Soon, Lisa and Tang Ke finished their meal.

Lisa returned to the company to continue working.

However, as soon as I arrived at the company, I found that everyone around me was looking at me with strange eyes.

Lisa was also a little dazed.

Ailian, who usually has a good relationship with Lisa, immediately ran to Lisa and whispered: "Lisa, your boyfriend is really a courier!"

"Um... Yeah, what's the matter?"

Lisa was a little confused, didn't they all get the rumors? Sure enough, I still don't believe it at all, right? Did you believe it completely this time?

At this time, Jiang Yuanyuan had already brought a few colleagues who had a good relationship with her and gathered around.

Said with a proud face.

"Oh, oh, I didn't expect that your boyfriend is really a courier!"

"For such a person, do you still say that you can get an invitation letter at will? It makes people laugh out loud!"

"This is vanity, isn't it? I didn't expect Lisa, you should be such a vain person. The managers of our company are actually such a character!"

"I really worry about the future of our company!"

"Boyfriend has nothing to do, so I have to say that my boyfriend is very powerful...hehehe..."

A group of people were ridiculing, speaking to Lisa in a very sneer tone.

Don't be too irritating to look at each one.

Lisa was also full of resentment at this time, and said angrily: "Who told you that the express delivery is incapable?"


Hearing Lisa's excuse, the people around him became even more disdainful at this time, and they all seemed to laugh out loud.

"It's just nonsense! I have all gone to deliver the courier. Do you still think your boyfriend is very good?"

"Where is the power? Can you recognize all the communities in Yangcheng? Hahahaha..."

From ridicule, directly to ridicule.

Lisa said coldly: "Believe it or not, it's up to you, but what I want to do is my right."

With that said, Lisa handed the blank invitation letter directly to the colleague next to her.

"Aileen, this is your invitation letter. If you want to participate in this exhibition, just join it! Just write your name!"

Everyone was still a little disdainful.

But a closer look... Suddenly dumbfounded!

Damn it!

Isn't this George White's invitation letter to the exhibition? How did Lisa get this! And there are still so many!

Several colleagues were even more shocked!

"Wow! It's the invitation letter from George White's exhibition!"

" this true?"

"It feels so advanced!"

Lisa smiled: "Eileen, this was given to me by my boyfriend just now, please keep it."


Everyone was silent at this moment! Confused!

One or two invitation letters are quite awesome, but Lisa directly took out three!

And they were all taken out as gifts!

This is too ridiculous, right?

Jiang Yuanyuan was even more dumbfounded! She just said how powerful this invitation letter is and how difficult it is to get it. As a result, she just took it out just like mass production!

Isn't this hitting yourself in the face?

Shock is only a momentary thing, after this moment, Jiang Yuanyuan immediately has other thoughts!

"This invitation letter must be fake!"

Jiang Yuanyuan said loudly: "Leave aside how your boyfriend could get this thing! This invitation letter is not just a few!"

"My boyfriend told me! The most powerful family can only get two invitation letters!"

"There is a limit to the number of invitations! There is absolutely no third one! I tell you, you have miscalculated, as long as you miss one, I can still trust you! But there is no shortage of three, there is definitely a problem. !"

Jiang Yuanyuan insisted in a bitter way, and the people around thought she had gained some certainty.

At this time, he also followed up.

"It must be fake!"

"Lisa, you are a foreign woman who has returned from overseas. I didn't expect to be so vain! This is what you forged in the print shop downstairs just now, isn't it?"

"Hey, I didn't expect this kind of thing to be done..."

The female colleagues looked at Lisa disdainfully, as if Lisa was the sinner among them all.

Lisa didn't care about these at all, and said indifferently: "Xiao Zhang, and Sister Li, you have passed them too, these two are yours!"

Sister Li frowned when she got the invitation letter.

Quickly nodded and said, "This invitation letter should be real."

Sister Li is a relatively respectable person in the company, and she spends a lot of time working, so she has a certain degree of prestige.

The knowledge is equally broad, but Sister Li doesn't like fighting for power, so she has not thought about climbing up.

She has always worked in a more general position in this company, and it is for this reason that she and Lisa have a good relationship.

Sister Li has said so, everyone has already begun to doubt...Is it really true?

Jiang Yuanyuan didn't eat this set at all, and said with a sneer: "Oh, Sister Li, I know you see a lot of things, but this thing is not the level you have seen!"

"This thing is currently the most high-end thing in Yangcheng! A word of you, I am afraid it is useless! You have to show evidence! Evidence!"

"No! Sister Li said so, it should be true!"

"I believe Sister Li!"

"Sister Li is so big, it is possible to miss it! Sister Li, take a good look, whether it is real or fake!"

Several people made a mess, and Sister Li pointed to the golden powder on the invitation letter.

"If it is a temporary forgery, the gold powder will fall off as long as you touch it, but I touched it just now and there is no problem!"

"Moreover, this invitation letter is also very delicate and there is no big problem."

"that's it?"

Jiang Yuanyuan still refused to believe what this thing could represent.

Sister Li continued: "It can be so exquisite unless it is forged with great effort, but this kind of invitation letter has its own anti-counterfeiting mark."

"As long as you see this sign, there is no problem. It really doesn't work. You can scan the QR code of this place!"

"Does this invitation letter still have a QR code?"

Jiang Yuanyuan was stunned, never knew there was such a thing...

Sister Li was in a place and scratched out a QR code. This place was like that kind of scratching area, which was always covered and scratched off by Sister Li.

"After scanning this thing, you can naturally know if it is true or not!"

After listening to Sister Li's words, everyone tried it...

This QR code jumps directly to George White's official website! Shows the customer service phone number and a way to confirm the authenticity!

It can almost be concluded that this invitation letter is true!

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded!

Damn it!

It's really true!

"If one of these is true, the others are true! Three!"

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