Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 350: The Earth Revolves Around Her

On this day, Tang Ke left early.

Today is an appointment with Shangguan Wan'er to participate in the exhibition organized by the George White brand.

George White, these days, under the operation of Lolic Company, has now become the world's top three super fashion brands.

Today's exhibition is to show George White's ability.

Grand opening! To develop quietly, hold high-profile exhibitions, and then surprise everyone!

Therefore, the scale of this exhibition is quite huge! Almost all well-known figures in this circle in Yangcheng and internationally have been invited.

And because of the concept of fashion, it is actually a very generous concept, and there are many products.

So this exhibition will take a full week!

You can’t let so many celebrities squeeze in one day to participate in the exhibition, right? It's always going to be a diversion.

However, this exhibition is indeed an opportunity. For George White, it is the brand's outfit ratio.

For the upper-class society participating in this exhibition, this is their personal costume ratio.

As always, luxury car beauties, bustling!

This scene is much better than the previous exhibition in the museum.

After all, there are not many people who can appreciate the value of these antiques in the museum.

However, contemporary fashionable clothes, as well as these jewels and jewellery that match clothes, are that most people can appreciate the existence of awesomeness.

Here, Ferrari has become a very ordinary model, one in ten minutes!

Rolls-Royce has looked less shocking!

Beautiful women and successful men walked onto the red carpet under invitation.

Although not crowded like celebrities, all of these people here are many times better than celebrities!

After all, the star is just an actor.

To be honest, a celebrity is at best a high reputation, money but no money, status and status.

Contacts are also those of their acting circle. This kind of people is incomparable with the kind of real rich bosses.

The staff who presided over the meeting also greeted loudly, Mr. What is here, and Mrs. What is here.

Tang Ke took Shangguan Wan'er and entered together!

Tang Kena is naturally the pinnacle of appearance! Shangguan Wan'er is even more so.

As soon as the two entered the venue, they immediately attracted the attention of countless people!

"Wow! What a handsome guy!"

"Where is this star? So handsome?"

"Even if you wear sunglasses, you can see that you are handsome. This is so handsome!"


When these people saw Shangguan Wan'er, they were even more amazed!

"Wow! Is this a fairy?"

"I saw such a beautiful girl for the first time!"

"This girl is wearing an ancient costume, but she is more cowhide than these fashionable clothes!"

"Is this natural beauty? I take it!"

"There is such a beautiful person! It's really shocking!"

Countless people are whispering curiously here.

The most shocking thing for them now is that they don't know these two people anymore!

It stands to reason that they are all members of the upper class of Yangcheng, not to mention that everyone in the entire circle knows them.

But somehow they knew so many.

As a result... such a large group of people didn't even know Shangguan Wan'er!

That's natural. How could Shangguan Wan'er be someone they could easily know?

She was originally a super fairy who only likes to go out with Tang Ke, and she will never participate in any activities when someone asks her!


Countless people were not reconciled at this time, and they were all trying to inquire about the news of the two.

And behind Tang Ke and Shangguan Wan'er, two more people came over at this time.

Or a couple.

This girl came to this exhibition with her husband.

The name is Ruth.

Don't look at it as a western English name, in fact she is an out-and-out Chinese.

I didn't even stay abroad for too long, most of the time at home.

But her family is still pretty good. She has grown up in her own villa since she was a child.

It is precisely because of this that since childhood, Ruth has been a spoiled person, and her personality is quite irritable.

She is an unreasonable princess, but she is a completely unreasonable princess!

It is precisely because of this environment, her current thinking is that as long as there is money, no one can stop herself!

As long as you have a family behind, no one dares to offend yourself!

Oneself is the sky! Hahaha……

Although she was married from home not long ago, this did not change her character, but made her worse!

the reason is simple! Because her husband is also a super rich person!

The two big families have joined forces. Isn't this even more powerful than before?

Why do you need to keep a low profile?

Ruth looks very arrogant no matter who she is in front of!

As a result, she got out of the car... She, who should have been highly anticipated, was stole the limelight by Tang Ke and Shangguan Wan'er!

This is not right! This won't work!

"Wow! This girl is too beautiful, right?"

Just when Ruth was angry... an even more angry scene appeared!

My husband actually fell in love with Shangguan Wan'er! I directly told what was in my heart!

Depend on! This vixen even seduce my husband!

She must be killed!

Tang Ke and Shangguan Wan'er walked in front, Ruth and her husband walked behind.

The more you are behind, the more you can see, many people are praising Shangguan Wan'er!

My husband also kept staring at Shangguan Wan'er!

I'm furious! I'm so mad!

The more Ruth looked at Guan Wan'er, the more angry she became! This is jealousy!

If a woman's jealousy is really attached, it is quite terrifying!

Originally Ruth was a very confident person, but now that she sees someone more beautiful than herself, she naturally can't tolerate it!

After arriving at the gate of the exhibition, the security guards must check various documents, mainly invitation letters and ID cards.

In order to prevent some people from taking other people's invitation letters.

Such exhibitions are generally more rigorous.

Tang Ke knew the invitation letter, but no one had ever told him about this ID card.

So there is no belt.

When the staff saw this situation, the expression on their faces was rather embarrassing.

There is no way, these two things are indispensable. We can only let Tang Ke wait and think about a solution.

Tang Ke and Shangguan Wan'er were stopped!

Seeing this scene, Ruth instantly became happy!

"Hahahaha...I really don't have common sense, don't you know that this kind of occasion is a very noble occasion!"

"Identity check is a must! If you don't have such common sense, come to participate in the exhibition?"

"I really don't know where the hillbilly came from!"

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