When she walked out of the hospital, Cao Yanting immediately said, "Brother Tang Ke, you must wait for me in Yangcheng!"

In this way, there is quite a feeling that the husband is traveling and his wife is worried!

Tang Ke was ashamed.

In the past, Cao Yanting liked to be her own follower, but when she arrived in Yangcheng, she couldn't be anymore!

Zhao Wen broke down even more after listening to it!

He has never done it in his life to make a beautiful woman say such a thing!

All the people who visited Teacher Li have left, but Cao Shen frowned again.

"Dad, brother Tang Ke has already handled this matter, why are you unhappy?"

Cao Yanting asked curiously.

"The expert is here, but the operation fee..."

Cao Shen said, sighing.

"I asked Director Ma, it costs at least one million, which is not a small amount..."

"I will treat your mother even if it's smashing the pot and selling iron... just after the treatment."

Cao Shen did not continue to say, but he can already predict how sad the days after.

Cao Yanting also noticed this serious problem and frowned.

"Forget it, wash your mother first."

As Cao Shen said, Teacher Li has been in a comatose state recently, and they need them to clean up.

While helping Teacher Li up from the hospital bed, Cao Shen immediately saw something.

To be precise, it is a bank card!

"This...what's going on?"

Cao Shen was immediately surprised, and Cao Yanting followed.

"There is a password on this bank card?"

Cao Yanting said immediately when the two got the bank card.

"It must be those people just now! Just left by my mother's students!"

"Go and see how much money is in it!"

Cao Shen said immediately and ran downstairs.

Inquire according to the above password...


Both Cao Shen and Cao Yanting were shocked, there was a full one million in there!

"Who gave this anyway?"

Cao Shen couldn't imagine now that one person actually gave one million just now.

And it's the kind without a name!

Explain what? The person who gives the money does not ask for anything in return!

You know this is a million!

If you give a three-to-two-hundred person, you may not leave a name without leaving a name, but this is one million!

"No! We are going to find them!"

Cao Shen said right away, this matter must be unclear, and it must be known who gave it.

Then thank you in person!


Coming out of the hospital, the group of classmates chatted for a while in a hustle and bustle.

Probably they were feeling the past days and the current sufferings, Lin Feng was quite knowledgeable, and said directly.

"It just so happened that we all got together. Let's have a meal? It's a party. It's been a long time since we have seen each other."

Because Mr. Li's surgery hasn't been a big problem, everyone is very happy and immediately agreed.

A group of people ordered some dishes in the hotel and chatted with each other.

But most people's eyes and topics are on Tang Ke.

"Tang Ke, what do you do in Yangcheng? Do you specialize in that office?"

"I'm also very curious! Tang Ke, you didn't major in law before, how did you become the boss of the firm?"

"Yeah, I heard that you drove Koenigsegg back, I want to see it too!"

"Tang Ke is really a successful person, right? Look at the dressing of this suit."


A group of students became more enthusiastic, and began to keep an eye on Tang Ke.

But the more you look at it, the more you find that something is wrong. Tang Ke has almost nothing inferior, all of which are very high-end things of taste and value!

Tang Ke didn't care much about these things, either nodded indifferently or smiled.

There was a reply without a word.

It was Lu Ting who kept describing how comfortable he was in Koenigsegg and how smooth he ran.

And how awesome this car is.

"We Tang Ke, that's an amazing character!"

Tang Ke didn't say anything himself, but Lu Ting was proud of it here.

Tang Ke also felt a little speechless, so why did he brag about himself?

At this moment, a classmate suddenly said in surprise: "There is still such a thing!"

"Look at it! Someone in my circle of friends is exposing this!"

"A man on the highway maliciously blocked the ambulance, and was sanctioned by a handsome guy!"


After listening to this classmate's words, everyone became a little more interested, and immediately leaned over to take a look.

A few people even took out their mobile phones and kept searching.

Because everyone is near Shichi City, everything that happened on the highway was also in this area.

"Wow! The reports are out! Look!"

"The unscrupulous driver blocked the rescue car, and the handsome guy passed by and pulled his knife to help!"

There is even a video attached to it. The video clearly shows that the person who was filming is the person in the ambulance.

The scene of Tang Ke using a supercar to stop an unscrupulous driver was clearly recorded.

There are a lot of comments below the report.

"How can this kind of driver not die?"

"I hope this driver will not encounter an ambulance in the future, and I will also like the handsome guy!"

"Society needs people who will stand up!"

"Unexpectedly, this rich man is still so responsible and loves it!"

However, after the video was shot, we immediately saw the scene of Tang Ke getting off the car.

When everyone saw this scene, they were too shocked to speak.

Then it flew the pot fiercely!

"Tang Ke! This is really you!"

"Isn't this what happened before you came to the hospital?"

"Is this supercar yours? It's so cool and cool!"

"Let me go, you are famous! Tang Ke!"

"Is this the Tang Ke I know?"


Although Tang Ke was praised, Lu Ting felt an inexplicable sense of pride at this time.

"I told you, Tang Ke is not an ordinary person! Do you know now? Who else didn't believe me just now?"

With that, Lu Ting looked at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen's face had become extremely ugly at this time, and he didn't know what to say.

It was said before that the car was rented, but now the videos are all out.

When the unscrupulous driver is forced to stop, it is very likely that the car will be scratched. If it is really rented, how many people dare to do this?

Even if it is their own, some people will feel distressed, after all, this is a supercar.

It shows that this car belongs to Tang Ke!

Tang Ke didn't start to pretend to be in front of everyone because of these things, instead he looked indifferent.

This is in stark contrast to Zhao Wen!

Zhao Wen now feels like he has been slapped in the face, hot and painful!

Lu Ting talked about what happened at the time like dragons and phoenix danced nearby.

Everyone understood the whole story more clearly.

It was originally a just thing, and with Lu Ting's wonderful narration, it became more vivid.

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