Cao Ying's family background is indeed inferior to Qin Yuyan, but it will not be too far apart. In her opinion, a man worth less than a few billion is not worthy of being with herself.

She is not even allowed to approach herself, and what Cao Ying likes most is to let these people know that they have no chance to contact herself.

It's the same in bars, contacting all kinds of men, and then let these men suddenly realize that they have no chance to be with Cao Ying!

This tangible but intangible feeling can make a man almost collapsed.

As the woman who makes men fascinated by herself, Cao Ying can also feel the excitement!

"I don't believe what a good man is!"

Cao Ying said unwillingly at once, and already had a conclusion about Tang Ke.

On the other hand, Tang Ke suddenly received a special order for takeout at this time.

It was already off work, but this order gave Tang Ke five hundred consumption.

Tang Ke naturally didn't care about the money.

But intuition tells Tang Ke that this kind of order is likely to be a special order!

Special orders can give one's own villa company shares and other awesome things, you can't miss it!

In addition, the location of the order was near here, so Tang Ke accepted it.

Beside the fleeting bar, Tang Ke took the takeaway and prepared to enter an ordinary commercial building.

Because it is already past eight o'clock in the evening, there are basically no people here.

There are only a few office rooms with some lighting.

It can be seen that the workers here should be working overtime, and this day is not easy!

"Mr. Wang, your takeaway is here."

Tang Ke was on the phone, reminding his employer.

"Excuse me, I really can't walk away right now, so please come up and get off work. The elevator can't be used if there is no card, please go to the 21st floor..."

It turns out that this tip is here!

No wonder it is so high! Let yourself climb the 21st floor when you come up?

But this man's request is reasonable, for other customers, this is considered good.

Some customers even let you climb stairs without tipping at all!

For the sake of the tip and the system, Tang Ke still climbed up.

Most people certainly can't stand this amount of exercise.

But who is Tang Ke?

It was originally a delivery service, this amount of exercise is simply easy!

In less than five minutes, I climbed to the top!

Handed the takeaway to a little brother, who was obviously working overtime, and he already had thick dark circles on his face.

I also looked listless when I got the takeaway.

The computer is my own design drawing.

"Thank you, this is a tip."

The man gave the money and prepared to eat quickly, Tang Ke did not wait for the reward from his system...

It seems that I have taken a misconception, this order is not a special order at all!


"Brother, you can't work overtime like this, I don't think you look good."

Tang Ke still cares a little about this person.

The little brother sighed: " way, the design drawing is not completed, how can I sleep...I am in a hurry."

Tang Ke glanced at this little brother's computer, unfortunately, the things on it happened to be understood by Tang Ke!

"How about you try to replace this one in this position with this one?"

After listening to this, the little brother took a look, his eyes widened suddenly: "Yes! It seems that it is really possible!"

After two more operations, the little brother was so happy that he was about to cry!

It's really okay!

Tang Ke turned out to be a great god!

I was about to thank, but found that Tang Ke had disappeared.

Hidden merit and fame!


Near the fleeting bar.

Qin Yuyan was suddenly delighted.

"he came!"

Following Qin Yuyan's direction, Cao Ying followed and looked forward to it, looking forward to it!

What kind of man is it that can actually make Qin Yuyan be fascinated here?

Just at this time……

A motorcycle delivering food slid and parked next to it, and Tang Ke jumped off from above.

Tang Ke wanted to drive a sports car over, but time was tight, and he would come over immediately after work. There was no time.

Tang Ke always felt that a place like a bar might be messy, and he didn't want to come too late, Qin Yuyan is so beautiful, what should I do if someone accosts him while waiting outside!

It's your own wife anyway, isn't it? How can I let my wife take such a risk!

But Cao Ting saw this scene...

Suddenly I was dumbfounded!

His grandma's! Qin Yuyan's boyfriend is really a takeaway! I really didn't lie to myself!

Qin Yuyan and Tang Ke are very close, even if they haven't seen each other during the day, they can't wait to rush into Tang Ke's arms.

This is the person in love, passion! In a hurry!


Qin Yuyan shouted quite intimately, and Tang Ke felt quite embarrassed to hear it...

The men coming and going next to the fleeting bar, after hearing this sound, turned their eyes, they were dumbfounded!

This looks like a perfect super white and rich, both in terms of appearance and body temperament, and he is so enthusiastic about a food delivery person! I called my husband!

This f*'s a terrible thing!

"It's almost a flower stuck in the cow dung!"

"The toad really ate swan meat!"

"I have been blinded by flash..."

"What is going on in this world? What is going on in this world!"

"Her Royal Highness was actually taken to the arms of the takeaway brother! I don't want to live anymore, I will jump off the building immediately!"

The people around kept talking about it, and each one nearly collapsed.

Of course, Qin Yuyan would not pay attention to these rumors, but she held Tang Ke's arm very intimately, chatting beside Tang Ke endlessly about what she had met today.

"Husband! I saw so many beautiful clothes today!"

"I actually don't want to come to this bar at all... I blame Cao Ying! Otherwise, at this time we have all started at home..."

At this time, Qin Yuyan completely ignored Cao Ying next to her. She dared to say anything here, and Cao Ying was scared to cry by the side.

Is this the Qin Yuyan I know? And see what this means...

These two people seem to have done everything they can do! And completely became a well-behaved little rabbit in front of Tang Ke.

Is this Qin Yuyan crazy or is he crazy!

Or is it that my eyes are blind?

Have hallucinations?

Tang Ke took Qin Yuyan into the fleeting bar together. I have to say that Qin Yuyan was too clingy, and Tang Ke was almost alone along the way.

In the fleeting bar, the stylish decoration, the extremely modern technological design and various special decorations, coupled with the deafening rock music, immediately surprised Tang Ke.

No wonder young people like this place. To some extent, this place is also a very distinctive place.

Moreover, the consumption level here is not affordable for ordinary people. Even a small glass of beer costs tens of yuan, and a plate of fruit is even more than 300 yuan.

In the small private room, one thousand yuan an hour.

There is basically no more than a few thousand yuan to play here, so don't think about spending it.

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