Although this best friend wanted to go with Jiang Yuanyuan very much.

But the moment Jiang Yuanyuan heard this invitation, she immediately showed a disdainful expression.

Just her? This kind of woman who has no reputation, is not as beautiful as her, and does not have a good husband.

If this kind of person can add this important exhibition with his own light, then there is no justice in this world!

She got this invitation letter with great difficulty! It is precisely because of preciousness that it can be shown off!

If anyone can go, what kind of capital to show off?

But Jiang Yuanyuan also knew that she couldn't tear her skin here, and immediately revealed a very female form and a very helpless expression.

"Sorry! This is really not good."

"You know... I want to get this invitation letter, but it's very, very hard... My husband, it took a lot of effort..."

"Although I want to give this invitation letter to you at dear... But sorry, this thing is bound to an ID card..."

"People have to check their ID cards and invitations to enter the venue... I have no way at all..."

It's like a super girl who farts here. Jiang Yuanyuan looks very cheap now.

The best friend was also helpless at this time.

This is really not something you can go casually.

"Well, I also know... it is indeed difficult, so you have to enjoy it yourself!"

"Well, I will definitely! Take some more pictures at that time and I will give you all of them!"

In fact, this girlfriend, before Jiang Yuanyuan found this good husband, took great care of Jiang Yuanyuan and made sense. Even if this invitation letter is really given to her, it should be.

What cannot be transferred with an ID card is actually just an excuse.

Because it is his husband's that can't be transferred, as for hers, it's all casual.

After all, she was just incidental.

The atmosphere began to become a little awkward at this time. In order to divert this embarrassment, Jiang Yuanyuan's eyes immediately shifted to Lisa.

Lisa and Jiang Yuanyuan are already deadly enemies, everyone in the company knows.

Originally Jiang Yuanyuan was going to be promoted, but because Lisa's sudden return to China directly disrupted her plan, her position was replaced by Lisa.

She has always held a grudge against Lisa ever since, and everyone in the company basically knows it.

But everyone still wants to make it clear on the face, so they haven't shown it yet.

Now that I have a chance to pretend, I will not let it go.

Jiang Yuanyuan immediately pointed her finger at Lisa.

"Oh, Lisa, I remember your boyfriend is also very good? You have rejected the elite president from abroad."

"The man you are looking for must be even more awesome, right? You already have this invitation letter?"

"By the way, you can ask Lisa to help get the invitation letter!"

Lisa's appearance, work ability, and resume are all directly crushed by Jiang Yuanyuan. This is also one of the aspects that Jiang Yuanyuan hates.

So she naturally started to attack Lisa from these aspects.

At this time, the people around began to whisper.

"Oh, don't talk nonsense, I heard that Lisa's boyfriend is a Didi driver!"

"Hey? How did I hear that I was a courier?"

"Anyway, it seems to be a small character, how could it be better than your husband?"

Lisa was stunned for a moment, why did she suddenly talk about herself?

However, Lisa refused from other angles, and said indifferently.

"I don't have much interest in this exhibition, sorry."

When Jiang Yuanyuan heard it, she laughed.

"Stop talking nonsense, this is a luxury exhibition! The bags and shoes in it are all world famous brands!"

"How is it possible that a woman is not interested in these things? If you want me to say, you dare not be interested?"

"Is it because my boyfriend is too trash, so I dare not participate in this exhibition? And I don't have the ability?"

"Yes, if I were you, I would think the same way, but you are really surprising. It stands to reason that you should directly reject the current boyfriend and go to meet that foreign boss!"

"Tsk tsk, there are such good foreign bosses who do not pursue them, but come to Yinxiaguo to find China. I really can't see through you."

Jiang Yuanyuan is really trying her best to be sarcastic, and she is constantly ridiculing Lisa here.

People have tempers.

Nobody feels uncomfortable being so suppressed, Lisa feels like this at this time.

My husband is so powerful that I don't know what it is, and can still tolerate you arrogantly here?

"Excuse me, my boyfriend is very rich, and wanting to participate in this exhibition is a matter of one sentence, I am simply not interested."

Jiang Yuanyuan was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately laughed wildly.

"Ha ha ha ha... I really know how to pretend!"

"I'm telling you, if you get the invitation letter and say that you are not interested and throw it away, then you are qualified to say that!"

"You who can't get the invitation letter, what are you still proud of here?"

"Everyone is true, isn't it? Your boyfriend is just a small character who opens Didi or delivers couriers, otherwise, how come there are such rumors?"

Jiang Yuanyuan had already regarded the rumors around her as real things at this time.

But there is no problem. Tang Ke does this, it's just that... even if he only does this, he may not necessarily be a low-level figure in society!

"But, I've seen this man drive a luxury car to pick up Lisa! This man shouldn't be a simple person!"

"Luxury car? I'm afraid I borrowed it from Didi, or some other place, right?"

"In a place like Yangcheng, there are more people who have luxury cars. Even if you drive on behalf of them, you can still drive luxury cars!"

Jiang Yuanyuan said right away, feeling that she had already added the truth.

Anyway, Lisa’s boyfriend is definitely not a particularly awesome person, otherwise how could Lisa rarely talk about her boyfriend?

And it's rare to show affection with boyfriend or what?

In fact, this involves the difference between people, Jiang Yuanyuan, as long as he can show off something crazy.

He is this kind of person, but Lisa is not! Lisa has also participated in exhibitions above the royal family! All kinds of jewelry have been seen.

There are tens of millions of things on his body!

But Lisa is also low-key, and Tang Ke is the same character.

She only needs to be happy with Tang Ke. If others know their situation, it will not affect their affection, right?

So Lisa rarely shows affection.

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