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Chapter 45: Low Success Rate

Tang Ke was very surprised when he saw Cao Yanting.

In his memories, Cao Yanting was a little girl a few years ago. She ran to school all day and said she was looking for Teacher Li, but she actually went to Tang Ke every time.

One bite of a little brother and a little brother, they are very cordial.

He was also named Tang Ke's number one fan.

But it's really the eighteenth change of the female big. Over the past few years, Cao Yanting has completely emerged as a big beauty!

Super beautiful kind!

Obviously she is just a little girl who just went to college, but she has the superb body that countless women are very envious of!

Coupled with the exquisite face, it is perfect to perfection!

The figure is a perfect score, and the appearance is also a perfect score!

Mainly this is natural! Many Internet celebrities rely on their beauty cameras to have a beautiful face, but Cao Yanting is completely natural!

But beautiful, beautiful, at this time Cao Yanting was already blushing with tears.

There was also a desperate expression on his face, and there was quite a feeling of Lin Daiyu, which made people feel distressed.

After all, his mother was diagnosed with liver cancer. No matter who it is, no one can bear this kind of pain.

The person who felt that Cao Yanting had become beautiful, as well as other classmates, secretly surprised everyone.

The rich second-generation Zhao Wen saw it, and his eyes flashed!

This Zhao Wenwen is an old pervert, often looking for women, and seeing beautiful girls, naturally he can't walk.

Now this Cao Yanting is in front of him, even more so.

Zhao Wen was also a little unwilling in his heart, no wonder Teacher Li never let me see her daughter! It turned out to be because I was afraid that I would start!

But it's a pity, now that Teacher Li is seriously ill, my chance has come!

Lin Feng knocked on the door lightly, and the two people inside noticed the incoming person.

Across the glass, Cao Yanting immediately saw Tang Ke!

"Little brother..."

When Tang Ke was approaching, Cao Yanting's beautiful eyes widened in surprise, and she couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice.

After a few years of absence, Cao Yanting's fascination with Tang Ke has not diminished, but has grown even more!

One day is like three autumns!

"Xiao Tingting, long time no see."

Tang Ke immediately greeted Cao Yanting and patted Cao Yanting on the shoulder almost habitually.

Zhao Wen's face suddenly became gloomy.

As long as it is a sensible person, he understands what is going on right now!

This Cao Yanting must still like Tang Ke as before!

Obviously he is the rich and powerful second generation! How can it be better for a poor boy to be lucky!

When Cao Yanting saw Tang Ke, she almost fell in love with her!

The more Zhao Wen thinks, the more mad, the more he thinks, the more mad!

What is the most annoying? Of course it means not to give up and hug yourself!

After all, I am still jealous of Tang Ke's flourishing face!

Cao Yanting clung to Tang Ke tightly, almost crying, and said aggrieved: "My mother...she..."

With a choking, he could hardly say the following words.

"It's okay, I know..." Tang Ke couldn't help comforting Cao Yanting.

"I will try my best to help Teacher Li... Don't worry."

At this time not only Zhao Wen could not sit still, even Cao Yanting's father Cao Shen could not sit still!

My daughter has shown such a weak side in front of so many people!

"Tingting! Pay attention to your image!"

I don't know if it is a kind of feeling inherent in his father, the kind of feeling that does not want any man to touch his daughter, which makes Cao Shen a little unhappy.

At this moment, several doctors suddenly appeared in the ward.

He brought an old doctor into the ward.

It was Director Ma from the hospital who came over for the rounds.

Cao Shen saw the old doctor coming, and ignored words, hurriedly walked over and asked eagerly.

"Director Ma, how is my wife's condition?"

Several other classmates also listened carefully beside them.

After all, this is about the life of Teacher Li!

"Director Ma, I know that you are an expert in this field, and you can be ranked in the country! Please save my wife!"

Tang Ke carefully watched the reactions of these people.

"We have already had a consultation not long ago. There is still the possibility of a cure for her disease. Don't worry."

As soon as Director Ma finished speaking, there was a hint of surprise on everyone's faces.

"Her disease was found relatively early, and the disease has not spread. As long as the method is right, it can be cured."

"Very good!"

Director Ma's words were like a heart-strengthening needle, adding a lot of smiles to everyone's faces.


When everyone was not happy for three seconds, Director Ma immediately changed the conversation.

"The probability of success is not very high, probably only about 30%."

"Patients can't be delayed at present, surgery must be performed within this month!"

Everyone was stunned immediately.

30% success rate? This is a very low success rate for a patient!

You know, even if it is a 90% success rate for patients, it is very dangerous in many cases!

Seeing the loss of everyone, Director Ma said immediately.

"Our hospital does not have a high success rate for doing these things, but if you can find a relationship and let some special people come, the success rate will be greatly improved!"

Different doctors have different success rates for surgery. This is normal!

When Zhao Wen heard this, he immediately became interested: "To put it bluntly, it is still money, right? Just ask the doctor for the money!"

Director Ma suddenly shook his head.

"This is not a question of money. It is necessary to invite those people over. Money can't shake those people."

Rely on relationship...

Tang Ke immediately understood something, and there was a little more peace in his heart.

If it depends on the relationship, Tang Ke still has shares in Linkang Medical Group before! He is the fifth largest shareholder!

Maybe it will come in handy at this time!

"Director Ma, I hope you can tell me this question carefully!"

Director Ma looked at the young man in front of him with some surprises.

"Can you really have this kind of relationship?"

Tang Ke nodded slightly, and Director Ma smiled helplessly.

How could this kind of relationship be possible for such a young person? But since the other party asked, you might as well explain it to him.

"To treat this disease, there is a medical group in Yangcheng with a special equipment imported from the United States."

"Our country currently has this kind of equipment in only three places. The success rate of liver cancer treatment can be improved by several grades. In addition, the doctors over there are not at the same level as here."

"Especially there is a doctor named Qian Shan."

"Then just find this doctor, my mother's disease can be treated, right?"

Cao Yanting immediately became excited.

Director Ma showed a more embarrassed smile: "Little girl, Qian Shan is not something you can find if you want to."

"People don't sit in the hospital at all on weekdays, and it's hard to get to the blue sky at the first sight, so how can I find him?"

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