Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 224: Minister of Justice Shinto

Everyone's eyes were focused on Wu Tian, ​​who was only five years old, but revealed his martial arts strength during the foundation period.

From Wu Tian, ​​people see the future.

Wu Tian is only five years old now, and he is still a young boy who is just sensible.

After Wu Tian grows up, or in other words, what terrifying martial arts strength will he have when he grows up?

This is what everyone can see. As long as Wu Tian does not die, he is given 20 to 30 years of growth time, not even 20 to 30 years.

It only takes ten years for Shaolin to be in this great Zhou Dynasty.

Even in the entire world, it has become the most powerful Dingding Qiankun super large sect.

Shaolin's strength in martial arts in the future can be said to be visible to everyone.

"This kind of enchanting Tianjiao is rare for thousands of years."

"Yes, Shaolin's future can be expected."

"With Wutian, Shaolin's martial arts inheritance will allow Shaolin to flourish for at least a hundred years."

"Hi, I seem to have seen that an era that belongs to Buddhism and Shaolin is opening."

"That's how it is said, but who can guarantee that Wu Tian will not die?"

"Yeah, I think Shaolin is still careless, like Wu Tian's enchanting aptitude, shouldn't let him show up..."

"Hey, this is exactly what I am worried about. Wu Tian should not be allowed to show up. He should be given 20 to 30 years to cultivate and grow."

"No, it only takes ten years for this Wutian to grow up and become an existence that we need to look up to..."

"It is conceivable that Wu Tian's appearance now will definitely attract the attention and attention of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty and the top powers of all parties."

"Yes, Shaolin's potential is really terrible..."

A lot of Beiyuan Mansion, the suzerains or households of various sects and families.

After a burst of heartbreak.

In my heart, there was a wave of caress about the sky.

First of all, everyone has a clear expectation in their hearts, that is, Shaolin is their leader.

Big brother with the handle.

Secondly, Shaolin's future has unlimited development potential.

Shaolin will rise further and has the potential to become the world's top sect.

They are now embracing the big thick leg of Shaolin, and in the future, with the rise of Shaolin, they will reap huge benefits...

This is a clear expectation that everyone has set up in their minds.

That is Shaolin is awesome, and Shaolin will be very awesome when he comes. Big brother with the handle is awesome, this little brother who closely follows the big brother.

Can't you follow to make a fortune?

All of this is due to the appearance of Wu Tian, ​​and the appearance of Wu Tian made everyone clearly see.

Shaolin will become the top sect.

And the hearts of the people, also in this invisibility, were all condensed by Shaolin.

A consensus has been formed, that is, to follow Shaolin closely and to worship Shaolin as the supreme.

With such a consensus and popular support, there will be people's worries from the bottom of their hearts.

That is, will Wutian die?

Will it be suppressed by other top big sect forces before it grows up?

Xuan Xin, who was sitting on the main stage of the play, closed his eyes.

He already felt the power of faith that surged forward. Shaolin has gathered the luck of the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

This is the purpose of Xuanxin.

The second disciple Wu Tian is so dazzling, he reached the base-building martial arts strength at the age of only five.

This brought it out, directly condensing people's hearts.

Look, this is the potential of Shaolin, still do your best to follow Shaolin?

Still not following Shaolin wholeheartedly?

As for the worries in everyone's hearts, whether Wu Tian will die, will he be targeted by other top big sects.

Then it caused trouble, and these Xuanxins also considered it.

For one thing, the profound mind with great supernatural powers requires Shaolin to gather absolute luck.

Secondly, now Xuanxin is also confident.

Thirdly, this Shaolin condensed the golden dragon of Qi Luck. From the information of Qi Luck, it can be seen that Shaolin's future prosperity depends on the two major disciples of Wuzhen and Wutian.

It is obviously impossible to grow up silently.

Before the puja started, all the suzerains and patriarchs from various towns except Beiyuan Mansion.

Shocked and hotly discussed, the heart like a huge wave of cares.

There are also the core disciples who came with them, the most talented disciples of the various sects and martial arts families in the entire Beiyuan Palace.

I saw Wu Tian, ​​a five-year-old boy.

Already have the martial arts strength during the foundation period.

In my heart, a sense of looking up directly arises, and I can't give birth to any thoughts of wanting to compete.

How is this contest?

Most of them are between ten and twenty years old, and they are a whole round older than Goten in age.

In terms of martial arts strength, half of them are in the Kou Tian Kou.

The top, but also the mid-innate period.

Don't say it is compared with Wu Tian, ​​the evildoer Tianjiao who has already built the foundation, it is Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan and Wu Yan, these few people are compared.

It's still a little bit short.

Because of Wu Tian's existence, now Lian Zhi Guang Zhi Wen, these two existences that everyone was most concerned about before.

No one went to take another look.

The four great inheritance families of Beiyuan Mansion have become true past tense...

The inheritance of Shaolin martial arts, the strength of Shaolin martial arts, the inheritance of Shaolin Buddhism, and the future development and rise of Shaolin.

A deep imprint has been left in everyone's heart.

A clear expectation was formed in everyone's mind.

When everything is ready. UU reading

Everyone's eyes focused on Xuan Xin again, because Xuan Xin is the backbone of everyone's hearts.

It is the most pious and holy faith.

It is the core support.

The scene was silent, no one dared to make the slightest noise to destroy the tranquility and peace.

Quietly waiting for the start of the play.

When Muyu, a Shaolin magic tool, was taken out by Shaolin disciples and placed in front of Xuanxin.

Xuan Xin raised his hand and knocked on the wooden fish.

Tuk tuk...

The mysterious Muyu sound struck everyone's heart, one by one the masters, and the core Tianjiao disciples of each family.

After hearing the sound of the wooden fish, everyone sat down with a clear mind.

Xuan Xin never said a word from beginning to end.

At this moment, the golden Buddha light burst out from behind Xuan Xin's head, which made Xuan Xin's wearing a brocade robe look more sacred.

The profound heart bathed in golden light, the vastness of the Buddha's brilliance, is so sacred.

The magical golden light shines.

It still gave everyone a different mindset.

Under everyone's gaze, a golden light blasted straight into the sky and amidst the surging waves, a virtual shadow of the Buddha's golden body appeared behind Xuan Xin.

Supernatural power: Dharma image.

This is the first public use of Xuan Xinzi after signing in.

If it is said that the magical powers are shining with golden light, everyone's hearts are shocked and can be calmed down, then when Xuanxin exerts his magical powers: after the Dhamma.

After this Buddha phantom appeared, everyone could no longer remain calm.

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