Opening Sign To Buddha Palm

Chapter 107 Transformation! Golden body?

Emperor Ming's voice just fell.

The commander Jin Yiwei, who was kneeling on the ground, immediately replied: "Return to your Majesty, this is the case."

"At that time, Emperor Tang had just established his prince. The prince was not reconciled, so he contacted me, Nan Ming, and wanted to use my Nan Ming's strength to board the seat of the Ninth Five-Year Plan."

Commander Jin Yiwei spoke.

"Now you reply to him..."

Emperor Ming leaned slightly on the dragon chair and said calmly: "I agree."

The words came out.

Jin Yiwei commanded his expression to change.

Helping Emperor Tang's prince to ascend to the throne is not in the interests of Nan Ming.

You know, for Nan Ming, the more chaotic the Tang state, the better. If a new emperor takes the throne and integrates all forces, it will be a curse or a blessing...

"I know what you are thinking."

Emperor Ming glanced at the commander Jin Yiwei and said softly: "I just promised to let him sit on the throne, but no one can guarantee how long he can sit."

"According to the purpose."

"The minister will get in touch now."

Jin Yiwei commanded his heart to jump and said quickly.

When the commander Jin Yiwei completely retreated, Emperor Ming, who was sitting high on the dragon chair, slowly stood up and walked outside the hall.

"Tang Guo, ha ha..."



Tang Palace.

Donggong Youchunfang.

Su Qin sat in the Lotus Position, her breath flowed, but she didn't let her down.

After a while.

Su Qin slowly opened his eyes.


Su Qin raised his left hand, and saw the power of the nine wisps of yin constantly lingering and colliding between his fingers, emitting waves of heart-palpiting waves.

"Nine Yin Zhenjing is cultivated to great success, and it can turn dozens of meters into an extremely cold ice region with just a few gestures, restricting and suppressing the enemy, which is somewhat interesting."

Su Qin sensed it carefully and nodded slightly.

Compared with the nine-yang divine art that burns everything and burns everything, the nine-yin scripture is more like a spring breeze and drizzle, moisturizing things silently.

Often the enemy is corroded by the power of Nine Yin without knowing what happened.

"But whether it is nine yin or nine yang, to me, it is just a means. What is really important is the tempering of the physical body by the power of the most yang and the power of the most yin..."

Su Qin's eyes lit up.

Now that both the Nine Yin Divine Art and the Nine Yang Divine Art have been completed, it is time to prepare to transform into the flesh.

"Leave the palace first and talk to any place you like."

Su Qin sat in the Lotus Position, his thoughts fluctuating.

Thinking of this, Su Qin restrained his breath, took a step forward, walked straight out of the palace and out of Chang'an City.

"It's not bad here."

Su Qin found a valley more than twenty miles outside Chang'an City.

This valley has beautiful mountains and clear waters and is faintly a place where the vitality of the heaven and earth gathers for more than ten miles nearby.

"It's here."

Su Qin floated into the valley.

"First set up a big array of heaven and earth to prevent anyone from disturbing."

Su Qin's heart moved, and a battle between heaven and earth, which tends to be hidden, enveloped the entire valley.

Although with Su Qin's strength, even during the breakthrough period, no foreign objects can bother him, but it is better to be quiet.

Anyway, there are dozens of sets of Su Qin in such a great array of heaven and earth.

After setting up the heaven and earth array,

Su Qin randomly found a place in the valley to sit at Lotus Position.

"Although there is no Martial Forest myth on this continent, outside the continent, in the endless deep sea, there is a strong person with the Martial Forest mythological level."

Su Qin thought silently in his heart.

He was not eager to start, but was adjusting his state and striving to achieve physical transformation in one go.

"For example, the founding ancestor of Tang, as well as the ancestors of other countries, are more or less related to the existence of the Martial Forest mythological level."

"These Martial Forest myths cross the sea to seek longevity. Maybe they will come back sometime. By then, if I don't have enough strength to deal with it, I'm afraid I will suffer."

Su Qin suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

"let's start."

Su Qin raised his hands.

The five fingers of the right hand are entwined with nine strands of power to the yang, and the five fingers of the left hand are wrapped with nine strands of the yin strength.

If you want Yin and Yang to coexist and reach the level of tempering the physical body, you must be assisted by the real eye, insight into yourself, and then it can be realized.

This is also the reason why no Practitioner in this world is like Su Qin, so that the power of yang and the power of yin strengthen the physical body.

It's not that they don't want to, but they don't dare.

The power of Yin & Yang is of course coexisting, but at the same time it is also mutual restraint. Once they coexist in the body, some negligence breaks the balance between the two, and the end may be extremely tragic.

That is, Su Qin, who can observe everything about himself with magical real eyes at all times, and maintain the balance of Yin & Yang all the time, so that he is not afraid of these.

Otherwise, if you switch to another Practitioner, even if it is the Martial Forest myth, you will have a headache, or even a little carelessness, you will be seriously injured.


Just as Su Qin slowly urged, the nine wisps of yang to yin power between the fingers of both hands began to spread and spread in no hurry.


Su Qin only felt his body numb and crisp, as if being struck by thunder and sinking into a sea of ​​thunder.

At this moment, if someone were here, they would be shocked to discover that Su Qin's body was filled with two diametrically opposed forces.

These two forces continued to collide, but slowly merged, and finally a trace of inexplicable aura was born, which continuously merged into Su Qin's body.

"Sure enough."

"The power of Yin & Yang Body Tempering, still has a miraculous effect."

Su Qin felt the body of Ascension slowly, and he was very happy.

This kind of physical ascension almost made Su Qin think that he was back to the ninth stage of Martial Dao, which was advancing by leaps and bounds.

time flies.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, Su Qin's breath gradually calmed down.


"If you continue, I'm afraid it will damage the flesh."

Su Qin knew the principle of "step by step" and immediately stopped cultivation.

"Come again tomorrow."

Su Qin breathed a sigh of relief, got up and returned to the East Palace Youchunfang.

for the rest of the time.

In addition to signing in every day, Su Qin would take an hour to temper his body here.

One day, two days, three days...

Until a month later.

In the valley.

Su Qin sits in the Lotus Position, strands of yin power and yang power continue to collide and linger in the body, and finally slowly merge, giving birth to a new inexplicable aura that penetrates into Su Qin's body.

"It has reached the limit."

Su Qin slowly opened his eyes, his thoughts fluctuating.

In fact, as early as ten days ago, Su Qin felt that the physical transformation began to slow down, but until today, this transformation has completely stagnated.

Although Su Qin was a pity, he had already expected it.

"Now, how strong is my physical body?"

Su Qin stretched out his right hand, exerting a little force, and suddenly, a faint golden color flashed on the surface of his skin.

This faint golden color is not the copper color like Vajra's indestructible divine art. It is more like the golden body of the Buddha in the depths of Su Qin's eyebrows and ancestral orifices.

"Golden body?"

"So my current physical body already possesses some of the powers of the golden body?"

Su Qin was inexplicably surprised.

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