Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 359 The keen Tang Ke found the problem

Because of Lisa's low-key personality, Jiang Yuanyuan directly misunderstood Lisa's situation.

I think Lisa is just an incompetent person, and her boyfriend is even worse, even her boyfriend is not as good as Lisa.

Jiang Yuanyuan continued.

"Being a human being, you must be down-to-earth, not too pretentious. If your boyfriend really doesn't have this ability, don't pretend to be here!"

"What else don't you like, this is the first time I heard someone say that I don't like these things!"

Several people around Lisa who were in a good relationship immediately stood up to help Lisa speak.

"Lisa, don't care too much."

"Yeah, it's all here to suppress you."

Lisa smiled.

"It just so happens that there are a lot of rumors about my boyfriend recently, and some people even say that I don't have a boyfriend, and many male colleagues come to me to get close to me."

"I will call my boyfriend to have a look today."

Lisa's personality is very similar to Tang Ke. As long as you don't provoke me, I will naturally not bother you.

But if you come here, I will definitely not admit it.

In this case, Lisa will not be polite to Jiang Yuanyuan! Take out his phone directly and contact Tang Ke!

It just so happens that if Tang Ke comes forward, these people can also know that their boyfriends do exist, which can discourage male colleagues who harass them.

one stone two bird.

"My dear, can you come over!"

"Of course you can!"

Tang Ke was also a little curious, and Lisa rarely contacted herself.

Although Tang Ke is still delivering express delivery, there is no problem. Anyway, the order is not as important as his wife, right?

Lisa immediately went downstairs, Jiang Yuanyuan was naturally unwilling, and immediately said: "Go! Let's go down and take a look!"

"I've long been curious about what her boyfriend looks like!"

"I heard that he is a handsome guy!"

A bunch of people ran out in a hustle and bustle.


Many people went straight downstairs, and Tang Ke walked in wearing a courier uniform.

Because Lisa felt more urgent, Tang Ke didn't change her clothes at all and just came.

Seeing Tang Ke, Lisa swooped up!

There are all smiles on the face!


Tang Ke smiled: "What are you looking for? Do you want to eat? We just happened to be talking while eating!"

"Okay! We just opened a restaurant downstairs, which is great! Let's eat together!"

The two of them walked out very lovingly.

Behind, those company colleagues like paparazzi...

One by one stared at the scene in front of them with wide eyes.

"Damn! This Lisa's boyfriend really delivered express delivery!"

"I said it wasn't groundless! When it comes to express delivery, that means express delivery!"

"Lisa wasn't cheated, was she? Why did you know a courier?"

"A poor one! You know there is no money at a glance!"

"You don't need to look at this later! I'm going back!"

A female colleague, who is also jealous of Lisa, has already ran up at this time. She can't wait to tell everyone the news!

As long as these people know the news, Lisa will definitely have no face to stay in the company in the future!


Soon, under the big mouth of this female colleague, the entire company almost knew the news!

Discussions are also on the WeChat group, and discussions are also on work.

Originally Lisa is such a beautiful beauty, what kind of person her boyfriend is, is a mystery, and now she is completely fired!

At this time, Lisa did not know about the company.

Just a greeting with Tang Ke, Lisa didn't directly talk about the matter this time, just a greeting with Tang Ke first.

It's been a long time since the two of them have eaten together, and they just happen to get in touch with each other.

As for invitations or the like, I'm not in a hurry.

However, Tang Ke was more sensitive, and immediately asked curiously: "You are looking for me, shouldn't you just eat? What else is there?"

Lisa was a little embarrassed, and talked about this George White exhibition.

"I heard that this exhibition is a very high-end exhibition. I don't know if you can get this invitation letter."

Although Lisa was quite confident before, she was still agitated when she saw Tang Ke.

After all, Tang Ke's identity is really better than that, and it is limited to domestic and foreign Tang Ke's industries, and Lisa doesn't understand it at all.

This time George White is a foreign brand again. I really want to get this invitation letter. It depends on luck.

Tang Ke's face was indifferent.

"For me, it's too simple. What exhibition do you want to participate in? It shouldn't be a jewelry exhibition, right? I think you have seen enough jewelry."

Lisa was also somewhat helpless at this time.

Indeed, she has seen too many of these things, so she said she was not interested!

It's a pity that some people don't believe it, and she can only pretend that she is interested.

"I want to see the one with jewellery. Luxury goods are also available...mainly my former colleagues..."

Lisa briefly talked about what happened before, but did not show too much hostility. After all, everyone was a colleague.

Lisa's meaning is very simple.

As long as I can get this invitation letter and slap Jiang Yuanyuan in the face, it will be fine.

If you really told Tang Ke about the situation at the time, maybe Tang Ke would directly trouble Jiang Yuanyuan.

This is unnecessary.

Looking at Lisa's seemingly thoughtful and concealed look, Tang Ke had discovered that this time it was unusual.

No matter what Tang Ke said, he was a person who had participated in work, and he had also been in a big company. Naturally, he knew about these things in the company's workplace.

Lisa can find herself, mostly what happened, just what happened, it's still not clear.

Lisa didn't say, Tang Ke didn't ask in a hurry.

Just said indifferently: "Then I will get more invitations and give them to your colleagues."

This is a way to win over colleagues. As long as Lisa uses this thing to build a good relationship with her colleagues, she won't encounter so much trouble in the company in the future.

Lisa hesitated: "Then... help me prepare three."

In the company, Zhenxin has a better relationship with Lisa, so there are only three people.

Tang Ke immediately contacted the people over there, and Gongsun Guo and Gongsun Ling immediately sent the invitation letter over!

And it's a super high-end invitation letter!


Because Tang Ke only said he wanted an invitation letter, but didn't say who he wanted to give it to, he couldn't write his name.

This kind of invitation, but George White’s headquarters sent three invitations to the only one!

It means you can invite anyone in! Before this, it was unprecedented!

Only Tang Ke had the ability to get this thing.

Seeing the invitation letter, Lisa was also extremely shocked!

It's exactly the same as I said, as long as you make a phone call, someone can deliver it!

And the two girls who sent the invitation letter are so beautiful!

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