Cao Ying finally achieved her goal. What she thought was actually very simple. Isn't the food delivery guy cheating her sister here? Then let the food delivery guy know that he can't do anything without money!

This kind of consumption place, it is impossible for the food delivery person to consume it. If he dares to spend Qin Yuyan's money, he is a soft meal!

This will be able to suppress Tang Ke even more!

This is Cao Ying's great plan to save her good girlfriend! first step! Use the bill to persuade the guy next to him!

Cao Ying immediately followed Tang Ke.

"Little handsome guy, it's the first time I met today. It's fate. I'll treat you to this consumption!"

What Cao Ying thought was that Tang Ke, as a man, couldn't be embarrassed to really let himself be a treat!

Just at this time……

Tang Ke nodded suddenly and said, "Okay, thank you then."


Cao Ying almost fell to the ground! How dare this person agree so directly? Do you really want your own face?

"Although I am a little embarrassed, this is also your heart, Miss Cao Ying, so I reluctantly accepted it."

As he said, Tang Ke smiled slightly, took the menu from the waiter next to him, and said calmly: "Help me prepare this, this and this, plus this dance floor private room."

Seeing that Tang Ke finished ordering the service here neatly, the waiter was so happy, I like this kind of clean-speaking customers!

Immediately, he respectfully said in front of Tang Ke: "Understood sir, wait a moment and prepare for you immediately!"

Cao Ying collapsed! She is going to embarrass Tang Ke here! But I didn't expect that I was a little polite, and immediately lost this opportunity!

Now there is no way to go back, after all, I said this thing myself, how can I go back now!

Now Cao Ying can only smile on her face, but her heart is getting worse!

This Tang Ke is really a dick! I don't even know how to give it a little bit! Be polite!

Cao Ying saw that her first plan was so simple that it failed, and she began to ponder other ways in her heart!

Let Yu Yan see Tang Ke clearly the second step!

Seduce Tang Ke!

Cao Ying pretended to be nonchalant, saying that she was going to the bathroom, but in fact she walked outside the dance floor private room and made a quiet call.

"Hello? Bingbing, are you near the fleeting bar tonight? I want you to help! That's it... Yes, that's it..."

"Okay! No problem, I'm here waiting for you! It's in the private room on the S102 dance floor! Hurry up!"

After the phone call, Cao Ying returned to the private room and continued to chat and play with Tang Ke and Qin Yuyan.

After a while.

A super hot girl suddenly entered the dance floor!

This hot girl is indeed a super hot girl! The enchanting figure and graceful movements are simply extremely hot!

This person is the helper invited by Cao Ying! Her good sister!

Lin Bingbing!

She often plays here, she is good at dancing, and she is a super dancer who can use her dancing posture to flirt her!

Taking a dynamic step, Lin Bingbing slowly walked into the dance floor and saw Tang Ke at a glance!

In an instant it was bright.

This is a super handsome guy! Even people like Lin Bingbing who have read countless people can't help but be a little surprised at this time!

"This handsome guy! It must be exciting to pick up!"

Lin Bingbing immediately ran to Tang Ke's side. Although the speed was extremely fast, he seemed to nudge him aside unintentionally!

Soon, Lin Bingbing got close to Tang Ke, and even stuck with Tang Ke.

Tang Ke frowned suddenly.

From just now, some beauties hit Tang Ke intentionally or unintentionally, rubbed Tang Ke, and provoke Tang Ke while dancing.

Bingbing looked at Tang Ke and blinked desperately! Electric eyes duo people!

Tang Ke can't take care of himself when he is connected to life!

This eyebrow, if an average man sees it, he can't hold it! The meaning of this look is to play together unrestrainedly!

Tang Ke saw this look, but he was very disdainful, and then said to Qin Yuyan: "Look at this girl, she is really respectable! Obviously her eyes are sick, he blinked desperately to make him feel comfortable, but he was still dancing here."

People are winking!

Qin Yuyan almost burst into laughter when she heard this, Bingbing almost died of anger at this time!

Depend on! How does this man talk!

wrong! What is going on with this man! Doesn't my old lady's winking eyes have any effect at all!

Liao Han actually failed! Depend on!

Cao Ying, who was observing from the side, also collapsed at this time. She didn't expect her most powerful sister to fail in an instant!

Now Lin Bingbing is a suspicion of being hit, does his wink look like he is sick?

Cao Ying hurriedly gestured to Bingbing with her eyes! No winks, and dancing! Use your invincible dance to think of a way!

Lin Bingbing immediately fiddled with her body and approached Tang Ke. Tang Ke blinked his eyes again and said, "Handsome... look at my eyes, are there stars and the sea?"

Tang Ke glanced at this girl coldly, his heart disdainful to the extreme.

Cao Ying was overjoyed in her heart: "Yes! That's it! That's it! Good sister, if you go to this man like this, it's impossible for this man to show his true colors!"

Cao Ying was very excited by the side, and she was constantly applauding, and she even felt that this blow had already decided the outcome!

I took out my phone and prepared to take this exciting scene!

But who knows that at this time... Tang Ke said to Qin Yuyan helplessly: "This girl doesn't seem to have a good brain... to say that there is a sea in her eyes."

"Romance is very romantic, but...speaking of this kind of thing in a bar, wouldn't it be drinking too much, right?"

Qin Yuyan...

Indeed, it is only after drinking too much to say such a thing...

Bingbing's face was already black at this time!

Cao Ying even dropped her phone to the ground! The screen shattered with a snap!

Not only the screen, but Cao Ying's Three Views broke together!

This is unscientific! This is not scientific at all! Lin Bingbing is also a big beauty anyway! This Tang Ke didn't actually take the bait!

Cao Ying was wailing in her heart! This is not a reaction that a dick would have!

Lin Bingbing completely failed, he really lost this time, so he just left!

It's too shocking! I have never seen anyone who hits people like this! Before leaving, Lin Bingbing even started to cry. This was an insult to herself!

Such a handsome guy, he originally wanted to have a good relationship with others, but he didn't expect to think that he would be insane!

I knew I wouldn't do these things! Isn't it good to be close to a handsome guy?

No matter how you think, I blame this Cao Ying! I lost a handsome guy!

Cao Ying watched Lin Bingbing being so simply pissed off by Tang Ke, her face was full of black lines.

But Cao Ying immediately changed her mind! no! Can't give up so easily!

This may also be because Qin Yuyan is here!

right! It must be so!

Then find a way to get Qin Yuyan away!

Now Cao Ying thinks that she has found Tang Ke's weakness and knows the reason for Tang Ke's loyalty. Now she can find other ways to make Tang Ke retreat!

As long as Qin Yuyan is not there, Tang Ke will definitely expose his scumbag nature right away!

I can only do it myself!

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