Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 60: Identity Revealed

Everyone is talking to Qin Yuyan like this, naturally there is a reason.

What kind of existence is that in Yangcheng Hospital? Just take out one or two doctors here, they are all social elites!

In their opinion, can the profession of food delivery be comparable to that of a doctor? It’s not a level job at all, okay?

Although many doctors here are young, they are already worth millions!

Of course, many of them are future values. They may look like just a young ordinary person now, but the future prospects are very bright!

The doctor has this kind of capital to say this! Can one of his little takeaway guys say such things?

Among these doctors, almost 100% are salivating towards Qin Yuyan!

Can't help but give a thumbs up to the head nurse!

The head nurse is right! It's just a poor dick who delivers takeout! When can we covet our goddess nurse from Yangcheng Hospital!

Sooner or later, you will be kicked away by the goddess!

It's better to kick now!

Just when everyone knew Tang Ke's identity, they were looking forward to Tang Ke's results.

Qin Yuyan slowly said, "Delivering food is just a profession, right?"

"Isn't he still alone?"


Listening to this rhythm, why does it feel wrong?

"As long as it's human, I think it's fair."

! ! !

The goddess finally said this!

Because it was said by the goddess, it even made sense!

After everyone listened, they were speechless for a while.

Especially those male doctors, it hurts even more.

If you say that, why are they working so hard to become doctors?

The head nurse was also quite surprised: "Qin Yuyan, do you really mind his career?"

Qin Yuyan smiled indifferently, everyone's ladylike temperament was fully revealed: "I think I don't mind."

"The important thing is how this person is. If this person is not a good person, no matter how good the job is, it doesn't make sense."

"But if this person treats me well and works hard, even an ordinary person is a good person."




What the goddess said does make sense, but it's too idealistic, right?

The head nurse suddenly laughed scornfully: "As expected, it is Qin Yuyan, who can say such things."

"Maybe... it is precisely because it is Qin Yuyan that can say such a thing."

Everyone didn't understand at first, but they understood right away.

What kind of identity is Qin Yuyan? Their family background is not a joke.

Ordinary people may not be able to reach their family strength in their entire lives. With such strength, they can say such things as indifferent!

It's really impossible Qin Yuyan can raise him!

Hey... Looking back at yourself...

The nurses couldn't help feeling a bit of sorrow at this time. If they were the same as Qin Yuyan, they might have said the same.



At this moment, Cao Shen suddenly ran over.

"Nurse, I forgot to ask, is there any process for filling out the form?"

"Excuse me, what bed are you patient?"

"In Ward 3028, there is only one patient."

Qin Yuyan saw that it was the ward where Tang Ke filled out the form just now!

"The next step is to pay the deposit. One named Tang Ke has already gone."

When Cao Shen heard this, he was suddenly annoyed: "Oh, Tang Ke has given a million treatment fees, and now he has to pay a deposit..."

"This is too much trouble for him!"

When the surrounding nurses heard more than one million, they were instantly stunned.

Can the food delivery guy just put out so much money at once?

This is not the kind of money a young man who delivers food can pay out!

However, the head nurse said calmly: "Sir, the child is going to repay the elders after all. The payment should be made. You'd better care about the patient now..."

"Oh, where is my child? That kid was just a student of my wife!"

Cao Shen said immediately, the expression on his face was still a bit embarrassed.

Now the nurses were even more surprised!

This... is not his relative, but a student?

Can a student spend so much money to help the teacher? What a good person this must be!

What a great feeling!

The nurses felt like they had encountered an incredible story!

Definitely weeping ghosts!

A super touching story that can touch a large number of people on TV!

But now there is a doctor who has not considered any touching issues...

Because in front of Tang Ke, their only advantage is their own future...

Looking at it this way, it is obvious that Tang Ke's future is much brighter than them!

And maybe people are better than them now!

How does this compare? It's simply incomparable!

The nurses have already begun to wonder what kind of story is there.

Ask Cao Shen one by one.

Cao Shen said the previous things slowly.

I couldn't help saying, "My wife, in this life, should be most proud of teaching Tang Ke this student!"

"Obviously, the relationship between my wife and my wife is not particularly good, but they can lend a helping hand like this! For the first time, I know that the teacher-student relationship is also a kind of affection!"

"He wanted to give us this million anonymously at the beginning! Did you know? I was so touched."

"As the person being helped, I can't say anything but know who helped us so much!"

The nurses listened so much, but one by one was stunned.

Cao Shen was still a little strange: "What's wrong with you?"

He didn't realize that since he mentioned that the Qian Shan expert wanted to treat his wife, the nurses all had this expression!

Others may not know what kind of existence Qian Shan is.

What it means to be able to invite Qian Shan, but these people know very well!

Qian Shanna is a super expert with super connections!

This is not a problem that money can solve!

What is the most difficult problem to solve in Yangcheng? That is the problem that money cannot solve!

As long as something like this happens, some super heroes will have a headache!

This is why they have to desperately make contact with special contacts outside.

Almost no one of these expert doctors and senior officials in Yangcheng Hospital can guarantee that they can invite Qian Shan!

Because there are too many people looking for him to see a doctor.

The nurses finally reacted after Cao Shen's reminder.

Talking in a low voice one by one.

"Expert Qian Shan...really or not..."

"Does this mean that expert Qian Shan might be coming to our hospital?"

"I heard that expert Qian Shan has refused the invitation of our deputy dean more than a dozen times!"

"It's been many years, and the number of times that Qian Shan experts came to our hospital was only two or three times!"

The nurses talked a lot, and the male doctor was shocked.

They are much clearer than the rumors that nurses hear.

The difficulty of asking Qian Shan for treatment has already crossed a social hierarchy.

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