Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 357 The gate of the new world is ruined

It seems that the door to a new world has been opened, and Cheng Rui has completely let go at this time!

it is good!

Since it was Tang Ke who fell in love with him, then he might as well have a showdown with Tang Ke!

Cheng Rui directly found Tang Ke who was delivering the express!

At this time, Tang Ke was delivering the same city express in a mall.

Cheng Rui stopped Tang Ke directly without saying anything!

"Tang Ke!"

Tang Ke looked back, alas, acquaintances!

But how did this attitude suddenly become so arrogant? They used to be very respectful! Now it has become so presumptuous.

Cheng Rui spoke immediately before Tang Ke could speak.

"I know what you mean! Don't you just greedy my body!"

"I promise you now!"


As soon as Cheng Rui said this, everyone around him was completely dumbfounded!

A bunch of people talked!

One is more dumbfounded!

These are two men, what are they doing? Is your brain twitched?

Many women are already looking at them with blushing face at this time! Tang Ke was also dumbfounded.

"Promise what? Promise? What did I ask you to do?"

"You are so directed at me, isn't it because you like me? I tell you, I have already seen it through! Don't torture me!"

"If you are like this, you might as well be a bit more sullen! Or what? Are you actually suffering?"

If Tang Ke accepts it, he will be even more happy! Hahahaha... Cheng Rui was still in his own magical fantasy at this time.

Tang Ke was completely dumbfounded...

The people around were extremely noisy and shocked! Some girls have already exclaimed directly!

Tang Ke is strange, isn't Cheng Rui afraid of embarrassing himself? These things are here to talk casually?

This is too awesome, right?

In fact... Cheng Rui had already felt that Tang Ke would definitely use his rights to suppress this matter.

Saying these things presumptuously here like this, on the contrary, can give Tang Ke a romantic feeling!

For Tang Ke, he has given up his face!

The people around also started to booze at this time!

"Promise him!"

"Yeah, so romantic! Promise him quickly!"

With the black lines on Tang Ke's face, I promised to agree! Laozi likes women! It's not you guys!

A person, at this time, started talking with some curiosity.

"Hey! Is this person very familiar? I always think I have seen this person somewhere!"


"Isn't this Cheng Rui? It's the star!"

"Damn! Really!"

"I didn't expect this person to have this kind of hobby! It's really amazing!"


"What's this all about?"

Tang Ke saw that the situation was about to turn bad, and said coldly, "I think this must be a misunderstanding!"

"I don't have any thoughts about you, if you can, I don't think you will ever show up in front of me!"

"Hurry up and get Laozi away!"

Tang Ke said coldly, and then quickly left!

Cheng Rui's face was dumbfounded...Is this...rejected?

What's going on. Looking at Tang Ke's appearance, it seemed that he really didn't feel the slightest feeling about him?


Just when Cheng Rui was stunned, the people around were already frying!

"I didn't expect Cheng Rui to be such a person! I want to quickly post on Weibo!"

"I have already photographed what I have just now! I also want to post it online!"

"It's so exciting, it's so exciting!"

A bunch of people are extremely crazy! Only then did Cheng Rui know...what stupid he did!

Now that he was desperate, his reputation has been smashed!


So, a few hours later, a hot search immediately ran up! Well-known star Cheng Rui is actually...

A sensation in public opinion for a while! Several people called Cheng Rui! Inquiring about the situation, some people who knew Cheng Rui had already blocked him!

Don't be too confusing.

Because of this incident, his life has gone directly to chaos, the chaos that can no longer be described...


At this time, in Lisa's company.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a very dazzling girl was talking on the phone with others proudly.

"My dear! Thank you so much! You can help me get the invitation letter for this George White exhibition!"

This is Lisa's colleague, Jiang Yuanyuan.

The invitation letter they got to the exhibition this time was not the same as the one that Tang Ke and the others participated in earlier.

That exhibition mainly exhibited clothes. In this exhibition, the protagonists are those expensive bags, shoes, and all kinds of things on women.

Jiang Yuanyuan seemed to be afraid that others would not know the same, and her voice was loud, revealing her incomparable self-confidence.

She did this because she was afraid that others might not know!

I am here to show off my pretense! If others don’t know, what is the point of her participation in this exhibition?

When everyone else in the office heard the news, they were more excited than the others!

"Wow! Is that George White's exhibition?"

"That's amazing! I've heard that this exhibition is particularly amazing! I didn't expect you to get the invitation letter!"

"This invitation letter is very precious. I have found many people and can't get it! Your husband is so amazing! Yuanyuan, we really envy you!"

The entire office is full of envy for Jiang Yuanyuan.

And most of them are girls, this is the case in this department, a department dominated by girls.

It is precisely because they are all girls that they are especially concerned about this kind of thing.

The exhibition of George Bai in Yangcheng has been full of ups and downs these days.

For men, what other video game events at the Expo may be their favorite place.

But for women, this exhibition is their dream!

The last wave of clothing exhibitions had already smashed the limelight, and the powerful people they knew all participated in that exhibition!

Seeing the grand occasion at that time, the rest of these people were also extremely envious of this exhibition at this time!

Very jealous!

If you can go to this place, you will be better than yourself!

But if you can't go, people around you can go, then you're pretty awesome! After all, many people don't even know who can enter this place!

Jiang Yuanyuan's boyfriend is a super young nicknamed King, and a character in Yangcheng. Many people are fond of him.

Many colleagues also know about the king, so they are here to flatter Jiang Yuanyuan.

Jiang Yuanyuan's best friend came over to please her at this time.

"Yuanyuan! You are so amazing!"

"But you can get the invitation letter. Isn't it appropriate to be able to go to this place without my sister?"

"The king is so powerful, surely you can get me an invitation letter?"

The girlfriend said flatly.

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