It really has nothing to do with money.

It is said that money is not omnipotent, and most people naturally do not believe it.

That's what low-level people think.

But after reaching a certain level, people at that level know that the money is real, and the things that can be done are too limited.

This is a kind of resource division, and it is impossible to get this kind of resource without certain powerful contacts.

After all, in terms of liver disease, only Qian Shan is at the top level. As long as it is a condition that may be fatal, almost only Qian Shan can guarantee the solution.

It can be said that if Qian Shan was invited, his life was saved.

What a profession this is!

He is a food delivery person who has this ability?

Some people were shocked by Qian Shan's affairs, and some people noticed something that was ignored by everyone.

"Mr. Cao Shen, you just said that the patient's students are here, and live in Tang Ke's house, right?"

"How many people?"

"Counting the people in our family, seventeen."

"One room per person?"


The nurses continued to be confused.

Do you have a hotel at home? More than a dozen rooms said to be cleaned up and then cleaned up!

But if it is really a hotel, everything is reasonable.

Well, I finally got some comfort.

"It's over the villa on Esha Island."

Seeing the curious look of the nurses, Cao Shen added another sentence.

! ! !

In the villa area!

The average villa is really big, but it is because of the garden! Garage, artificial lake, sports field swimming pool and various rooms.

Most of the rooms are functional rooms.

Bathrooms, two or three, and three or four storage rooms.

Seven or eight rooms are a lot.


There are more than a dozen in Tang Ke's family!

There is no doubt that Tang Ke must be a very low-key rich man! And it's still delivering food!

Various details show that Tang Ke's wealth is not what they can imagine!

According to Cao Shen's description, a doctor found out a map of Yangcheng and spent a long time thinking about it.

"The central area of ​​Isha Island Villa?"

"Oh! Yes, it seems to be the name! What's before and after."

Everyone took a breath directly!

You know, the central area is different from the front area and the back area. The front area and the back area are divided into various villas and mansions!

The Central District is a whole scenic area! There are some buildings in between!

After everyone came to this conclusion, they suddenly became even more crazy.

There were a few doctors who were still gearing up.

I feel that even if Tang Ke gets 1 million casually, they can do it. With Qian Shan's contacts, they can try it with outside power if they don't act.

Wrestling with Tang Ke, it's not necessarily who will lose and who will win!

But looking at it this way now, don't break it, you can't win!

It is not something that ordinary people can compete with!

"Yu Yan, how much is this person's WeChat signal?"

"How about you find a way to get this handsome guy back again?"

"Are there any other circles of friends? I still want to see!"

Qin Yuyan was persuaded not to talk to Tang Ke's nurses just now, and now they have changed faces.

I simply forgot what I said in the first twenty minutes.

Qin Yuyan was also quite helpless: "You are changing too quickly, right."

"Hi, this era is always changing, how can we stick to the rules?"

Well, it takes a hundred years to change in a century.

Your attitude changes as long as you know the true strength of others.

The nurses were all very excited, and the doctors and patients didn't look so good.

One by one is almost crying without tears!

why treat me like this?

Obviously working with the goddess is very good, but suddenly the sky is rich and handsome!

At this moment, Tang Ke had already paid the deposit from downstairs.

Handed over the documents and procedures to Qin Yuyan.

The nurses are showing off one by one.

"Handsome guy, why do you only need Qin Yuyan's WeChat account!"

"Yes, we have so many girls, you can't just pick the good-looking ones?"

"If you have time to hang out together!"

Tang Ke was no stranger to this scene.

The expression on his face was extremely indifferent: "Do you see me like that kind of person?"

The nurses were immediately lost. They thought they were more enthusiastic, which could make Tang Ke have some ideas.

But I didn't expect Tang Ke to ignore them at all!

I knew they should act before Tang Ke saw Qin Yuyan!

They had already noticed Tang Ke, a handsome boy!

Now even if I regret it again, it is no longer useful.

Seeing this reaction of these people, Qin Yuyan couldn't help but sneer.

This laugh, on the contrary, made the other men even more fascinated.

However, I did feel relieved a lot about Tang Ke. I thought that someone like Tang Ke might be some kind of brother-in-law.

But I didn't expect that he was still a dedicated person.

Seeing Qin Yuyan doing this, Tang Ke immediately took out his mobile phone, please click to send a message!

"let's have dinner tonight?"

Qin Yuyan's phone buzzed immediately.

Obviously it's on the opposite side, but I'm sending a message here!

Qin Yuyan smiled happily and immediately typed a reply.

"Yes you can."

At the same time Tang Ke's phone buzzed again!

The two of them here are like playing encrypted calls, and everyone around them is very greedy!

The male doctor's heart is bleeding! The female nurse looked infinitely jealous!

Are you not sprinkling dog food in front of others? This is too much!

Really don't treat us single dogs as human beings!

Tang Ke quickly finished all the procedures for Teacher Li in the hospital, and now he has an appointment with the goddess nurse Qin Yuyan.

I was in a good mood, so I went back to the ward to see Mr. Li's situation.

"Ms. Li, you can contact me at any time if you have any questions. I am in Yangcheng and it is very convenient to come here."

Teacher Li hurriedly said: "Well! I know, you should also be busy with your own affairs."

"Always asking you to do all kinds of things for me, I feel sorry for it."

Only then did Tang Ke feel relieved to leave, and Cao Yanting couldn't help but give Tang Ke away.

When I left, I still had all kinds of unwillingness to give up. I could see it again soon, but I always felt like I couldn't let go of it.


As night fell, it was gradually time to get off work.

Qin Yuyan changed into a nurse's outfit and turned into an ordinary girl and came to the parking lot.

Tang Ke recognized Qin Yuyan at a glance!

Everyone wears the same attire when in the hospital.

To be honest, it looks a little blind, and sometimes it can't be distinguished at a glance.

But now that I put on a different dress, it immediately became a different feeling!

Only then can I deeply feel that Qin Yuyan is indeed a big beauty!

I really have a vicious eye!

In a place where homogenization is serious, Qin Yuyan can only show limited charm.

But the Qin Yuyan who was outside now showed all her charms completely!

A fashionable denim outfit is perfect with Qin Yuyan's generous demeanor.

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