These tens of thousands of dollars of shoes, but they started with the original price of 10,000 yuan! Prices have been increasing!

Because there are only a thousand pairs in the country, they predict that the price will continue to rise! At least it can rise to more than 30,000! So they have not been sold!

Instead, they bought all the SJ red and white shoes on the market at a high price! Then put these in your own warehouse!

This is not a small investment!

In addition to this, there are many other shoes, which are similar to the red and white shoes!

They all bought it back at a high price, and then settled here!

Most of the money for this purchase was borrowed! Because they feel that this business must be profitable without losing money, they have invested a lot of money!

It turned out to look like this... It must be the bottom of the loss. There are no more pants!

It's a bolt from the blue!

"Why! Why on earth is this!"

The fried shoe boy was dumbfounded! Why can Tang Ke cause such a big fluctuation with just one sentence?

You know, although the shoe industry has experienced declines and rises, they are all within a certain range. This time, they are not in this range at all!

Has fallen out of the sky!

The corner of Tang Ke's mouth rose slightly.

"Don't know why?"

"I'm here to tell you, because you and I are the owners of these brands, I directly let go of Yinxiaguo's sales limit!"

Hearing these words, the boy was even more shocked.

Damn it! What's happening here?

The person in front of you is the boss of these brands? Isn't this impossible?

In fact, as he thought, Tang Ke is really not the boss of these brands.

But there is angel investment behind Tang Ke! As long as there is this huge international company, it is not too simple to acquire these small brands.

But only this explanation is the most reasonable!

Shoe-fried boy immediately go to the official websites of major brands to check! Sure enough, I saw that these official websites all issued announcements at the same time!

To increase production, invest in Yinxia Country!

This is what it is, you have to directly flip all of their fried shoes!

Their family has almost lost money, and other people who fry shoes are basically finished!

How much money you made before, how much money you have to spit out now!

very scary!

But now, the boy can't understand, is Tang Ke in front of him really so awesome?

At this moment... a student suddenly realized that he pointed to Tang Ke and said.

"I said how familiar with him, you are the legendary senior Tang Ke, aren't you?!"

Originally, Tang Ke simply had a meal here, low-key, and most people couldn't think of Tang Ke's identity.

But here, the boy who fries shoes suddenly slapped his face, showing his extraordinary strength, which immediately reminds people of that awesome Tang Ke senior!

a legendary person!

Donated hundreds of millions to the school, with tremendous energy!

Hearing the words Tang Ke, the scrambled shoe boy also suddenly realized! It seems that there is such a person!

This one in front of you is actually?

At this point, the boy's assistant knew exactly what was going on.

The young master, who is usually very low-key, suddenly wants to drive a luxury car at this time. It must be for comparison!

Pretend to be in front of Tang Ke!

As a result, the pretending to be incomparable was even killed!

It doesn't matter if he is counter-killed, don't drag us into the water together!

His assistant also relies on this thing to eat, originally intending to make a fortune... Now it's all right, there are no more pants left!

I just want to beat this fried shoe boy directly!

Just at this moment, the father of the boy who fries the shoes called.

Because the price fluctuated too much, he couldn't sit still, and quickly asked the assistant what was going on and what he was going to do.

The assistant hurriedly told the father of the shoe-fried boy what had happened.

The old man was stunned!

My son offended a person, causing the entire market to fluctuate?

In the end it became like this?

It's like making a movie!

This is too awesome, right?

That's not right! Depend on! If this kid offends such a powerful person, his family is ruined behind!

Whatever you say, you have to save it!

"Where are you guys! I'll be over right away!"


After half an hour, the old man finally arrived at the fast food restaurant.

But at this time, Tang Ke and Liang Han had already left.

They go, no one dares to stop them at all!

You know, this is the legendary senior Tang Ke! Offended this person and still want to leave? That is simply a dream! No one dare to provoke!

The old man only saw his son hitting him, and after understanding the ins and outs, he was simply pissed to death!

"You prodigal son!"

"Blame you! Now we are going to beg on the street!"

"Are you happy now? Ah! Are you happy now!"

In fact...At this time, it is not only the two of them who can already foresee the end of their family’s destruction.

There are countless scalpers! People who fry shoes! And those who are opportunistic!

It's dumbfounded now!

Depend on! why! Why did the market suddenly become like this?

They don’t know yet, all of this has to start with a small pretense...


After chatting with Liang Han for a while, the two separated.

This time I was very happy to play with the primary school girl.

Especially after experiencing the feeling of being in school, Tang Ke wants to come often in the future!

These two face slaps, although the characters who slapped the face are all such small characters, it is still very cool! It's a pity that Ji Honglang is too fast.

As for this boy who fries shoes, he has such a bad taste. After all, these people are people who have not entered the society, and they have no experience in this aspect.

Tang Ke slapped them here, as if a full-level boss entered the Novice Village. It was really meaningless to go back and forth.

But Tang Ke also knew that he still had his own business to do.

That's express delivery!

On this day, Tang Ke continued to deliver express.

From the north of Yangcheng to the west of the city.

Tang Ke knew that he was in a traffic jam if he didn't walk.

After all, running in Yangcheng every day, there are traffic jams in those places, and there are no traffic jams in those places, Tang Ke is still very clear.

In general, Tang Ke would choose to take the subway in this situation.

After all, the subway goes underground, it won't be jammed, and the speed is fast.

Tang Ke plunged into a subway station.

After all, it is Yangcheng, there are too many people here, Tang Ke can only pull the handrails and stop all the way on the subway.

Fortunately, Tang Ke usually exercises, these little things are nothing to Tang Ke at all.

Just when Tang Ke was boring to play with his mobile phone, a burst of smell suddenly caught Tang Ke's attention.

A person... even eating snacks in the subway!

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