Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 352: Suddenly Moved

As soon as she saw that Ruth was actually an unqualified person, the people around suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha...this is really the best joke I've ever heard!"

"I'm not qualified, what kind of uncle are you here? I want to say that these two people are fishing in troubled waters, right?"

"For this kind of person, if I were the distinguished guest just now, I would just invite them all out!"

"That is, I am not qualified to come to such a place at all!"

"I recognize this person, the family is actually very average, just pretty capable of pretending!"

The discussion gradually turned into a condemnation...

A bunch of people are about to come out of human flesh. Who are Ruth and her husband!

Ruth felt ashamed of herself at this moment!

Shameful! And this time I am still embarrassed in front of so many people!

More importantly, these people are all upper-class people. Maybe they will meet their dad or family members anytime.

If the incident this time makes people take it as a joke...

Hey, this thing is unacceptable even after thinking about it!

Ruth's husband couldn't help it completely, so he pulled Ruth and quickly finished the invitation letter and entered the exhibition hall!

After entering, the man said angrily: "I told you that this place is a mixed bag. There are all kinds of powerful people, you just don't listen!"

"Look, are you all right now?"

"Now both of us will become the laughing stock of others!"

Forget about Ruth being bullied by others, she was bullied by her husband!

As a result, my heart collapsed even more!

The coquettish character is happening again! Quarreled directly with his own man!

And it's still the kind that is not good to discuss!

The man saw, come on, there is nothing to say, only a divorce!

Carrying such a woman is tantamount to ruining one's own future!

Then he divorced this Ruth.

Originally, this kind of marriage between big families was not about divorce when they wanted to get divorced.

But Ruth is so desperate, this time the incident has seriously affected the reputation of both families!

Therefore, the families on both sides have clearly expressed their thoughts, divorce! Must be divorced!

Because of this incident, Ruth also lost her face. Now she is divorced again. She wants to find another marriage partner, but she can hardly find it!

Because ordinary people definitely look down on her, but capable people all know what Ruth has done.

I also know that this woman is not easy to provoke, so who would look for such a woman?

In the next few years, Ruth couldn't get married! Don't even have the face to meet people!

She was originally beautiful, but later she became an otaku. She lives at home every day, living like a ghost.

But these are all things to do.


The exhibition hall rented for this exhibition is the largest exhibition center in Yangcheng.

A full 800,000 square meters!

It can be said to be the center of the name that can be ranked in the world!

The entire center is divided into small areas and exhibition halls by various exhibition areas.

Different exhibition halls have different things on display here.

But after all, it is a clothing exhibition, so it is still mainly clothing.

This exhibition is not like those other brand-name exhibitions. It is said that it is a clothing exhibition, but it is actually a clothing store.

People’s high-end exhibition area, an area, almost always only has one piece of clothing!

At most, there are different colors and minor revisions.

But no matter what kind of clothes, there are special models here to try them on!

Yes, this is not the kind of low-level exhibition, just display a model!

This is to invite the world's leading model groups to come to cooperate with the exhibition!

Models, they are all groups with extremely high standards of height, body and appearance!

All the beauties are here, and the scores are all big beauties with more than nine points!

Posing a very enchanting posture.

Although these people can't compare to beautiful women like Lisa Shangguan Waner Qin Yuyan.

But it still can make countless men go crazy!

These beauties around Tang Ke are almost all beauties with perfect scores.

After all, Tang Ke had seen too many beauties, and these were all picked out by Wanli.


Fashion can be called art.

Art, naturally, there are not many people who can understand it. Tang Ke can't understand why he designs a lot of clothes.

Not to mention the use value, even if it is spread out, it will be regarded as a neurosis by most people.

Tang Ke glanced at the map of the exhibition, isn't it close to the location where he surprised Shangguan Wan'er?

"Wan'er! Come, see her husband give you a surprise! Close your eyes!"

Tang Ke suddenly stood in front of Shangguan Wan'er and said proudly.


Shangguan Wan'er was also stunned, what could be the surprise?

But still obediently.

After following Tang Ke for a few steps, Tang Ke said, "Okay, you can open your eyes!"

Shangguan Wan'er opened her eyes and saw an incredible scene instantly!

The clothes designed by myself are being exhibited here at this time!

And there are many people watching here! Bustling, all discussing!

A lot of fashionable clothes are here, and the national style clothes designed by Shangguan Wan'er are so eye-catching at this time!

It's a clear stream!

Tang Ke said calmly: "I have left all the clothes you designed for me! I also provided them with pictures of your clothes."

"This is what they imitated, although it may not touch the soul."

"But I think your clothes should be seen by more people. This is an art!"

"So I let them be on this exhibition!"

Hearing Tang Ke's explanation, Shangguan Wan'er was so excited to jump up!

This kind of exhibition, the things that can be exhibited, are all things designed by international masters!

If you want to put your clothes here, you need more than strength!

As a result... I can put my clothes here!

What is this equivalent? The paintings equivalent to a bunch of 70-80-year-old artists are here.

But they and Shangguan Wan'er, a teenage boy's painting, are put together!

Of course, in terms of technology, Tang Ke believes that Shangguan Wan'er's things are not worse than others.

Even thought it was very good! After all, it is the culture of one's own country, so I feel comfortable looking at it!

For Shangguan Wan'er, she had accomplished a dream inadvertently!

Let everyone see the dream of her work!


Seeing this scene, Shangguan Wan'er, who was extremely moved, was already in tears at this time!

So touched!

What a couple do you want with such a boyfriend!

She decided that she must always follow Tang Ke in this life, no matter what happens, she must follow Tang Ke!

This person is going to be in this life!


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