Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 220: 3 direct disciples

For Wuzhen, Xuanxin really had no choice.

Why are you so old?

Judging from the golden dragon of Qi Luck in Shaolin, through the long river of fate of Wuzhen, it can be seen that Qi Luck of Wuzhen is closely connected with Shaolin.

It also played a vital role in the rise of Shaolin.

But where is Gozen's chance?

At least, Xuan Xin still couldn't see through.

As a major disciple of the abbot's direct lineage, Wuzhen's inheritance in terms of identity and status is the most authentic.

Xuanxin can also understand the pressure and anxiety of Wuzhen.

Looking at Wuzhen's expectant eyes.

Xuan Xin said, "Everything is impermanent. When there is life, there must be an end. If you don't cling to birth and death, your heart will be quiet and not mindful, but will have eternal joy."

"Dependent origination and demise, destiny gathering and degeneration, everything is God's will."

"The Buddha said: The world of various states is a sea of ​​bitterness, and you can go ashore when you see through the red dust."

"Buddha is cultivation, demon is the heart demon."

"The devil is one foot high, and the Buddha is one foot high."

"Everything is in the hollow phase of the mirror, and finally all phases have no phase."

"The Buddha said: It's hard for the common people to survive."

Just when Xuan Xin spoke in French to persuade Wu Zhen.

A thought came out of my mind.

Gozen is so old.

Is it possible to arrange for him to go to reincarnation?

Using the Great Reincarnation technique, Wuzhen was directly reincarnated and rebuilt.

Use the Great Reincarnation technique to capture the true spirit of enlightenment, the born soul boy becomes a baby, and the true spirit will be restored when he is eight or nine years old.

Reintroduce him to Shaolin...


Thinking of the beauty, Xuan Xin couldn't help taking a breath.

I feel that this method is more and more wonderful.

And it seems that this is the way of enlightenment.

Wuzhen has great luck and great merit, and has been condensed into a nine-story golden pagoda.

Logically speaking, this enlightenment is a great good person of the ninth world.

Only by accumulating virtue and doing good in each life can so many merits be condensed.

The nine-story gold pagoda of merit in this life has been completed. Doesn’t reincarnation mean that the merits of enlightenment are completed?

This is the way of enlightenment.

Reincarnated and rebuilt, carrying the great mission of promoting Shaolin Buddhism!


I saw Wuzhen being guided by Xuanxin's whispering French.

Shaking all over.

Kneeling directly on the ground.

He kept muttering, savoring Master’s micro-speaking French full of Buddhism and Zen.

Suddenly, the word "put down" appeared in Wuzhen's heart.

And deeply rooted.

In the dark, Wuzhen seemed to understand something.

I also realized what...

Suddenly, a seed took root in Wuzhen's heart, waiting for the time to take root and sprout...

"The disciple must remember the teacher's teachings."

At this moment, Wuzhen's heart door opened.

Various thoughts began to plant seeds in the heart.

Waiting for the day to take root and sprout.

lay down.

Only by letting go, can you experience the real test that belongs to you, and only when you pass the test can you walk out of the road that belongs to you.


Xuan Xin didn't know it, and his words of persuasion would make Wu Zhen put his mind down on defense.

Countless seeds will be planted in Wuzhen's heart.

Knowing that one day, these seeds will take root, and everything in the future will become so uncontrollable.

The idea of ​​using the Great Reincarnation technique to make Wuzhen reincarnate and re-cultivation was already out of control in Xuan Xin's heart.

Of course, Xuan Xin is just thinking about it now.

I really want to do that.

I don't know how long it will take to plan.

"Master, hehehe..."

Xuan Xin was still thinking about Wu Tian, ​​who was only five years old as his second disciple.

Just a hippie smile ran to Xuan Xin.

Very affectionately pulling Xuanxin's skirt.

Xuan Xin came back to her senses and looked at Wu Tian who was a little mischievous. This little guy was full of spirituality.

Wu Tian has always given Xuan Xin a feeling of appreciating food.

What is the Son of Destiny.

The one who eats food is called the Son of Destiny.

Wutian has great luck in his body, and his physical luck is almost the same as Wuzhen, but the fate of Wutian and Wuzhen are very different.

Wuzhen is dying, experiencing hardships and ups and downs.

Suffering and bitterly forced.

In this life, it's a rough and hard life and it's full of sadness.

Look at Wu Tian, ​​wisdom is natural, full of aura, loved by heaven and earth, and everything is going smoothly with the help of heaven.

This time the retreat, this little guy was casual, and easily reached the foundation-building period.

Wu Yan, who also possesses great fortune and is also the fate of the Son of Destiny, stayed far away.

Not to mention Wuzhen's dying hardship, even if it is Wu Yan, a son of luck, who is against the sky and changes his fate, compared with Wu Tian, ​​who enjoys food and eats food.

It is also a big hardship.

Seeing Wutian's strength, it gives people a feeling of jealousy and shock.

What is inherent perfection?

This is called perfection.

This sub-spirituality, this sub-divine wisdom, and Wu Tian's immature face are seven to eight similar to Xuan Xin's handsome face.

Needless to say.

When Wu Tian grows up, he will inevitably be a generation of beautiful, extraordinary, and perfect people whose strength has reached the ceiling.

"Not bad."

Seeing Wu Tian's martial arts strength, Xuan Xin nodded with satisfaction.

Raised his hand and touched Wu Tian's head.

This little guy is Shaolin's real card face and force.

I don't know what kind of sensation and shock will be caused by the little fellow Wu Tian's appearance in front of the world at this Shaolin Fa conference.

"Hee hee hee……"

Wu Tian grinned, actually relying on Xuanxin's pampering and sat down directly beside Xuanxin.

Among the abbot's monastery, there is only Wu Tian, ​​who is only five years old, the second disciple.

Can be so casual.

Others, all respectful stood aside carefully and honestly.

"Wu Yan."

Xuan Xin will look at it, and Wu Yan said with a determined and pious look on the side.

"The disciple is here."

Wu Yan stepped forward immediately.

Waiting for Xuanxin to teach.

"If you have time, go back and have a look."

This Xiao Jia Tianji, which was once reduced to waste, was a child of destiny with great fortune and was born with fire.

"Fire" is imprinted in the fate

Now he has the martial arts strength of innate Dzogchen.

The Xiao family was in Luoxian Town, very close to Shaoshi Mountain, and the Xiao family was the first martial arts family to move closer to Shaolin.

But with Shaolin's fame and influence today.

The Xiao family is nothing more than an inconspicuous little family. Xuan Xin hopes that the Xiao family, who is close to Shaolin, can grow and develop.

"Yes, the disciple will."

Xiao Huohuo folded his hands and nodded.

Since he came to Shaolin, he has focused on martial arts, and he hasn't heard from the family for a long time.

I don't know how the family has developed recently.

Shaolin had risen too fast and fiercely, even Xiao Huohuo felt a little uncomfortable. In just a few months, Shaolin was already the supreme martial artist in Beiyuan Mansion.

The martial arts leader is already a super sect.

But Xiao Huohuo didn't worry about it. After all, the Xiao family and Shaolin were so close, and he was a direct disciple of the Shaolin abbot.

The Xiao family is the glory of Shaolin, and it has developed extremely well in comparison with the recent period.

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