Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 218: All the disciples are out

Three days later, Shaolin will hold a Fa conference, the four thousand-year heritage families of Beiyuan Mansion, and the martial arts sects of each town and the martial arts family.

Patriarchs of the sects will gather in Shaolin to participate in the Fa conference.

And Shaolin will recruit four generations of disciples from Juezi generation next month.

The news soon spread throughout Shaolin, and all the disciples of Juezi generation were very excited, and started to get busy for their performance three days later.

The news soon spread throughout the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

The entire Beiyuan Mansion was followed by a sensation.

If conditions permit, they are all rushing towards Tianbei City, wanting to witness the first martial art of Beiyuan Mansion.

The supreme martial arts, the leader of the sect, the style of Shaolin, the Buddhist sacred place.

There are also various families and sects, after knowing that Shaolin will recruit 500 disciples from the four generations of Juezi generation.

Started gearing up to move around.

Planning, let his own Tianjiao disciples participate in the selection of the four generations of Shaolin disciples next month.

You know, worship Shaolin and become a Shaolin disciple.

Represents future achievements.

The upper limit of the future.

The future is limitless, and the fact that one's own disciples can worship Shaolin is a glamorous thing for all sects and families.

This is easy to understand.

Originally, your martial arts talents are relatively good, and working hard in this life is hopeful of breaking through innate.

But if you can worship Shaolin.

Based on Shaolin's martial arts heritage, Shaolin's martial arts heritage and martial arts strength.

Then your upper limit is not just breaking through the innate realm, but it is very likely to break through and reach the foundation building period.

You can even think about it even during the Jin Dan period.

Dreaming is also possible.

It is conceivable that when this news spread throughout the entire Beiyuan Mansion, how intense the surging in the dark was...

The rise of Shaolin was also the beginning of the reshuffle of the martial arts forces in Beiyuan Mansion.

The family of three days passed quickly.

In these three days, all the disciples of the four generations of the character generation were too busy or too tired.

But everyone's face was filled with pride.

The spirit and spirit revealed in his eyes, as well as the sharpness displayed on his body, were extremely compelling.

For the past two days, Xuan Xin has been waiting, waiting for the two seniors of Xuan Gang and Xuan Yuan, and the three direct disciples of Wu Zhen Wu Tian Wu Yan to leave the pass.

Finally, early in the morning, Xuan Xin received the news that Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, Wu Zhen Wu Tian Wu Yan had all left the gate.

In the abbot's monastery.

Xuan Xin was slowly drinking a cup of fragrant tea.

In front of him stood a tall and mighty tiger, but the little spiritual expression in front of Xuan Xin was as meek as a cat.


Wearing a monk's clothes, the funny-looking little wine stood on the tiger's back and made serious gestures.

Twitter, jumping up and down from time to time.

"Let them all come in."

Putting down the tea bowl, Xuan Xin found that Xiaojiu's tea making skills were getting better and better.


Xiaojiu got the order and rode out of the abbot's monastery.

Outside the door, Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, who had already left the pass, also had his elder disciple Wu Zhen, his second disciple Wu Tian, ​​and his third disciple Wu Yan.

The direct disciple Wu Jian, three generations of disciples of the former Chao Ge Lao Wu Neng, Wu Yun exists as a divine soul.

The two direct disciples of the old monk Wu Ming, Zhiguang and Zhiwen.

Shaolin guardian, four generations of disciple Jueyuan.

Gu Shi stood respectfully at the door, and when he saw Xiao Jiu come out, his eyes immediately gathered on Xiao Jiu's body.


Xiaojiu's little spiritual expression made a twitter gesture.

Finally, he raised his little paw to signal them to go in.


Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan announced the Buddha's name, and everyone behind him followed along with his hands together to announce the Buddha's name.

"The monk is polite."

Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, the two of them stepped forward, put their hands together and hit Xiao Jiu.

Now everyone knows that there is another monster tiger in the abbot's monastery, with a strength comparable to that of a strong golden core, and a little ferret whose spirituality is extremely comparable to that of a holy beast.

And also the steward of the abbot's temple.

In charge of all affairs in the abbot's monastery.

The most important point is that the demon king tiger and sacred little ferret are still a monk in Shaolin.

He was a monk in Shaolin.

The kind that is recorded.

It is a monk of Shaolin Zhenger Eight Classics, this is known to everyone in Shaolin.


The little wine standing on Fuhu's back was refreshed by Xuan Gang's name as a great monk.

I just feel floating all over.

With great satisfaction in his heart, the small wine with his two claws closed and looked at Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan.

You must know that in Shaolin, the highest status is the Xuanzi generation.

There are only three monks of the Xuan Zi generation.

The abbot Xuanxin, and the abbot's two senior brothers, Xuangang Xuanyuan.

Although Xiao Jiu dismissed Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan's strength, he still respected the two people's identity and status.

After Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan entered the Abbot's Monastery.

The next one is Wuzhen, the elder disciple of the inheritance.

"I have seen the great monk."

Wu Zhen stepped forward, feeling refreshed in front of Piao Piao Li, and had lost his little wine respectfully.

For Wuzhen, Xiaojiu was not so polite.

Nodded, pretending to be a noble Buddhist monk...

Looks very decent.

But more still give people a funny feeling.

Next, the second disciple Goten, the five-year-old abbot's direct disciple, also approached Xiaojiu to show his respect.

Finally, Wu Yan, Wu Jian, Wu Neng, Wu Yun, Zhi Guang, Zhi Wen, Jue Yuan.

Before entering the abbot's monastery one by one, they all respectfully bowed to the little wine.

It can be said to give enough face to Xiaojiu.

Satisfy the vanity of the little wine.

Also let Xiaojiu completely lost himself in the beautiful fantasy of a Taoist monk. UU reading www.

Xuan Gang, Xuan Yuan, Wu Zhen, Wu Tian, ​​Wu Yan, Wu Jian, Wu Neng, Wu Yun, Zhi Guang, Zhi Wen, and Jue Yuan.

After entering the abbot's monastery, he was very reverent and fanatical to Xuanxin respectfully.

All of them were very excited.

Especially Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, especially Xuan Yuan was moved to cry.

He didn't expect that after he came out of retreat, Shaolin had become the supreme martial artist of Beiyuan Mansion.

Became the martial arts leader of Beiyuan Mansion.

Shaolin has become a super sect that dominates one side.



It can be said that Xuan Yuan was a particularly emotional person, and he cried in front of everyone.

"Master, your old man is serving the Buddha in the sky. Have you seen Shaolin's changes today?"

Xuan Yuan was crying and wiping away tears, thinking that his master Hui Neng had just passed away and passed on the position of abbot to his younger brother.

Shaolin is precarious, but it is a dilapidated mountain temple.

Can’t eat or wear warm...

In less than a year, Shaolin has developed into a super sect under the leadership of his junior brother.

The incense is vigorous, and pilgrims fill the door every day.

Xuanyuan's sensibility and excitement can actually be understood by Xuanxin.

Xuan Gang belongs to the kind of martial idiot who lacks roots.

What he cares most about is martial arts, but he lacks attention and interest in Shaolin's development.

Xuan Yuan is the real sign of Shaolin love.

The real, heartfelt hope that Shaolin will develop and rise...

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