Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 226: Alliance of 5 provinces in North Lingnan Province

This time the Fa conference can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful, and it has affected the development of martial arts in the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

Four thousand-year-old inheritance families, as well as sects and martial arts families in various towns.

All became vassals of Shaolin.

All have become Shaolin's devout followers.

Shaolin's reputation and influence can be said to have been deeply rooted in the people's hearts in Beiyuan Mansion, and Shaolin's martial arts leader status has reached the point where it cannot be shaken.

After Xuan Xin finished preaching the Mahayana Buddhism.

He returned to the Abbot's Monastery.

At this moment, the entire Shaoshi Mountain was still in silence.

As if time has stalled.

It is full of tranquility and peace, and the rich Buddhist rhyme is profound and mysterious, and the birds on the tree are still standing motionless on the branches at this moment.

Four heads of a family of four thousand years of inheritance.

There is also a kind of Beiyuan Mansion, the patriarchs of the sects and families, at this moment, they are still in the dream of obsession.

Still comprehending the Dharma, still in epiphany.

There is no need for Xuanxin to worry about the next thing, some cumbersome things such as Shaolin will receive the incense supply from various sects and families.

There are also some distributions of benefits that do not require Xuanxin to come forward in person.

The meaning of Xuanxin's existence is more like a symbolic spiritual leader.

It can unite the various strengths of the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

Under the leadership of Shaolin, resolve conflicts and differences between each other and redistribute their respective interests and demands...

【Abbot sign-in system】

value: 42006400

Merit value: 31000

After returning to the temple, Xuan Xin first checked his own attribute panel information.

Obviously after this grand Fa conference.

The check-in value has almost doubled, and the merit value has also increased a lot inexplicably.

Merit value is a good thing, which Xuanxin cares more about now. This supernatural power: great wishing technique and supernatural power: great reincarnation technique.

They all need to consume a lot of merit.

Supernatural powers: Great reincarnation technique, and supernatural powers: Great wishing technique. It costs 20,000 merits to use it once.

For now, Xuanxin cannot afford to accumulate such merits at all.

It has been several days since the end of the Fa conference.

In the past few days, Xuan Xin has never paid attention to Shaolin affairs. At present, Xuan Yuan is in charge of Shaolin's internal affairs.

Shaolin's external affairs are in charge of Jue Yuanzai.

As for the teaching and management of the disciples, especially the four generations of disciples, Juezi generation, is managed by Wuyun.

For Shaolin, even the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

The most important, the most concerned event.

Just one month later, Shaolin will recruit five hundred four-generation disciples.

After this conference, there are four thousand-year-old inheritance families, as well as various martial arts sects and martial arts families in Beiyuan Prefecture.

They are all actively planning to make their own disciples of Tianjiao who meet the requirements.

Prepare to participate in the selection and trial of the four generations of Shaolin disciples one month later.

In addition, some civilian martial artists, casual cultivators and rangers are also gearing up to prepare for the selection of the four generations of Shaolin disciples in a month's time...

At present, the attention of the entire Beiyuan Mansion is focused on the selection of the four generations of Shaolin disciples.

It can be said that Shaolin is really at its peak today.

Like the sun in the sky.

"Disciple Jueyuan, please see the abbot."

As the Shaolin Dharma protector and responsible for Shaolin's external affairs, Jueyuan came to the abbot's monastery and bowed devoutly.

"Come in."

Xuan Xin knew that Jue Yuan usually came over to disturb him when something important happened.

And this matter is not small.

"Abbot, this is a document from the Governor's Mansion of the Northern Lingnan Road from the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"This is Nanyuan Mansion, a handwritten script by Taiyi Master Dao Wen Dao Wen..."

As soon as Jue Yuan came in, he took out two copies of the essay from his body and handed them to Xuan Xin respectfully.


Xuan Xin took the paper from Jue Yuan, and first opened the document from the Provincial Governor's Mansion on the North Lingnan Road. The document was stamped with the seal of the Cabinet of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

At the same time, there is the approval of the governor's office.

Looks very formal.

Very atmospheric.

Very official, very formal, this is endorsed by the court.

It probably means that in the five provinces of North Lingnan Road, the various sect forces spontaneously formed an alliance, and the martial arts alliance court approved and approved it.

And strongly supported it.

After reading this document, Xuan Xin still didn't figure out what was going on with the document sent by the Governor of the North Lingnan Road.

The imperial court endorsed the alliance of Wufu martial arts in Lingnanbei Dao.

What kind of alliance is this?

Why form an alliance?

Shaolin, who just took charge of the Beiyuan Mansion, the leader of the martial arts alliance's bull's sect is completely unclear about what this is going to do?

Until I opened this handwritten handbook by Dao Wen Dao Wen, the head teacher of Nan Yuan Mansion.

After reading it, Xuan Xin understood.

There are five prefectures in North Lingnan Road, namely Nanyuan Mansion, Zhongdu Mansion, Xishan Mansion, Dongshan Mansion, and Beiyuan Mansion.

The alliance this time is Taiyimen of Nanyuan Mansion, Heshishixuanmen of Zhongdu Mansion, Ximen Family of Dongshan Mansion, Yongling Temple of Xishan Mansion, and Shaolin Temple of Beiyuan Mansion.

Because now it is the Shaolin Temple, replacing the four thousand-year heritage families.

Become a true martial arts supreme.

Therefore, this time the Lingnan North Road and the five provinces formed an alliance, and the invitation letter for the document was sent to Shaolin.

To put it simply, Beiyuan Mansion is represented by Shaolin, Nanyuan Mansion is represented by Taiyimen, Zhongdu Mansion is represented by He Twelve Xuanmen, Dongshan Mansion is represented by Ximen Family, Xishan Mansion is represented by Yongling Temple . UU reading

In the entire North Lingnan Road, the strength of five super sects, Shaolin Temple, Taiyi Gate, He Twelve Profound Gate, Ximen Family, and Yongling Temple formed a new alliance.

Everyone has to choose a new supreme leader.

Why should we form an alliance?

Why choose a new leader?

Because of the chaos of the Demon Cult, in order to fight against the Demon Cult, the strengths of the various martial arts of the Lingnan North Road must be united.

Gather all the power...

Fight against the magic sect.

"Go and call Zhiguang."

After reading these two essays, Xuan Xin can say that he has no clue.

Shaolin has risen too fast.

In a very short period of time, from a small mountain temple suddenly became the super sect dominating Beiyuan Mansion.

As a result, Xuan Xin's eyes were blackened.

Xuan Xin hasn't even been out of Tianbei City, and he hasn't even traveled to Shaoshi Mountain. Where does he know what Lingnan North Road?

Where do you know what the five provinces of North Lingnan Road?

This Taiyi School, He Twelve Xuanmen, Ximen Family, and Xuanxin of Yongling Temple have never heard of it.

Simply ignorant.

Xuanxin also knows that Shaolin will inevitably expand to the outside world when it has developed to this point.

Participate in more external affairs.

In the future, Shaolin will have room for development outside Beiyuan Prefecture.

How can you do not understand anything with a black eye?

Fortunately, Zhiguang, the high-end combat power of Shaolin, was the head of the Lin family, the head of the four thousand-year-old inheritance family.

There should be a lot of information.

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