Ruth's words and words, the disdain and contempt in her tone and words shouldn't be too obvious!

Now that she has the opportunity to suppress Tang Ke, of course she will not let it go!

It was her husband who quickly pushed his wife.

"Don't mess around! This is not at home. The people here are all unpredictable people!"

Husband reminded in a low voice here.

Although his wife has no brains, he, the husband, understands the situation quite well!

The more people and affairs you have in contact with this place in Yangcheng, the better you will know how deep the water is in this place!

Although most of the people who come to this exhibition are not as good as theirs, but if you provoke someone so casually, you may be recruited!

did not expect……

Ruth, who is a stubborn and willful representative, got even more sick after hearing this reminder!

Immediately shouted in a sharp voice.

"Unpredictable? What do you think? Are you stupid? I don't know if I come to this kind of occasion, what kind of powerful person can I bring with me?"

"At a glance, you can tell that it's a hillbilly who doesn't know where it came from. Maybe this invitation letter was stolen!"

"Unexpectedly, such a place would dare to fish in troubled waters!"

The people around were quickly attracted by Ruth's shrill voice and this mocking tone.

The people around are dumbfounded...

This is too spicy, right? What about the quality of the upper class?

Say yes, don't make trouble casually!

Ruth's husband already regretted a little at this time! Sure enough, bringing this woman over is not the right choice!

But he can't help it, such a big thing can't be hidden at all.

But everyone believed Ruth's words to be true at this time.

After all, no one would have thought that Ruth would talk nonsense here without any evidence!

"Hey? Is there a problem with the invitation letter of these two people?"

"I just said why I don't know such a beautiful person... It turns out that it's not a person in our circle!"

"I think there is a problem... They don't look like fish in troubled waters!"

Everyone expressed their opinions one by one...

Tang Ke didn't bother to struggle with them here.

Indifferently asked the staff: "Is this the only one for your entrance?"

The staff immediately said: "It's not just this one...There is indeed an entrance channel..."


Having said that, the staff hesitated for a while, wondering if they should talk to Tang Ke.


Tang Ke shouted immediately, and the staff hurriedly said tremblingly.

"There is another channel! It's a special channel... but only the distinguished guests can use it!"

"That's it, take us to this passage."

Tang Ke said immediately.

As the largest shareholder of George White Company, he can naturally take this channel!

The people around were already in incomparable shock at this time!

They have never heard of such a channel!

Who can come to this exhibition, which one is not a distinguished guest? Which one is not from the upper class?

As a result, you told me that there is still a VIP channel among VIPs!

Isn’t this the equivalent of being a master? Or the master among them!

The people who walk through this passage are so awesome!

The staff immediately said: "This channel does not require an ID card... but this channel is responsible for it!"

"They know people who can be called distinguished guests. If they don't let you in, you still can't get in!"

Tang Ke smiled: "That's even simpler. Call this person who knows someone over here!"


Originally, this staff member was still a little scared, but saw Tang Ke's confident expression.

Suddenly there is a feeling of shock!

Just looking at Tang Ke's shocking appearance, he is not a joke at first sight!

Most of the words of such a person are true!

When I thought of this, the staff suddenly became a little scared. Maybe I really met the boss this time!

This person quickly used the walkie-talkie to get someone from another channel to send someone over!

This channel is a very special channel.

Some people who have high status and status but are unwilling to walk through the front door in a high-profile way will use this channel.

The meaning of existence is to let those low-key people have a way to enter the exhibition.

Because of the low-key, naturally only check one invitation letter, not even the invitation letter.

The people who watch the door here secretly remember the faces of all the VIPs who are worthy of doing this.

When Tang Ke received the invitation letter, he didn't inquire about this thing, so he didn't know the existence of this thing.

If Tang Ke knew, he might have walked through this door from the beginning.

Ruth was already a little dazed at this time, looking at Tang Ke's confident expression... wouldn't it be true?

If this is the case, then you have offended others!

But soon, she had other ideas! I am so awesome, there is no need to admit it!

When the staff of this so-called VIP channel comes, you can enter this channel yourself!

The VIP among the VIPs, so is Ruth!

Soon, a staff member arrived. Although there is sunglasses through, the staff will not admit mistakes with such a handsome face!

It's Tang Ke! The boss behind the company!

However, just in case, the staff took Tang Ke aside and respectfully asked Tang Ke to take off his sunglasses and take a look.

After reading it, it really was confirmed!

"Honorable sir, please inside!"

Seeing this scene, Ruth was dumbfounded! Depend on!

This person is really a VIP!

The people around were also a sensation at this time!

"Damn! This is one of the big guys!"

"I really didn't see it, it turned out to be such a powerful character!"

"I don't know if I am qualified to walk this channel..."

"Come on, you don't even know about this, how do you walk this channel?"

People around were talking about it.

But at this time Tang Ke was already ready to go inside.

When Tang Ke was about to leave, Ruth was of course unwilling!

Immediately he said: "What's so great, I am also a VIP!"

"You! Take me there too!"

Pointing to the staff member just now, Ruth said proudly.

The staff looked at Ruth... No, there is no such person on the noble list!

There were only forty-eight people in total, and he remembered it clearly!

But in line with his work attitude, he still asked.

"Excuse me, that gentleman came with you?"

Ruth pointed to her husband, and the staff took a look...

Come on, this is not it either.

"Sorry, this lady, neither of you are qualified, please enter the venue normally!"

Finished in one sentence...

Ruth was stunned in shock! They... Neither of them has this qualification!

As a result, Tang Ke has this qualification!

Is this true?

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