Opening Sign To Buddha Palm

Chapter 106: Emperor Ming

"Red eunuch?"

The man in the white robe looked extremely ugly.

In the Tang Palace, the eunuchs who can wear red eunuch uniforms are basically the first rank Grand Great Master.

of course there are exceptions.

Although the father-in-law Hong beside Li Fei was the second rank Cultivation Base, he was still given a red eunuch uniform.

But such examples are relatively rare.

And at this time, the man in the white robe could feel the six breaths that enveloped the entire mansion, all of which were the first rank Grand Great Master.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Jin Yiwei's town caretaker..."

The red eunuch immediately recognized the identity of the man in the white robe.

Nanming's Jin Yiwei certainly made the nations of the world jealous, but the countries were not without resistance at all, especially Tang Guo, who made the basic investigation of Jin Yiwei's high-level investigation clear.

"Emperor Tang is a good method..."

The white-robed man smiled, his expression suddenly calmed down.

"Want to break the heart and commit suicide?"

The red-clothed eunuch who walked in disdainfully smiled, took a step directly, appeared next to the white-robed man, and then lightly pressed his five fingers.

Hum! ! !

The white-robed man only felt his vision began to blur, and the heart vein that was about to be severed started to slowly repair.


The white-robed man fell into a coma before he spoke.


East Palace.

Inside the right spring square.

Su Qin sits in the Lotus Position, and the true essence in his body rotates slowly, continuously circulating according to the Nine Yin Scriptures, condensing the force of Yin.

After a long time.

Su Qin slowly opened his eyes.

In an instant, with a radius of tens of meters centered on Su Qin, the temperature dropped rapidly, as if it had arrived in the extreme north ice sheet in an instant, and the sky was freezing cold.


Su Qin frowned.


The temperature that was originally dropped keeps ascending, and it returns to normal in a blink of an eye.

"This Nine Yin Zhenjing is a bit interesting."

Su Qin's thoughts were ups and downs, thinking silently in his heart.

Compared with the Nine-Yang Magical Art, the Nine-Yin Scripture is even more bizarre, and it is at the two extremes of the Nine-Yang Magical Art.

"But, isn't this exactly what I want?"

A smile appeared on Su Qin's face.

With his body that has been transformed three times now, the power of ordinary Yin & Yang has no effect at all, and he can't even affect Su Qin's body, let alone Ascension.

"At most two days, the Nine Yin True Sutras can be cultivated to great success, and the nine Yin powers can be gathered."

Su Qin estimated in his heart.

If it is an ordinary Practitioner who wants to cultivate the Jiuyin Sutra to great success, not a few decades or a hundred years cannot do it at all. This is still based on the premise that the Practitioner's aptitude is innately compatible with the Jiuyin Sutra.

But Su Qin is different.

As the third-stage Luohan Venerable, high-rise building, and the system instilling all the essence of the Nine Yin Scriptures, Su Qin felt that even two days were long.

the next day.

Su Qin came to Cheng'en Hall.

"Brother, you are here."

Prince Li Sheng walked over with joy.

"After Niang Yun drank the prescription prescribed by the third brother, her body improved obviously. Even the royal doctor next to the emperor father looked incredible..."

Prince Li Sheng looked at Su Qin with gratitude.


Su Qin didn't feel much.

He helped the younger sister Su Yueyun to get rid of the yin Qi, it was nothing at all.


"Do you remember yesterday's assassination?"

Prince Li Sheng suddenly thought of something, looked around and whispered.

"What's wrong?"

Su Qin asked casually.

"I went to see Emperor Father in the morning, and I felt that Emperor Father seemed to be in a good mood. It should be related to the assassination of the Nanming Mission yesterday..."

Prince Li Sheng spoke out the guess in his heart.

Although Emperor Tang didn't tell him explicitly at the time, he also reminded a few words intentionally or unintentionally.

"I see."

Su Qin nodded slightly.

It seems that the six first-rank Grand Great Masters who left the palace yesterday caught big fish.

Otherwise, according to Tang Huang's disposition, if it weren't really a big gain, he wouldn't behave like this.

Next, Su Qin chatted with Prince Li Sheng for a while.

In fact, it was the prince Li Sheng who said it, while Su Qin just listened casually.

And the content of Prince Li Sheng's chat was mostly about the court affairs, for example, which minister came forward to impeach him...

Obviously, even though he successfully sat on the position of prince under Tang Huang's insistence, it was obvious that this position was not very stable and even received many questions.

"If you become the emperor in the future, what do you want to do?"

After listening to the meeting, Su Qin asked casually.

Although Li Sheng carried nearly one-tenth of Tang's national fortune, as long as he did not die, the future throne would basically be Li Sheng's.

But Su Qin also wanted to know what Li Sheng had for the future.

"Third brother, you must never say anything like this in the future. The father's health is just getting better now..." Prince Li Sheng said hurriedly.

Su Qin shook his head slightly when he heard the words.

Emperor Tang’s body, Su Qin, couldn’t be clearer, if it hadn’t been for a very first-rank Grand Great Master who was willing to exchange his life for his life, he would have died thoroughly.

But even so, Emperor Tang couldn't live long. Even the myth of the Arhat Venerable Martial Forest had a life limit, let alone a human emperor?

The "improvement" in the eyes of Prince Li Sheng is nothing more than a reflection.

After half an hour.

Su Qin returned to Youchunfang again.


"Strive to cultivate the Jiuyin Zhenjing to Dacheng, and then work hard to complete the fourth physical transformation."

Su Qin sat in the Lotus Position, slowly closed his eyes, and began to cultivate.



at the same time.

Nanming State Capital.

Inside the palace.

Emperor Ming sat high on the dragon chair, looking at the information in his hand.

"The assassination failed?"

Emperor Ming whispered to himself without any ups and downs, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"Return to your Majesty."

"In addition to the mission failure, my Jinyiwei was stationed in the stronghold in Chang'an, and the town caretaker made all the adults lose contact..."

Jin Yiwei commanded his head in a cold sweat wearing a flying fish suit.


"Not only did the assassination fail."

"Even people have been captured alive?"

Emperor Ming put down the information in his hand, looked at the commander, and said lightly.

"Your Majesty Atonement."

"The minister deserves ten thousand deaths."

Commander Jin Yiwei knelt on the ground with a thud, and said with a trembling voice.

In the Nanming Kingdom, the three words Jinyiwei are like ghosts. I don't know how many people are in awe and fear. Even the princes and ministers in the court are afraid of Jinyiwei.

But only the commander made him know that the so-called Jinyiwei was just a dog under Emperor Ming.

If this dog is useful, Ming Emperor will naturally not stingy with rewards.

But if it's useless, then switch to another dog.

Perhaps the Jinyiwei organization still exists, but no one knows whether the position of commander is him.

"The minister will go to Chang'an personally and prepare for the assassination again."

Jin Yiwei commanded his forehead to touch the ground and said quickly.

"No need." After a long time, Emperor Ming's voice came slowly: "Since the first assassination failed, there is no need to try again later."

When Emperor Ming said this, he paused for a while and continued: "I remember, some time ago, a prince of Tang Dynasty wanted to contact me and cooperate with me?"

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