Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 395 This Contract Is Your Husband’s Efforts

Although the subway seems to be ventilated, this ventilation is actually a fake ventilation. It is all underground. It is so easy to ventilate. So as long as there is a little smell, it can easily spread far away. place.

It's common sense that you can't eat on the subway. Some people don't even know it. This really surprised Tang Ke.

Obviously someone noticed this girl's behavior, especially a security guard in charge of subway security, and immediately walked to the girl's side and said.

"Miss, I'm sorry, you can't eat on the subway, please put it away."

Seeing the security guard, the girl didn't show the slightest movement. Instead, she continued to eat and said as she ate.

"I'll finish eating immediately."

This attitude...just don't be too arrogant.

"Miss, put it away."

"Wait for me to drink milk tea."

This girl... highlights a soft and hard bubble! The people around are speechless.

At this moment, the subway arrived at the station and squeaked the brakes directly. Because of inertia, the girl could not hold the milk tea in her hand... directly spilled!

It happened to be spilled on the courier in Tang Ke's hand! Tang Ke's body too!

Tang Ke was dumbfounded...I rely on...

This express is a contract! And half of the contract has been signed! The clothes on my body are also express clothes customized by George Bai! It costs hundreds of thousands!

No matter which one it is, it is very troublesome for Tang Ke!

This woman didn't mean to make compensation at all, she just said indifferently.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry to go by? Miss, you have to compensate for the loss!"

Tang Ke said righteously.

The woman showed a look of disdain: "Loss, what else do you lose as a courier? Oh, it's your clothes, isn't it? I'll give you two hundred, no need to look for it!"

The woman immediately took out two banknotes and threw them on Tang Ke's body.

This disdainful attitude, this arrogant feeling! Damn it! Tang Ke really got angry as he watched! Originally you were eating here, I didn't say you were already pretty good!

Now that you have trouble with me, you still want two hundred yuan to solve it?

It's idiotic to talk about dreams!

Tang Ke immediately showed the icon of George's white clothes on his body!

"Sorry, lady, although my clothes look like express clothes, they are actually made by George White! The price is more than 100,000 yuan!"

"In addition, this is a courier that you can ruin. You can see for yourself. It is a contract signed by six companies. Because it is an emergency courier, I delivered the courier by subway."

"If I remember correctly, they said they were going to sign an order of 300 million yuan! One day delay will cost millions of dollars. Now the contract is not clear because of the milk tea handwriting, so it must be invalidated."

"For this part of the compensation, let these companies come to you."

The clothes that Tang Ke originally wore were, after all, made by George White's company. They still have a strong resistance to this stain, and they can be cleaned after just a little wash.

But the attitude of this woman is too bad! Tang Ke no longer wanted to give her a little retreat.

But to directly make her life unable to take care of herself!

Hearing Tang Ke's words, the woman was dumbfounded!

People around also began to discuss.

"Damn, I thought this was a courier, but I didn't expect it to be so awesome! There are hundreds of thousands of clothes on my body?"

"Fake? Can there be such expensive clothes?"

"When you look at you, you have never seen the world! I tell you that the clothes of hundreds of thousands of rich people are normal, and they are all clothes that you can't buy! That fabric, that texture...Tsk, I think this person should It’s true! I do this!"

"This woman's stall has something to do! Hahahaha... I just saw this woman very upset! This gangster must make her go away without eating!"

A group of people started talking excitedly, one by one happier than the other!

That is, who is unhappy when he sees such a person who does not follow the rules and has no quality and will be punished?

There was only a woman... and stared at the same place for a long time.

Then immediately shouted: "Impossible! You are blackmail! Don't think I'm a bully! I know people too!"

"I care if you have anyone, now follow me to the top right away!"

Tang Ke said sharply, in full view, Tang Ke and the woman walked directly out of the subway station, and were taken to a temporary room by the police officer to accept this investigation.

Tang Ke is very simple. He provided all the information, clothes information, express delivery information, and also called several companies for this express delivery.

Compared with Tang Ke... the attitude and mood of this woman are quite unstable!

For a while, he shouted that his boyfriend was very powerful, and for a while, he shouted that he was not wrong, that Tang Ke was blackmailing her here.

Because they were all in the same room, Tang Ke could hear what the woman said, and Tang Ke couldn't help laughing.

This woman not only lacks quality, but also has no brains.


A man came in suddenly.

"Mr. Constable! I'm Fan Ling's relative! Is something wrong?"

It turns out that this woman is called Fan Ling!

When Fan Ling saw that her husband was finally here, she burst into laughter!

"Husband, you are here! They bullied me! They have to pull me off the subway! I originally wanted to go to the party with you, but because of them, I was delayed!"

Originally, his husband was going to the company to deal with a matter today, and after he was dealt with, he went to the party, and the couple went aside.

As a result, this matter directly disrupted the plan.

The man said: "It's okay, anyway, my business has been done, and now it's okay to delay a little, what happened?"

Before the police could speak, Fan Ling spoke first.

"Actually, nothing happened at all! I accidentally spilled milk tea on him on the subway! He asked me more than 100,000 yuan! My clothes are very valuable!"

"Isn't this bullying?"

Fan Ling looked at her husband pitifully, while accusing Tang Ke on the other side.

The expression on the man's face immediately became somber.

"Are you blackmail? Brother?"

Fan Ling said proudly: "My husband is an executive of the company! I tell you, this time the matter is not that simple to solve! I want you to have trouble eating!"

Tang Ke replied indifferently: "What do you mean, are you trying to help her out?"

"It's not a question of getting ahead! It's about you bullying my wife! I naturally want to ask for an explanation!"

The man still feels that the truth is with him at this time!

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