Whether you look from top to bottom or from bottom to top, you can feel the infinite charm of Qin Yuyan!

The goddess is after all a goddess, and as expected, nothing can conceal her special temperament.

Although Tang Ke was shocked in his heart, his appearance was very calm and calm.

After all, this is the mature capital of a man!

Qin Yuyan was also quite surprised to see Tang Ke like this, because it was too rare to see a man who could completely maintain his own style in front of him.

After all, Qin Yuyan was also a person who had met many men, and Tang Ke was clearly off work now, and there was no one else around.

But it still looks the same as the scene during the day.

This is not the case for some men, one set in front of the other, sometimes even a day can not be stretched, lazy to the bone.

Tang Ke was obviously different from those people. He always looked polite and looked at himself with a gentle smile.

This caused Qin Yuyan to have a lot of affection for Tang Ke.

Qin Yuyan was also a little surprised after seeing Tang Ke's Lolick custom-made sports car.

Although I don't know the model of this car, I still know the logo of this car.

After all, Qin Yuyan is not an ordinary person.

This is the logo of the world's top brands.

"So you are really rich?"

Tang Ke smiled indifferently, not speaking at this time is the best answer.

But Qin Yuyan still walked towards another red supercar, Lamborghini.

"Today is going to bid farewell to your Loric for the time being."

"piece of cake."

Tang Ke got into Qin Yuyan's car directly.

Qin Yuyan took Tang Ke to a high-end western restaurant, the environment is elegant and quiet, very good.

"Waiter, special salad, French foie gras, half-cooked summer Loli steak."

"Give me another Goat goat cheese. This is great with steak. You can try it."

Tang Ke suggested next to him.

Qin Yuyan nodded immediately.

The two talked while eating.

From the beginning, Teacher Li, who had talked about the content, gradually moved to Qin Yuyan's hospital.

At this moment, a disturbance outside the door attracted the attention of the two.

There was a sound of the tray falling, Qili screaming.

Then a little girl didn't know why she burst into tears.

When the two looked over, they saw a middle-aged man with a stubble face, kneeling in front of the waiter respectfully and constantly talking.

"I really have money and I can give it to you!"

"This is my daughter's wish, and I really want to help her realize it!"

"That won't work! This is a high-end restaurant! Hurry up!"

There were two other people discussing.

"This man is too miserable? Is it a beggar? The clothes on this body are like this..."

"What are you talking about for your daughter's birthday... Just pack it, and the store is not allowed to enter, so what else to pack?"

Listening to the discussion next to them, Tang Ke and Qin Yuyan basically understood the matter.

"I won't go inside! You just need to pack the food!"

With that said, the man took out a lot of change from his pocket, a lot of them, just a little messy.


The waiter was very arrogant, seeming to move his fists, constantly threatening the man.

Tang Ke frowned, and the man still seemed a little bit disheartened when he looked at his daughter.

Seeing the child still crying, Tang Ke immediately went over and picked up the child.

"Hey, don't cry."

Then Tang Ke looked at the waiter: "The things they pack are counted on my head. Go and let the people inside do it."

The waiter in the restaurant suddenly sneered.

"Why? Do you still want to be nosy? I tell you, even if you are a customer here, you can't do it."

"Now let them go! Otherwise you don't want to look good!"

The waiter immediately said angrily. It was just a waiter who was already so arrogant.

Tang Ke frowned.

"Okay, you have to protect them, right?"

Seeing Tang Ke not speaking, the waiter immediately shouted upstairs: "Boss! Someone is making trouble here!"

"Huh? Does anyone dare to make trouble on my site?"

There was a threat from the horse, followed by a thumping sound of coming downstairs.

A middle-aged man walked down from upstairs.

The fat one is like the orange cat three laps older, with big ears, no wonder the stairs make a loud noise.

I saw Tang Ke and several people at once, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

Because the expression on Tang Ke's face was very serious, the boss immediately noticed Tang Ke.

"Is it your kid?"

"I don't think this matter is because I am making trouble. It is because you have no humane management here."

"Can these two guests pack a dish?"

The boss glanced at the father and daughter next to him, and immediately frowned and wrinkled his nose.

"Isn't this the old man who collects scraps?"

"Get out of here!"

Tang Ke fought hard and said angrily.

"How about collecting scraps? As long as they come, they are the guests, and it is not very demanding. This accommodation is not acceptable?"

Although Tang Ke tried his best here, the uncle who collected the waste was already a little timid.

Seeing this boss, he obviously didn't dare to speak. After all, for him, he was the big boss.

I am just a small role.

"Forget it, this little brother."

This man already feels very happy to have someone like Tang Ke stand up and speak for himself.

The man took his daughter from Tang Ke's arms.

"Why are you crying? Get out of here!"

"Otherwise, I'll call the security guard!"

The boss then looked at Tang Ke again: "And you! You guys also check out and get fucked!"

Tang Ke suddenly sneered.

"Huh? With your words, I can sue you for threats!"

"Sue? Yo, you are going to sue me!"

When the boss heard Tang Ke's words, he immediately became interested.

"Come here, I beg you to sue me, OK?"

Qin Yuyan frowned when she saw this scene, she knew Tang Ke was kind.

But this matter seems to be getting worse, and it is really going to cause trouble, which is not good for both parties.

The main reason is that the name of Dongyun Law Firm is too big.

This is not a problem that money can solve. Even if Qin Yuyan knows that Tang Ke is rich, she can't let Tang Ke do this reluctantly.

Tang Ke just said coldly, "Do you think you can do whatever you want by knowing the people in Dongyun Office?"

The waiter immediately snorted: "How about being able to do whatever you want?"

"Our boss has this strength!"

At this moment, two people walked down from upstairs.

"Boss, what has been dealt with for so long?"

When the two went downstairs, the boss immediately put on a smiling face and quickly said flatteringly.

"Oh, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Ning, why are the two of you down? I'll take care of it right away. Wait a minute!"

These two are distinguished guests of middle-aged people!

One is lawyer Zhang Ke of Dongyun Firm, and the other is Chairman Ning Lie of Linkang Medical Group!

Both of these are super existences that are very rich and noble, and their connections are jaw-dropping!

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