Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 219: Go really anxious and depressed

The two seniors, as well as the disciples, all left, and a pair of eyes were full of fanatical expressions and looked at Xuanxin religiously.

Excitement was hard to hide on everyone's face.

Especially Xuan Yuan, after entering the Abbot's Monastery, after seeing Xuan Xin, he cried and wiped out tears.

I managed to control my emotions with great difficulty.

Xuan Xin raised his eyes and swept away, and immediately felt in his heart that nowadays Shaolin is really talented and very rare.

Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, Wu Zhen Wu Tian Wu Yan Wu Jian, Wu Neng Wu Yun Zhi Guang Zhi Wen and Jue Yuan.

These people standing in the yard are the backbone of Shaolin in the future.

The three generations of disciples except for the old monk Wu Ming.

It's all here.

The old monk Wu Ming guards the Tibetan scripture pavilion, and the soul is integrated with the Tibetan scripture pavilion. Obviously, he can't leave the Tibetan scripture pavilion and come to this Abbot Monastery.

Zhiguang Zhiwen belongs to the special existence of high-end combat power.

The status is comparable to that of three generations of disciples.

The only four-generation disciple is here, Jueyuan, who is both a four-generation disciple and a Shaolin protector.

Jueyuan's status is no worse than that of the three generations of disciples.

Secondly, as a four-generation disciple, Jueyuan can be said to be a flag and card of Shaolin.

Who doesn't want to worship Shaolin?

Who doesn't want to be a legendary existence like Jueyuan?

At the age of only fifteen, he has already built the foundation for Dzogchen, and even cultivated his heavenly powers to the realm of perfection.

Jueyuan is a role model for all four generations of disciples, as well as those Tianjiao martial artists who dream of worshipping Shaolin.

Looking at Shaolin, who is now full of talents, Xuan Xin couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

His eyes first focused on his two seniors.

Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, Xuan Xin's two senior brothers, his right arms are called Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young.

These two martial arts aptitudes are not particularly top-notch, even if Wu Chi Xuan Gang is placed among the enchanting Tianjiao.

The martial arts talents can only be reduced to ordinary...

But Xuan Xin knew that the martial talents of his two seniors did not lie in their true power.

It does not lie in Dharma understanding.

It's luck.

It is the kind of luck that is inexplicably strong.

Very surprising kind.

One crouching dragon and one phoenix chicks, the kind of inexplicably unreasonable qi luck.

In one sentence, these two people are not excellent.

There are no special advantages either.

But if you find it, it is a treasure.

These two treasures, kept in the sect, are to be sacrificed so that he and he will live well, which will have unexpected benefits for the sect...

At least in Xuanxin's golden pupil of Qi Luck, from the analysis of Shaolin's current Qi Luck.

This Xuangang Xuanyuan, the posture of the crouching dragon and phoenix young, is used to help Xuanxin suppress Qi Yun.

The two seniors stood beside Xuan Xin with their left and right arms.

What kind of enchanting Tianjiao, what kind of child of luck, and what kind of child of destiny, Xuan Xin can control and suppress it well.

This is the greatest use of the two seniors discovered by Xuan Xin through observing the mystery of Qi Luck and finally reached a conclusion.

Thinking of this, Xuan Xin's eyes showed a gentle smile.

The two seniors of Xuan Gang and Xuan Yuan, the martial arts strength has reached the congenital perfection.

Especially Xuangang, this Shaolin martial idiot, has a pure masculine aura especially vigorous, and a terrible power is hidden in his body.

The breath exuding is even more fierce and domineering.

There is also a sense of force and oppression that is powerful and domineering.

Xuan Gang possessed Wolong Qi Luck, which supported Shaolin's Qi Luck in martial arts.

"Xuan Gang."

Xuan Xin glanced, and nodded very satisfied.

"The disciple is..."

Xuan Gang scratched his head, flushed and walked out excitedly.

"Didn't you always want to see the Tathagata Palm of Shaolin's Zhensi Divine Art?"

"After the Fa conference is over, you can go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to learn it."

"If you don't understand, you can ask Zhiguang Zhiwen for advice..."

Xuan Gang now has the strength of innate Dzogchen, and it can be said that he has the foundation for learning the palm of the Tathagata.

Zhiguang Zhiwen, these two Jindan stage Dzogchen powerhouses.

Shaolin's high-end combat power had already grasped the Tathagata Palm, and if Xuan Gang could get the guidance of the two of them.

Believe that it can also make rapid progress, and the martial arts strength will be further improved.


"Little Junior Brother... is what you said true?"

"It's that epic-level hand that fell from the sky, right?"

Xuan Gang suddenly showed ecstasy, and he forgot to call him the abbot, but kindly handed him over to his junior brother.

It can be said that I was overwhelmingly moved.


Xuan Xin smiled and nodded. Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan showed respect to Xuan Xin, the little junior.

It also maintains the majesty of Xuanxin.

In fact, the feelings of the three brothers are still very deep.

Xuan Xin also values ​​this feeling very much, and the two seniors are the treasures of Xuan Xin's luck in suppressing Qi Luck!

"Xuan Yuan."

Xuan Xin withdrew her gaze, and then aimed at the stabilized emotions, looking a little chubby Xuan Yuan with big ears.

"The disciple is here."

Xuanyuan folded his hands together and stood up solemnly and meticulously.

"You can read the Mahayana Buddhism at the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion at will."

"In the future, if you have any confusion about the Buddha, you can also ask Enlightenment Duoduo for advice."

Xuan Xin knew that Xuan Yuan was quite savvy in Buddhism, and Xuan Yuan had always been obsessed with Buddhism.

But there is a lack of interest in martial arts.

Xuan Yuan possessed phoenix young air luck, and what he supported was Shaolin's air luck in Buddhism.


Xuan Yuan's performance was much more subtle and polite.

After putting his hands together and hitting the chief inspector.

He was quiet, and returned to his position like an old monk entered into concentration.

After confessing the two seniors, Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan of the Xuan character generation, Xuan Xin's attention turned to several of her disciples.

Three direct disciples.

A personal disciple.

The direct disciple, Wu Zhen Wu Tian Wu Yan, among which Wu Zhen is dying, but he is the true emperor with strong luck.

The body possesses infinite merits, and it is even more condensed into a nine-story golden pagoda of merits. UU reading www.

Great disciple Wuzhen, the only shortcoming is that there is no hope in martial arts in this life, even if he is in retreat for so long, Wuzhen is only fourfold...



After a glance, the trembling, very old disciple, Xuan Xin was speechless for a while and didn't know what to say.

This big disciple is too old.

The old Xuanxin no longer knew how to train him.

Gozen can be said to have top luck.

But where is his chance, his way?

"The disciple is here."

Wuzhen was old and prudent, and stepped forward and stood up.

Seeing Master look speechless.

Gojin's heart is bitter and helpless...

He is a major disciple of the Shaolin abbot, he is the orthodox core of Shaolin martial arts inheritance and the orthodox successor of Shaolin's promotion of Buddhism.

It can be said to be the most watched existence.

Generally speaking, the major disciple of the direct inheritance will inherit the family business from now on. He realizes that he will be the abbot of Shaolin in the future...

But he was too old, Wuzhen knew very well in his heart that he was powerless in martial arts.

There is no shortcut.

Throughout his life, the achievements in martial arts are at most the nine layers of the acquired.

Innate hopeless.

What about Buddhism?

For the realization of Buddhism, Wuzhen also felt exhausted because of his old age.

In fact, Wuzhen has always been anxious and depressed in his heart, but this anxiety and depression has been buried deep in his heart.

And it didn't burst out...

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