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Chapter 46-I'm the Boss

Zhao Wen got excited after listening.

Isn't this his special skill?

This doctor is in Yangcheng, and the leader he knows is also in Yangcheng. Isn't it easy to find such a small doctor?

As long as this is done, even if she does not recognize herself, Cao Yanting will recognize it!

After all, I will be her mother's savior by then!

Zhao Wen immediately assumed a very pretentious posture, and coughed slightly, "It seems that I must take action!"

Tang Ke:...


Director Ma:...

What is this kid doing?

Zhao Wen smiled proudly: "I just know some leaders in Yangcheng. Although they are not great leaders, they are somehow big people."

"It's easy to contact the doctor in this kind of hospital."

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, the classmates immediately fry the pot.

"Zhao Wen, do you still know the leader of Yangcheng?"

"It's Zhao Wen! After all, it's the rich second generation, it's amazing!"

"And that's the leader of Yangcheng, and it's not at the same level as our leader of Shichicheng!"

The eyes of these students looking at Zhao Wen have become different!

After Cao Shen heard this, his eyes flashed: "Zhao Wen, you really are a good student of Teacher Li!"

"You can help Teacher Li! Then you will be our family's benefactor!"

Zhao Wen is quite proud of the spring breeze at this time, this is the effect he wants!

Tang Ke was relatively calm: "Then trouble Zhao Wen, I hope you can help Teacher Li quickly."

"Hmph, of course no problem!"

Seeing Tang Kedu had bowed his head, Zhao Wen couldn't be more comfortable!

Now he is the god of this room!

No one dares to ignore oneself easily!

It’s what I feel right now, right?

Zhao Wen immediately took out his mobile phone in a very prettier posture.

Called his relatives in Yangcheng.

Although the posture on the phone is very pretending, but the tone of chatting with the person on the phone is very respectful.

I asked if I could ask the money expert for a favor.

Even hands-free is turned on!

Just to pretend to be compared!

Cao Shen was looking forward to it, watching all this quietly.

Just wait for Zhao Wen to give himself good news!


The other end of the phone said almost immediately: "I can't make an appointment!"


When Zhao Wen heard this answer, everyone was stunned. This answer was like slapped himself in the face!

Bang bang bang bang!

"Uncle, aren't you great? Can't you even make appointments?"

Zhao Wen was still a little unwilling.

"I can't make an appointment. This person is not an ordinary person. I've heard of it before."

"Or uncle, you try?"

"What can I try? I'll tell you, if I go, it will be boring to find myself and lose my face, so let's forget it."

The person on the other end of the phone is even a little impatient.

Hung up with a snap.

Zhao Wen had already lowered his head completely at this time, unexpectedly there was no room for maneuver in this matter.

Pretending to fail is now a huge blow to Zhao Wen.

This is a shame in front of so many people!

However, Zhao Wen immediately reacted and said hesitantly: "My uncle can't even please move this person..."

"It shows that this person is really too powerful, and there should be few people who can get it."

"Right? After all, my uncle's identity must be so!"

Having said that, Zhao Wen even became arrogant again, looking at everyone with confidence.


After hearing this, Cao Shen was suddenly lost, but he could accept this argument. After all, Director Ma had said before, it was very difficult.

It seems that only a 30% success rate can be achieved!

Cao Yanting immediately said desperately: "No... this 30% is really too low!"

"My mother..."

"Little Tingting, don't cry, wait, let me see if I can invite him."

Seeing Cao Yanting crying was too tragic, Tang Ke spoke immediately.

Cao Shen was also a little surprised at this moment.

But it reacted immediately.

"Yes! I heard that Tang Ke, you work in Yangcheng, do you really have a way? Please try!"

"If you can invite me, I will kneel down for you immediately!"

At this time, Cao Shen is already able to use as much as possible.

Tang Ke hurriedly waved his hand: "Uncle, what are you talking about? I am Teacher Li's student and I should do these things."

Looking at this scene, Zhao Wen sneered.

"Are you stupid? I just looked for my uncle and failed to invite this person, what else can you do?"

"You probably haven't even heard of this person's name, right? Pretend to be here, and you have to look at the situation!"

Tang Ke didn't care about this person at all.

A phone call reached Zhang Ke.

He didn't call Linkang Hospital directly because Tang Ke hadn't contacted anyone there yet.

On the contrary, if you look for this doctor in consideration of your contacts and relationships, Dongyun Law Firm is more suitable.

Because this office is the iconic existence of Yangcheng.

There are many people they deal with, maybe one of them is related to this doctor.

"Zhang Ke, this is Tang Ke, yes, I want to ask if you can do me a favor?"

"Yes, you should still be in Dongyun Law Firm, right?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard of Dongyun Office!

"Dongyun Law Firm? Isn't that the top law firm in Yangcheng?"

"Zhang Ke, is that gold medal lawyer? The one who claims to have an undefeated record?"

"Tang Ke's tone, is it the boss of this firm?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Tang Ke.

The eyes are full of shock!

Even Lu Ting, who knew Tang Ke had Koenigsegg, was already speechless at this time!

How many things did Tang Ke hide from himself? There was even contact with the people from Dongyun Office!

Zhao Wen's face is cold at this time, what's the joke? He is a Tang Ke, how long is a poor boy who has just graduated, can he get in touch with such a big man?

Others would believe it, but Zhao Wen would not believe it!

Isn't it just pretending? There will always be a day you can't hold on!

"My high school teacher has liver cancer and needs the help of Qian Shan's expert. Do you know this person?"

"Yes, and this expert has some connections with us, I will call him right away!"

Zhang Ke answered immediately.

"Wait for five minutes."

Tang Ke hung up the phone and talked to the people around him.

At this time, Cao Yanting was already quite shocked. There were even small stars in her eyes: "Big brother, you are so amazing!"

"Do you know Zhang Ke? Or a shareholder of this firm?"

"I am not a shareholder, I am the owner of this firm."



When I heard that it was the boss, everyone was even more shocked!

This kind of super-existent company boss? It is simply unimaginable! And neither of them are people of the same world!

"Tang Ke! You are too amazing! Such a noble status, I didn't even notice it at all!"

"Really, why don't you tell us so much!"

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