"Miss, is this too much for you?"

Tang Ke said directly about his doubts, but this female watch didn't feel guilty at all, but instead looked confident!

"Whoever arrives first! Although my car hasn't arrived, I have arrived! This parking space belongs to me!"

"Hurry up!"

The attitude of this lady is quite bad.

Tang Ke saw...Come on, there is no need to continue to communicate!

Just get in the car!

The girl thought Tang Ke had given up, with a smug expression on her face.

Sure enough, this group of people are afraid of trouble and dare not provoke themselves casually! The last person who wanted to park here was also driven away by this girl!

Ha ha ha ha……

When I think of this, the girl just feels, especially confident!


Just when she was confident... Tang Ke made a beautiful flick!

Parked his car directly in front of the parking space!

The two surrounding cars parked straight in the parking space, and Tang Ke's car directly surrounded the parking space in the middle sideways!

Although people can walk past, the car must not even want to come in!

Tang Ke got off the car indifferently! Go straight away!

The girl is left looking at the current scene with a dazed expression...

This is considered as occupying this parking space, and the car can't get in!

What's the use of this parking space?

The girl is going to collapse!

Of course the girl can't just let Tang Ke go!

Immediately caught up with Tang Ke! Hurry up!

"Hey! What are you doing! Drive the car away!"

The girl shouted loudly, and Tang Ke said helplessly: "Why? You occupy the position, I can't just stop like this?"

The girl also noticed that Tang Ke didn't want to make concessions, and he might even make trouble for himself directly!

As a female watch, she naturally wouldn't let it go easily!

The female watch at this time has already pulled out her mobile phone!

"Don't go! I tell you, I will call someone now! I want to let you know the seriousness of the problem today!"

Tang Ke sneered.

This person is terrific, and he still thinks he is awesome, and who does he seem to know?

What can you know?

This Zixuan Pavilion was Tang Ke's restaurant, and Tang Ke couldn't even think of who this person could call.

With that said, the female watch had already made the call.

"Hey! Come here! There is a Shabi and I grab a parking space! Hurry up! Drive the trailer! Yes! Frighten this kid to death!"


Within a few minutes, the security guard of Zixuan Pavilion rushed over! And as the woman said, it really came in a trailer!

The formation is quite scary! Most people are already subdued by this time.

But Tang Ke is Tang Ke after all. Not only is it an expression of watching a show, he even has to clap his hands in applause!

The female watch pointed at Tang Ke for a while, and said angrily: "This is the person! Grab my parking space!"

"Hurry up and drag this broken car away!"

Today Tang Ke is driving in the crowd, and it is precisely because of this that this female watch thinks Tang Ke is a very annoying person.

Come up and find Tang Ke's trouble!

The security guards looked at Tang Ke and said embarrassedly: "Sir, I'm sorry, your car is parked in an unreasonable location, we need to tow it away!"

Tang Ke said indifferently: "Unreasonable? Then don't you ask the reason for the unreasonable? It wasn't this woman who stopped me, would I stop here?"

"I don't think you should find me, but you should educate this woman, don't set foot in places where others park!"

Tang Ke said indifferently.

The security guard showed an embarrassed expression. Indeed, from this aspect, Tang Ke had no fault at all.

These security guards still don't know Tang Ke's identity at this time. Those who know Tang Ke's identity are the senior leaders of Zixuan Pavilion.

If they knew Tang Ke's identity, they didn't hesitate at all at this moment.


Moreover, there are cameras everywhere in this place, and everyone knows what the real situation is like at a glance.

The female watch was even more proud at this time, saying proudly: "I tell you, don't be stupid, you should know who I am!"

"I'm your top customer here! What kind of thing is he? The car quickly towed me away!"

The security guard weighed the pros and cons and pondered.

A man with the appearance of a captain gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! Tow away this man's car!"

People like them also rely on these appearances to judge people. It doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong.

The important thing is who they can offend, it's okay, and whoever offends, the problem is big!

Now it is obvious that Tang Ke looks better to bully.

And... this time, it is obviously impossible to find a solution acceptable to both people.

After all, to offend one person, then offend Tang Ke!

Tang Ke was also dumbfounded...Do you want to do this? After all, you have to make sense, right?

As a result... I have to tow my car away without saying anything! This is nonsense!

Tang Ke immediately stopped: "Wait for five minutes!"

The female watch was proud of her face and smiled directly.

"Hahahaha... Do you finally know that you are afraid? Did you know that you moved away? Wouldn't it be better if you did this earlier?"

"Now quickly kneel down and apologize to my old lady. I'll tell you this, forget it, or I will make you unable to eat and walk around!"


Tang Ke didn't mean to apologize in the slightest! Instead, he took out his mobile phone!

Called the current manager of Zixuange!

"It's me, in the parking lot, having trouble."

A word!

Tang Ke snapped up the phone, and the female watch was stunned!

Tang Ke is actually called a person?

But she immediately realized that the person Tang Ke called was definitely not of the same level as the person he called!

The person who came here is the security guard here! And these people are the hosts here!

The people Tang Ke called were at most his friends, they were just a group of punks.

The female watch at this time, instead of being afraid, is even more proud of it!

"Oh! You can be called people too! Your friend? I'm so scared!"

The female watch deliberately showed a sardonic expression, mean.

No wonder it feels particularly cheap at first glance, this person is indeed a relatively cheap kind of person.

Tang Ke didn't speak, but waited indifferently.

After waiting for two minutes, the women's watch can't wait!

Immediately shouted: "Take his car away first! Leave it alone! He won't recognize anyone anyway!"

Several security guards felt this way at this time. They waved their hands and they had to tow!

At this moment, a voice came from not far away.

"Stop it all!"

A group of security guards followed the voice and looked over, suddenly dumbfounded!

Their manager actually came in person!

This is a manager who has been in charge of taking care of customers in the Zixuan Pavilion lobby!

There has been no chance, the busy manager!

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