, and also planted other charges on the lady."

"You should investigate this matter."

When Zhang Zhendong heard this, the expression on his face immediately became extremely serious!

"There is such a thing? Who is it?"

"It's... the director of the marketing department... he also found a lover in the company..."

Jiang Fang simply said everything he knew.

Zhang Zhendong was immediately angry!

"Wait! I'll call him over to confront him!"

Soon this person was called over.

"Tell me, what the hell is going on!"

Zhang Zhendong said furiously. When the supervisor saw Jiang Fang's arrival, he naturally knew that this person was suing here.

He also expected this situation, so he looked indifferent.

"Boss, can you still trust this employee? She is just a small employee."

"I think, maybe someone deliberately wants to be in position and uses her mouth to mess with me! Such a small character is not afraid to speak!"

"Barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes, right? Boss, how can you listen to this kind of person?"

Zhang Zhendong snorted coldly.

"I don't have to listen to her words, what about my friend's words! This is my friend, and this lady's friend!"

"I'm telling you, you'd better tell me something obediently, don't wait for me to find out, if I find out, this thing will not be that simple!"

Zhang Zhendong pointed to Tang Ke.

Seeing Tang Ke... the executives were immediately dumbfounded!

Why is Tang Ke here? This is unscientific!

Tang Ke doesn't know many people in the Financial Building, and this executive is one of them.

Because I have done a lot of things with Zhang Zhendong, I was fortunate enough to meet Tang Ke on both sides.

Know that this Tang Ke is a super boss! Zhang Zhendong must please the boss!

As a result... this big boss has something to do with such a small employee of the company? It is unbelievable!

Shocked for a long time, the supervisor finally realized the seriousness of the problem!

Originally, he thought that this Jiang Fang had no ability to fight against himself. Now it's okay...there is someone in the house!

Weighing the pros and cons, the supervisor quickly said: "Boss...I admit it! I did this! I...I'm crazy..."

"But I didn't mean it! I'm really sorry! You must never fire me!"

Zhang Zhendong snorted coldly: "Don't be fired? Then don't want to be the supervisor!"

Then someone took this person away first, and then re-issued the distribution later. At this time, it was natural to please Tang Ke first.

Zhang Zhendong said immediately.

"Mr. Tang Ke, thank you so much! I didn't expect you to worry about our company's affairs!"

"This kind of executive is a moth in the company. I'm very happy to be able to spot this moth!"

Tang Ke waved his hand: "I just met by chance."

"Don't! You are still kind to me! Go and have a meal together!"

Zhang Zhendong warmly invited Tang Ke, but Tang Ke immediately refused.

"Forget it, I still have things to do, maybe I have to deliver the courier in the afternoon."

With that, Tang Ke left...

Flick your sleeves without leaving a cloud!

However, at this time, the news that the head of the company's marketing department had something happened has spread in the company!

A courier guy suddenly came forward to solve the problem of the company's senior management and dismissed a senior manager!

It is a legendary character!

This matter quickly spread in the company!

Tang Ke became a legend again!


Although he doesn't eat with Zhang Zhendong, Tang Ke still wants to eat with the beauty.

After coming out of his company, Tang Ke looked at his contact list for a long time.

Qin Yuyan... Lisa... Shangguan Wan'er... Liu Luyao... Zhou Qian... No, there are too many to count.

Just find one!

Tang Ke called Lisa to eat together.

This time the two went to Zixuan Pavilion for dinner together. Tang Ke drove there first, while Lisa rushed over from her company.

Zixuange's business has always been relatively hot.

The same is true today, because it is the peak period and there are not many parking spaces outside Zixuan Pavilion.

Tang Ke searched for a long time, and finally found one.

When I was about to stop in...

A woman suddenly stopped his way!

Tang Ke looked dumbfounded.

Hurry up and brake!

With a squeak, even if it is Tang Ke who has a good temper, his temper is not so good at this time.

Asked angrily.

"Miss, don't you want to kill me? Why do you stop behind my car suddenly? If I reverse my car, you will be hit!"

Tang Ke got off the car and saw this girl, only then found out...

The girl who originally looked at her figure is okay, she turned out to be a coquettish bitch!

He has heavy makeup on his face and various enchanting clothes on his body.

The expression on his face is also quite cheap.

At this time, he was looking at Tang Ke sarcastically.

"Don't you have eyes? You don't know how to see it? I tell you, I have already taken up this parking space! You can park somewhere else!"

The female watch said coldly.

Tang Ke... his face was dumbfounded!

I have heard that people occupy seats, libraries occupy seats, cafes occupy seats, and even classes.


I have never heard that people can still occupy parking spaces!

This is a parking space, not a parking space!

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