Everyone was shocked by Tang Ke's performance, and then was happy!

Because of this, Teacher Li's illness can be saved!

Only Zhao Wen was unwilling to believe this fact at this time!

In his opinion, these people around must have never seen the world!

Who is your uncle? Although I describe myself as a leader, in fact it is a position that can crush hundreds of thousands or even millions of people!

Such a high-ranking person can't let Qian Shan do something, how could he be Tang Ke?

This disparity in ability can only be made clear if you know the people in this circle very well.

"I don't believe it! You must be pretending to compare!"

Zhao Wen couldn't bear it, and said angrily.

Lu Ting snorted coldly: "Who is Tang Ke? That's a super runner! Tang Ke drove me just now in Koenigsegg!"


Cao Shen was stunned, looking at Tang Ke with a complicated expression.

Unexpectedly! It's really unexpected! Tang Ke actually has such a great ability!

"Impossible! Koenigsegg is a supercar with hundreds of millions! And there is no market!"

Zhao Wen was completely anxious at this time, and regardless of his image in front of everyone, he went crazy and said.

"I have heard of the boss of Dongyun Law Firm. He is an old man! He is still the founder, and it is impossible to transfer the firm!"

"And you call Zhang Ke, who knows if it's true? You must be looking for someone to act with you!"

Zhao Wen would never believe that Tang Ke could do this thing. After all, his uncle couldn't do anything about it.

What is Tang Ke's details, he still doesn't know Zhao Wen?

If Tang Ke is such an amazing character, how could he go to high school in this ordinary Shichi city?

Besides, he investigated Tang Ke when he was in high school, and his parents were very ordinary people!

In just a few short years, has it directly become a high-ranking existence in Yangcheng?

How can this be!

"Koenigsegg may not be true! Even if it is true, it may be rented! Borrowed!"

Lu Ting sneered: "Who do you think will borrow this kind of car? Rent it? Even if it is a loan, people dare to lend it to Tang Ke. What does this mean?"

You know, this is a supercar. In Yangcheng, supercars are often a symbol of status and status.

As long as you see a sports car that only a certain character in Yangcheng can have, the person in this car must be a certain big man.

Wouldn't it be misunderstood immediately if this kind of car was loaned out?

Most people will definitely not borrow it.

At this moment, Tang Ke's phone rang.

Answering the phone, Zhang Ke's voice rang.

"Mr. Tang Ke, Qian Shan has already contacted and there is no problem."

"You report your position, Qian Shan expert will be there within three days! In addition, patient information is needed."

"Considering that the patient is not suitable for travel and fatigue, Qian Shan expert will bring the instrument to the patient's city in person!"

"Okay, I'll send it to you later."

With that, Tang Ke hung up the phone, then asked Director Ma's phone number and sent it to him.

After all, the patient information is sent by professionals like Director Ma.

At this moment everyone... completely dumbfounded!

An expert whose leaders in Yangcheng couldn't even move, now Tang Ke is moving!

And still such a respectful attitude!

Come here in person! Within three days!

You know, this is a superior expert!

It's hard to get to the blue sky when you see each other, not to mention the current situation!

Zhao Wen immediately shouted hysterically: "Fake! It must be all fake! This person is acting with you!"

Tang Ke ignored Zhao Wen at all and posted the information.

At this moment, Director Ma's phone shook.

Listening to the voice on the phone, the expression on Director Ma's face began to change rapidly.

After the call, Director Ma immediately became excited.

"I just received a call from Linkang Medical Group! I am already looking for patient information!"


What does this mean?

The phone call on behalf of Tang Ke must be genuine!

Unless this Director Ma also followed along with the performance!

But Tang Ke just returned to Shichi City, how could he have contact with Director Ma?

"Wow! Brother Tang Ke, you are so amazing!"

Cao Yanting, the big beauty immediately became excited, and hugged Tang Ke in one hand.

"If it weren't for you, I don't know what to do!"

"Thank you so much, Tang Ke, our teacher is saved!"

"Tang Ke is really awesome!"

"It's so awesome, I don't know how to describe it."

The students were filled with emotion one by one.

His face is full of joy, and Zhao Wen has been very annoying since just now.

Now that this scene happened, a classmate curled his lips.

"Tang Ke is so much better than some people! Some people say how amazing they are, but isn't it a waste in the end?"

"People Tang Ke didn't pretend to be a match, so he solved the matter!"

Everyone naturally knew that this classmate was talking about Zhao Wen, and one by one looked at Zhao Wen with disdain.

Zhao Wen was embarrassed to death now, if he left like this, it would definitely be a confession.

But if you don't leave, you will be ridiculed here again.

Cao Shen was beside him, and everyone was moved to tears. He was clearly in his forties.

"Thank you! Tang Ke!"

Cao Shen said right away, and then looked at everyone.

"It's really an honor for my wife to have you students!"

Tang Ke hurriedly said, "Uncle, you are serious! We should all do this."

"Brother Tang Ke! You are so amazing! I have decided. After I graduate, I will also go to Yangcheng!"

Cao Yanting was also talking happily beside her.

Even a fool can understand the meaning of this.

Director Ma left the ward with someone to deal with the follow-up.

Tang Ke casually found an excuse and left temporarily, and went with Director Ma.

When he arrived at Director Ma's office, Tang Ke said, "Dr Ma, how much is the operation fee for this time?"

Director Ma pondered: "Expert Qian Shan's surgery fee is not cheap, plus the equipment...maybe less than 1 million."

Tang Ke nodded immediately.

There is a spectrum in my heart.

When Tang Ke returned to the ward, Teacher Li was still asleep on the bed.

Cao Shen quickly took Tang Ke's hand and said gratefully, "Thank you, Tang Ke!"

Then everyone began to chatter again. Tang Ke took advantage of the crowd and secretly took out his bank card.

Then wrote the password on the bank card.

Secretly put it under Teacher Li's pillow.

One million is not a small amount, and it is overwhelming for Teacher Li's family.

Tang Ke also secretly helped this time.

The time for visiting quickly passed, and it was time for everyone to leave.

A group of people huffed out, and Cao Yanting was still a little reluctant, and kept following Tang Ke.

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