Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 150: Enlightenment

Most of this world is ordinary people.

All dream of becoming a warrior.

But wanting to become a warrior is not easy, not only requires a certain foundation talent and savvy.

There is also a certain chance.

It can be said that the mediocre Xuanxin in the past, if it hadn't met the old monk Huineng, would never want to become a warrior in this life with Xuanxin's fundamental aptitude.

So chance is very important.

Most people, in order to become a warrior, they have nothing to ask for in their entire lives.

But in Shaolin, an ordinary old man who was over 60 years old, he found his own way after hearing about Buddhism.

Found his own way of enlightenment.

I realized that I became a martial artist.

This caused a great sensation and shock among the pilgrims.

"What? That old man over sixty years of age realized his inner qi?"

"Isn't that old man Li from Dawangzhuang?"

"Impossible, Old Man Li is sixty-five years old, how can you still become a warrior?"

"You, an old man, can you still feel your inner energy?"

"Oh my god, this is incredible. Old Man Li is over sixty. Is there such a chance and good fortune?"

"Is this the magic of Shaolin?"

"It's Abbot Xuanxin, the mysterious sound of wooden fish, and the profound Buddhadharma made Old Man Li!"

"I am thirty years younger than Old Man Li. Why don't I have such a chance?"

"Buddha showing his spirit, Old Man Li, who is in his sixties, can feel his inner qi, and Wang Xiaoer, who is only in his twenties, must be able to..."

"Amitabha, I must go up the mountain every day to burn incense and worship Buddha and listen to the Dharma. Old man Li can become a warrior and I must be able to..."



Old man Li was not the only one who realized his inner qi, but many others also realized that his inner qi became a warrior.

It's just that Old Man Li, an elderly man who is over sixty years old, can also feel his inner energy and become a martial artist.

Especially people feel shocked.

Among the pilgrims, it caused a particularly big sensation.

What kind of opportunity is this after 60 years of age?

If you say that you are younger than twenty, even if you have mediocre aptitude, there is no fundamental talent and understanding.

As long as you encounter the guidance of a famous teacher above the seventh layer of the acquired day.

In addition, teaching the exercises, with the accumulation of time, it is very common to realize that the inner energy becomes a martial artist.

But if you are over sixty, you have talent, understanding, and roots.

It is when the famous teacher in the foundation building period teaches the exercises.

Wanting to become a warrior is almost as incredible as the Arabian Nights.

For example, Wuzhen, who is over sixty years old, has no basic qualifications, and his ability to become a martial artist depends on strong luck.

Strong opportunity support.

In this world, how many are as lucky as Wuzhen?

Just the luck of Wuzhen and the accumulated merits are enough to show that Wuzhen is unique in this world.

When a group of pilgrim believers were excited, pleased, jealous, or in excitement, those from all corners of Tianbei City came here admiringly.

Every sect, every family, gentry and ranger. Some wealthy big dogs have also awakened from obsessive dreams.

These people are all martial artists, and they are basically below the innate realm.

Those from the sect and the family have inheritance, and some gentry rangers also have big dogs because they have wealth or some resources in their hands.

You can also ask for a famous teacher, or enjoy the secrets of the exercises to become a martial artist.

"Hahaha, I finally broke through the sixth layer of the acquired day."

"Is this Shaolin Buddhism? I realized my **** technique just now!"

"The old man has been practicing painstakingly for more than 50 years, and now he has heard that Shaolin Buddhism has built the foundation, and finally has the opportunity to avenge the blood of his family."

"Divine monk, really a divine monk. Three years ago, I went into a madness, and my martial arts cultivation was completely abolished. Now I heard about Shaolin Buddhism, and my strength has been completely restored..."

"It is said that Abbot Xuanxin was able to communicate with the Buddha. At the beginning, I would be suspicious. Today I heard that Abbot Xuanxin preached the Dharma and realized the ultimate meaning of swordsmanship passed down by the monk. Only then did I know that Abbot Xuanxin was the reincarnation of the Buddha."

"Abbot Xuanxin preached Mahayana Buddhism to help us enlighten us."

"Although I didn't have an epiphany or a breakthrough, I was really overwhelmed by the vast Dharma just now."

"Yes, I believe that as long as I persevere and hear Shaolin Buddhism every day, I will definitely have this opportunity..."

"That is Abbot Xuanxin, Zhennai Buddha reincarnated, Zhennai living Buddha..."



Tianbei City, coming from all directions, gentry and rangers from all sects and families, and there are also a small number of these warriors.

Get the chance, find your own way of enlightenment and make a breakthrough.

It also caused a great sensation among a group of warriors.

Great shock.

One by one, their complexions flushed, and their eyes frantically excited, they surrounded Xuanxin who had walked out of the abbot's monastery.

These devout pilgrims worshipped in front of Xuanxin one after another...

And Xuan Xin also felt a pure power of faith from this.

The incense is strong and there are thousands of believers. This is the real highlight of Shaolin.


Announcing the Buddha's name, Xuanxin clasped his hands together, and he was a master of Taoism.

The demeanor of the monk is convincing.

Xuan Xin also has a jade slip in his hand, which is the construction of the sect: the ladder of trial.

Shaolin now has unparalleled reputation and influence in the entire Tianbei City.

Xuan Xin believed that as long as he announced that Shaolin would recruit a group of disciples to start, it would surely cause a great sensation and repercussions in Tianbei City.

Nowadays, Shaolin's reputation and influence, as well as the status of the sect, obviously cannot be supported by such a few monks.

It is necessary to recruit disciples and bring in more talents.

This trial ladder can very well help Xuanxin and screen out a group of talents, savvy and solid foundation.

There are also disciples with great luck.

Just as Xuan Xin, holding the jade slip in his hand, prepared to reveal the construction of the sect in one fell swoop at this Shaolin's bright moment: the trial of the ladder.

The mutation is highlighted.

The spiritual wind between heaven and earth surged wildly.

Accompanied by the gusty wind howled.

Gangfeng vigor and spiritual energy swarmed, and two spiritual vortexes formed not far away.

The pilgrims who had awakened from their obsessional dreams looked horrified.

"That's Guangliang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, An Ruyun, the lord of Hengdao Sect, Ji Yuan, the lord of Wujian Villa, and Nangong Wentian, the lord of the Nangong family."

"It's Master Zhiyun, an eminent monk of Wenshu Monastery, and grandmother-in-law Zihua, ancestor of Heng Daozong..."

"What happened?"

"They seem to be protecting the Dharma for the two ancestors."

"This is terrible, shouldn't the two ancestors break through?"

"This is a vision of heaven and earth, the two ancestors are about to break through..."

"Oh my god, my two ceiling-level ancestors in Tianbei City actually broke through on the same day..."

"Hey, there are such wonders..."



A group of pilgrims were horrified and gathered in the distance.

Guang Liang, An Ruyun, old village owner Ji Yuan, and Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian, their expressions flushed with excitement.

Excited, and at the same time guarding the two ancestors with an alert look.

At this moment, a vision appeared in the sky, the wind was surging, and the wind was gusting...

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