Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 149: The first lecture of the Lotus Sutra

Tuk tuk...

Muyu's voice seemed to have awakened the entire Shaoshi Mountain, and the rich spiritual energy gathered through the formation was constantly washing everyone's mind and body.

Regulates the vitality of everyone.

Refreshing, exhausted.

Muyu's voice was knocking in everyone's heart.

The rhythm is full of forgiveness and deepness.

The voice radiated the light of Buddha, exchanged in subtle to rough, ups and downs.

The grass is moving, the trees are shaking, the wind is blowing, and the wind is the superb sound of the wooden fish, everywhere and everywhere.

Everyone who heard the sound of Muyu felt this stronger Buddhist rhyme.

Feel the mysterious breath of Buddhism.

The vast aura of Buddhism really makes people feel peaceful and peaceful.

It feels so refreshing.

All the pilgrims are immersed in this refreshing comfort.

Bask in the happiness and beauty of thoughtfulness.

"That's what I heard. For a time, the Buddha lived in the city of Wangshe, in the mountain of Qijaburi, and was joined by the 2,000 people of the Great Bhikkhu. All are Arahants, all omissions have been exhausted, no troubles, no more troubles, self-interests, and everything has knots. Feel free to..."

Accompanied by the sound of Muyu, the sound of Xuanxin chanting Buddhist scriptures reaches everyone's ears.

Dharma is widely heard.

Micro-speaking French seems to be blowing in the ears.

The subtlety is deep and thought-provoking, like a divine initiation. .

Word by word, clear and audible, spread throughout Shaoshishan.

The Sanskrit sound entered the ears, straight into the hearts of the people, majestic and majestic, as if playing a heavenly drum.

Subtle and sublime, all people's hearts are filled with a pure heart of love and music.

I don't feel tired of listening, I just hate myself for not listening enough.

"You Shi Tihuan, and his family members of 20,000 emperors. There are also the famous moon emperor, Puxiang emperor, Baoguang emperor, and four heavenly kings, together with their family members of ten thousand emperors. Free emperor, great freedom emperor, and their family of thirty thousand emperors all……"

The sound of the wooden fish, coupled with the Lotus Sutra of the Mahayana Dharma, which was first preached by Xuan Xin through the Sanskrit sounds of supernatural powers.

Let everyone indulge in it.

Everyone can feel their mind becomes calm.

The heart is not focused, the state of mind is calm, and the whole person feels the clarity of mind that has never been before.

"At that time, the Buddha put the light of the white hair between his eyebrows, illuminating the eight thousand worlds in the east, from the **** of Abi to the sky of Aga Nizha. In this world, you can see all the sentient beings of the other earth, and see There are buddhas in the other land. And hear what the buddhas say..."

Senior monk Zhiyun, abbot Guangliang, heard the sound of the wooden fish, and the words and sentences of Buddhist scriptures in French.

She trembled and her complexion changed drastically, as fanatical as a devout believer.

Directly worship the ground.

Put your hands together and look fascinated, looking up at the Abbot's Monastery like a pilgrimage.

A word of Buddha in my heart broke in and gradually enlarged, felt the infinite mystery and depth, and entered the dream of obsession in meditation.

In this obsessive dream, obsessiveness seems to be infinitely magnified.

The subtle and deep Dharma guides everyone's path to enlightenment.

This Mahayana Dharma Lotus Sutra consists in constructing the Dharma of Enlightenment and the Dharma of Buddha.

Everyone has their own way, everyone has their own obsessions, and it takes more than enlightenment to resolve obsessions.

There is also a law of enlightenment.


In the abbot's monastery, after preaching the Mahayana Buddhism, the Xuanxin stopped hitting the wooden fish.

Walking out of the monastery, I saw a little wine and a colorful tiger.

He was prostrate on the ground, his expression was intoxicated and pious, and he felt his path to enlightenment in his obsessional dreams.

"Is this the power of the Spirit Gathering Array?"

Xuanxin was enlightening, the coolie who struck the bell, the moment before the Buddha bell rang, he arranged the Spirit Gathering Formation.

As soon as the bell rang, an aura vortex was formed, and the aura from heaven and earth swarmed.

Reiki tide, plus Reiki tide.

The Spirit Gathering Array played a direct role, locking the gathered heaven and earth aura.

The effect is immediate.

Shao Shishan's aura revived, and the aura once became extremely rich, even now there is no bell and aura surge.

Without him preaching the Mahayana Buddhism, the aura of the whole Shaoshishan is extremely rich.

This level of aura has been able to satisfy the martial arts practice in the innate realm.

With this condition, Xuan Xin is confident that in a short period of time, he can use the abbot's monastery to practice a hundred times the speed of martial arts to advance and bless.

The breakthrough reached the foundation building period.

In that way, Xuan Xin was at the same martial art level as Guang Liang, old village master Ji Yuan and others.

"The first lecture of the Lotus Sutra of Mahayana Dharma."

"It looks good."

Walking out of the elegant and quiet abbot's monastery, Xuan Xin saw countless pilgrims sitting on the ground.

One by one, devoutly fascinated, immersed in the dream of obsession.

Although most of them are ordinary people, there are also people from various sects and families in Tianbei City, who came to the name of the leader of Shaolin Tianbei City's first martial arts alliance.

These pilgrims are all warriors, and they are basically in the acquired realm. At this time, one by one is immersed in the dream of obsession.

Can't help but practice.

Some people became crimson, some were crawling to make toads, some were full of vigor and gusts of wind...

Someone's whole face turns green...

Someone directly condensed the sword intent...

Someone kept throwing fists at themselves and then vomiting blood...

The martial arts gathered from all directions, the martial arts practiced by these pilgrims can be described as diverse ~ ~ a hundred flowers bloom.

Weird, internal power and external power, everything.

Everyone realizes something in the obsessive dream.

The first to wake up from the dream of obsession is ordinary people.

"The first one in Tianbei City, Shaolin Buddhism is really unpredictable."

"Hearing about the Shaolin Buddhism, only then did I have a great understanding, and all the words in French show the supreme wisdom."

"That is Abbot Xuanxin, he is indeed a living Buddha."

"It feels so comfortable, and it's comfortable all over, the whole person has never been better."

"When I listened to the Buddhist teachings of the monks, my whole body suddenly became clear, and I felt a sense of great enlightenment."

"After listening to the Buddhist teachings of the gods and monks, I don't feel any worries. Things that I didn't understand before, now I also want to understand."

"Shaolin is my martial arts leader in Tianbei City. I decided to buy a piece of land under the mountain to build a house and settle down. From now on, I will go to Shaoshi Mountain to burn incense and worship Buddha and listen to the Dharma..."

"I... I actually realized my inner qi... I turned out to be a martial artist..."

"Me too... God... God monk... I'm sixty... I dream of becoming a martial artist all my life, but I finally realized that I would step into the martial arts..."



The people who gathered from Tianbei City and the big dogs were all very happy.

A face full of piety and fanaticism.

There are even many people who have directly realized their inner energy in their obsessional dreams after hearing the Dharma.

Become a warrior.

Immediately caused a great sensation among the pilgrims.

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