Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 225: The puja is over

The mysterious sound of wooden fish, let the patriarchs of all the towns, martial arts families, and martial arts sects of Beiyuan Palace.

The mind is pure and clear.

At the same time, the golden Buddha light in Xuan Xin's mind shone, and Xuan Xin was set against the incomparably majestic and sacred landscape.

A golden light rushed straight into the sky.

The phantom of the Buddha, like a dream and illusion, appeared in front of everyone.

This Buddha phantom is extremely tall and exudes an unparalleled sacred brilliance, giving people a sense of oppressive breath of seeing the gods.

At this moment, everyone felt breathing stagnant.

The phantom of the Buddha, exuding the infinite power of the Buddha, and the radiant nature of the Buddha, is so big that it looks straight into the sky as if it overlooks the entire world from the sky.

It not only shocks people, but also has an inexplicable peace of mind.

The breath of Buddhism, the dojo of Buddhism, pervades.

In front of this near, illusory, dreamlike scene, an incomparable sense of insignificance appeared in everyone's hearts.

"This... the Buddha's manifestation..."

"God, miracles, Shaolin had such miracles."

"Hey, such an incredible sight is definitely not something human can do."

"This breath of Buddhism is close to the breath of Tao. It is so majestic and strong. It really is the Buddha's manifestation."

"It is rumored that Abbot Xuanxin can communicate with the Buddha. I saw it today..."

"This is too shocking, if you don't see it with your own eyes, it's absolutely unbelievable."

"Buddha, I actually saw the Buddha. Shaolin fruit is really a Buddhist holy land."

"Is this really a Buddha? This is definitely not a human, a sight that can be created..."

"Buddha light, Buddha, and this mysterious breath of Dharma, the power of the mysterious Dharma is simply..."

"Shaolin is a well-deserved Buddhist sacred place, and Abbot Xuanxin is the real Taoist monk."

"Abbot Xuanxin is the reincarnation of the Buddha and the true living Buddha. This is indisputable."

"Abbot Xuanxin's Dharma attainments, no one could compare to them at that time..."


The mysterious sound of wooden fish knocked in everyone's heart, and at the same time the golden dazzling Buddha light.

Plus this goes straight into the sky.

The breath of Tao, the mysterious power of Dharma, and the phantom of the Buddha that looked like a miracle, gave everyone an unparalleled shock.

In their opinion, such a miracle is definitely not achievable by humans.

It's not that you can do it when you reach the ceiling level in the martial arts realm.

Moreover, most of you here are martial arts powerhouses in the foundation-building period, and there are not a few martial arts powerhouses in the Jindan period.

Their insight is not weak, and their perception has reached the point of extreme keenness.

It's not that you can fool around with a little blindness.

They can perceive that a kind of breath that is close to Taoism, a kind of mysterious power of Dharma and the brilliance of Buddha nature, that kind of supreme Dharma power cannot deceive people.

This kind of mysterious breath and power can't be cost-effectively.

"Buddha bless."

"The Shaolin Buddhism is simple."

"Buddhist Holy Land, Shaolin Supreme."

"My Buddha is compassionate, and save all sentient beings."


These Beiyuan Mansions once crisscrossed an era, stomping the martial arts strongman who stomped a territories.

Including the four heads of the four thousand-year heritage families.

The family of martial arts in each town.

Budo sect.

A group of patriarchs and patriarchs, there are also core tianjiao who shine for a while.

Kneeled down all together.

All of them have a pious face, folded their hands like a devout believer, and worshipped the phantom Buddha, who was so tall and soaring straight into the sky, in the direction where Xuanxin was.

Sitting on the main stage of the Fa Fa conference, Xuan Xin felt this Buddhist dojo inexplicably.

Suddenly, an incredibly powerful incense poured in.

Very vigorous and full of life.

The surging power of faith was injected into his body, and that special sense of mystery gave Xuan Xin a sense of instant enlightenment and becoming a Buddha.

This degree of beauty can only be understood and unspeakable.

"As I have heard, for a time, the Buddha was in the solitary garden with the great bhikkhus in the Gyshu of Sāvatāva. At that time, when the Blessed One was eating, he dressed in clothes and a bowl, and went to the Sāvatāda to beg. In the city, begging for the second time and returning to this place. The food is finished, the clothes and bowls are collected, the feet are washed, and the seat is sitting..."

Xuanxin sitting on the main stage of the Fa conference, knocking on the Buddhist magic weapon, Muyu, preached Mahayana Buddhism [Diamond Sutra]

As soon as Xuan Xin spoke, the Sanskrit sound came into her ears.

Give people a different kind of listening enjoyment, just feel that this Dharma text is so wonderful.

No matter how I listen, I feel that I'm not listening enough.

At the same time, at the foot of the mountain, Zi Ah Shao Shi, a group of civilian warriors and casual repair rangers, they have been waiting at the foot of the mountain because they can't climb the mountain.

But under the mountain, they also saw the phantom of the Buddha like a miracle.

The mystery is incredible.

One by one was overwhelmed.

When this Dharma text exploded in their ears, it spread to their minds.

The Buddha is the soul, and it is extremely beautiful.

Everyone couldn't help but feel the clarity of mind and the mysterious breath of Dharma...

Before they knew it, everyone sat cross-legged, closed their eyes and began to listen carefully to the sound that was transmitted to the heart, but it seemed to be blasting in the ears in the mind.

Listening to this voice, preach the unfathomable Dharma scriptures that point straight to the great road.

"Buddha tells Subudi: The Bodhisattva Mahasattva should subdue his mind like this! All living beings and the like: if the egg is born, if the viviparous, if the wet, if the metamorphosis; if it is colored, if it is colorless; if there is a thought, if there is no Thinking, if it is not thinking or not thinking, I will make the infinite nirvana and extinction. In this way, there are countless infinite living beings, and there are really no living beings who can be saved. Why? Subdhi! If the Bodhisattva has my image and human beings The appearance, the appearance of sentient beings, and the appearance of longevity, UU reading is not a bodhisattva."

The sound of Xuan Xin's teaching of the scriptures spread to the entire Shaoshi Mountain.

The Patriarch and Sect Master, as well as the core disciples of Tianjiao, all closed their eyes and unknowingly entered the dream of attachment.

The entire Shaoshi Mountain has become a huge dojo at this moment.

In the sky, it seemed to be reverberating, the sound of Xuanxin's lectures, countless birds and small animals passing by, all stopped and unknowingly took a nap on the side of the road or on the tree.

In the jungle, the fish in the mountain streams seem to have been infected by the breath of this mysterious Buddhist temple.

I was immersed in the sound of Xuanxin's teachings.

The entire Shaoshi Mountain, at this moment, is surprisingly quiet, just like the Western Heavenly Paradise, which makes people feel peaceful.

Inner peace and happiness.

Liberation and detachment, clinging to epiphany, worries and relief, the faces of all beings are completely different.

"The law is equal, and there is no superiority or superiority, it is the name of the three Bodhi of Agudara; if there is no self, no one, no sentient beings, and lifeless people, by cultivating all good dharma, you will get the three Bodhi of Agudara. Subhuti! Those who say good dharma are not good dharma, they are name good dharma..."

Time passed without knowing it. After Xuan Xin finished his preaching from the [Diamond Sutra], he started the preaching of the [Di Zang Ben Wish Sutra] and [Lian Hua Miao Dharma Sutra].

This talk is several hours.

But everyone, as if not feeling the passage of time.

I was immersed in my obsessional dreams like mesmerizing, as if these several hours of time were just a moment.

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